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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Knights Templar Oasis is an official body within the U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), located in Salem, Massachusetts. For more info visit:
Our Vision
* Knights Templar Oasis is dedicated to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.
* Our mission is to preserve and advance the religious tenets, doctrines, principles, teachings, traditions and rites of Ordo Templi Orientis. O.T.O. is a model religious and fraternal order of occult initiates, and a leading proponent of Thelemic thought and culture.
* We at Knights Templar Oasis, a chartered initiatory body of Ordo Templi Orientis are capable and ready to initiate any interested man or woman, free and of legal age, through the degrees of Minerval to III.
* We encourage creative excellence through aesthetic expression in all areas of individual and group endeavor, and promote an ethos inspired by Liber AL II:35—"Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty!"
* We will maintain and improve our physical presence in the Heart of Salem, Massachusetts, from which we will continue to offer services in support of our mission to our members and to the public.
* We will uphold the highest standards of excellence and effectiveness in the practice and dissemination of our religious, spiritual, magical, and ethical teachings.
* We will espouse and defend the principle of individual liberty while cultivating strong fraternal bonds within our ranks.
* We will foster harmonious and constructive relationships with the academic, business, civil, and greater social communities within which we operate.
Our Work
* We provide frequent opportunities for members to experience our Rites of Initiation, the Ecclesiastical Rites, and Fraternity in a variety of ritual and social settings.
* In addition to encouraging active participation in the principal rituals of the Order, we provide many opportunities for members and affiliates to engage in original ritual performances, theatrical productions, and seasonal celebrations.
* We also offer regular classes (many open to non-members), study groups, training programs, and guest lectures on various topics germane to the theory and practice of Magick, Thelema and Mysticism. In addition, we publish a Journal wherein members can share their personal literary and artistic productions; The Lifted Lance.
Our History
* Knights Templar Oasis was founded as Knights Templar Camp in 1991, receiving a charter to operate as an O.T.O Oasis in 1993, and obtained the acquisition of a permanent Temple/gathering facility in 2004. We are the oldest continually operating O.T.O body in the New Engalnd area. As of October 2007 ev, we are one of the largest O.T.O. bodies in the World.
Our Publication:
The Lifted Lance: The Official Journal of Knights Templar Oasis, O.T.O
Seeking original submissions of fiction, non-fiction, and artistic works. We will accept works of a thought proking, creative, and articulate nature. Works of a magical and thelemic nature are ideal, but we want original thought, OTO membership is not mandatory for inclusion.
If you are interested in submitting art or writing, please contact: [email protected]
Salem, MA
* While centralized in Salem, MA. we welcome inquiries from any and all interested parties, and proudly claim members living as distant as Central and Western Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.
* For more information on KTO Classes and Special Events please contact one of our officers at: [email protected]
For further information on KTO, please view our website at
For further information about O.T.O, please visit the U.S. Grand Lodge website at:
Love is the law, love under will.