LVX Lodge is an official body of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), located in Los Angeles, California. We were founded in 1989 e.v. by our very honored Frater S.L.Q. in Playa Del Rey, California, the site where many of the original Agape Lodge initiations took place in the 1930s and '40s. We have operated continuously in Los Angeles for over ten years.
LVX Lodge is equipped to perform initiations, Gnostic Masses and other rites of the O.T.O. The Master of the Lodge is chartered to conduct initiations from Minerval through the Third Degree. LVX Lodge can also conduct initiations through the Fourth and P.'.I.'. Degrees, with the appropriate assistance and authority of the U.S. Grand Lodge. The Lodge also possesses an extensive library of occult and Thelemic literature for the use of its membership.
LVX Lodge has also established its Sanctuary of the Star and Snake under the auspices of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica , the ecclesiastical branch of the O.T.O., and holds regular performances of Liber XV the Gnostic Catholic Mass, as well as offering baptism and confirmation into the E.G.C. to it's members and the interested members of the public.
LVX refers to a magical formula of Light employed in the Ritual of the Hexagram. It also alludes to the Latin word "lux", meaning light. In magical contexts, this light refers to the spiritual illumination of gnosis. The letters "L", "V", and "X" also stand for Roman numerals which total to the number 65. According to Hebrew gematria, the number 65 stands for the name "Adonai", meaning "Lord". In the Holy Books of Thelema, Adonai is often used to represent the Holy Guardian Angel, or divine nature of every human being.
The aims and purposes of LVX Lodge are as follows:
To advance the Law of Thelema by striving
to perfect it within ourselves, and
working to spread Thelemic principles
throughout the world (without seeking
to proselytize or convert followers).
To provide an environment of true
fellowship and mutual support for
men and women in pursuit of individual
liberty and spiritual illumination.
To provide education and instruction
in magick and the Hermetic Sciences,
aimed at assisting each person to
attain inner knowledge and mastery
of the self.
To conduct rites and celebrations
of Thelemic religion, for the spiritual
enrichment and manifestation of the
Thelemic current in the world.
To conduct initiations within the
Man of Earth triad of the Ordo Templi
Orientis, raising aspirants to the
degrees of Minerval through Perfect
Initiate and preparing them for further
advancement in the Light of Truth.
To represent the Ordo Templi Orientis
in Los Angeles, California, in support
of the aims and purposes of the O.T.O.
To provide an environment of Thelemic
spiritual community under the auspices
of the E.G.C., through the performance
of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass, offering
baptism, confirmation and education
and training in the same, as well
as the possibility of ordination to
the membership.
To offer in-depth instruction to
initiate members in the secrets of
the Man of Earth degrees through detailed
study, discussion, and performance
of its rituals.
LVX Lodge conducts a variety of activities, many of which are open to the public.
They include:
LVX Lodge also offers ceremonial initiation into the O.T.O. for aspirants who desire to undertake the Great Work of Thelemic Magick on a profound spiritual level. Every free man and woman, of full age and good report, is eligible for initiation into the first three degrees of the O.T.O. Please contact us for more information about membership and initiation.
This page and portions of this site were originally created by Vere Chappell (Email: [email protected] ).The current Fratres maintaining the 'new' site wish to honor the work and dedication which Vere has put into birthing and nurturing LVX Lodge and its presence on the web. We had 6960 visits to our original web site from 2-25-96 to 8-12-98.