CURRENT MOON moon phases
Friends, may you be embraced
by the fire of your creative potential
that will embrace your physical,
mental and spiritual bodies
and spark the flame of Divine Inheritance
to flow thru you memory.
May the fire that flows thru your memory
spark the flame of Divine Intention
and provide focus, motivation, and passion
to flow thru you and create an alignment and balance
to the Source of your creation.
It is time to awaken the wisdom
and the knowledge of the Divine Being-
who lies sleeping
within the core of your physical body.
Waiting to be awakened ~
waiting to be discovered.
The Spirit of our Souls
long to embrace all forms of Empowerment~
that were taken from us for reasons of control~
Our tender personalities have become fractured~
and each day we need to pull
upon those pieces of fragmentation~
to pull them together like pieces of a puzzle~
that will create a wholeness of our body, mind and Soul~
Our Souls~
long to embrace patterns of wholeness~
The wholeness of our creative potential~
that lies waiting to be discovered, waiting to be awakened~
~Karen Karma~
6 Kan
Uac is the number six in the Mayan Sacred Calendar.
It represents flow and the movement of volume
through space, creating time.
Persons born on days with this tone carry the energy
of negotiation and responsiveness. They are
facilitators of dynamic development and improvements
in all aspects of life. They are often dancers,
athletes, people whose nature is the engage in
activity and motion.
Ho is ruled by Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec god of death.
Kan is the 4th day of the uinal. It means "seed",
"lizard" or "net". It carries a sensual Southern
Sensuality, family, sexual activity and magick of
germination are the characteristics of this day
sign. The Seed was considered by the Maya to be
the sign that controls the sexual force of the body.
A sunlit Southern sign, Seeds are natural networkers
and public defenders who work toward uniting
individuals and communities by uncovering hidden
deceptions and secret influences of others. They
strive to liberate themselves and others from
oppressive patterns of the past; and that is how
they plant new seeds, or become new seeds themselves.
In the absence of gratefulness and the courage to face
oneself, Seed finds itself in less and less fertile
environments. To create true prosperity, the Seed
must learn to appreciate all of the gifts and
lessons it receives and conduct profound
investigations into itself.
This information is from The Mayan Calendar Portal .
America: Freedom to Fascism
9/11 Vendetta
In a relationship
Here for:
Friends, Networking, Alleviation of Boredom
Not Applicable
Body Type:
Magickal, Mystical, Spiritual, Ethereal, Visionary
Smoke / Drink:
Yes / Yes
Obsessive Curiosity
Revolutionary Muse
Love, Gratitude, Genius