Tommy profile picture


2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts always do.

About Me

BEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.0;;000000;; Center Center; fixed; no-repeat; 6600ff; ; ; ; ; ; Papyrus, Serif; 990000; ; ; ; ; ; Papyrus, Serif; ff0000; ; ; ; ; ; Papyrus, Serif; 6600cc; ; ; ; ; ; Papyrus, Serif; ; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; ; none; 0;;ENDMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP

I'm not a summation of words.
I am a collection of thoughts and emotions.
Words almost ALWAYS fall short of giving a proper description of anyone.
Appearances are NOT always equal to the stereotypes.
I'm a thinker.
Perhaps I think too much.
I usually hold my opinions until ALL the facts are in and if they aren't in...
I go FIND the facts!
I'm not one to jump to conclusions and make hasty decisions.
THAT is the sort of thing that opens the way for misunderstanding to take hold and once THAT happens it is hard to clear up.
Yes, I know it from experience.
I allow people to be who they are & I appreciate them FOR their differences.
So, please, if you are one who jumps to conclusions without finding out the answers FIRST, please, PLEASE, don't put that on me.
Assumptions are unnecessary, when you could easily ASK someone something BEFORE making a conclusion.
Everyone THINKS they are smart, so I won't TELL anyone that I am.
I would rather allow someone to figure out whether I am or not by THEIR standards and NOT with my persuasion.
It is, after all, a perspective thing whether someone is smart or not.
If that sounds confusing ask and I can elaborate.
(If you understood it would you mind explaning it to me?
I may have confused myself.
That was an attempt at humour in case you missed it.)
I have this tendancy to NOT blend too well when out in public.
I'm not sure if it's my height, hair, or the fact that, a lot of people are usually fairly rude to anything that LOOKS different.
To me... describing myself just always SOUNDS so .... stuffy.
How can you come off as you really are when there is no emphasis behind the words, no smile or slight grin?
(Words typed on a page or screen are cold.
Words can be misinterpreted in that form.
Someone can take things the WRONG way VERY easily through an IM or an e-mail, because you have little else to go on.
No wink or grin.
No inflection of the voice or body language helping you to interpret what is meant, aside from your own mind and THAT itself can be easily swayed.
Guess we should be thankful for emoticons and LOL or LMAO, huh?
I can only say so much and let someone decide if they are intrigued by what little I can write here to represent 'me' ... in some small way.
I'm TOLD that I'm a quick witted, intelligent, thoughtful, insightful, expressive, communicative, fun, funny, helpful, supportive, understanding, considerate, compassionate, passionate, deep, driven person.
Which may be difficult to believe after having read all of what I wrote above.
One nice thing about getting older is you gain the benefit of awareness that comes from experience
and it's then that the saying "Treat others as you wish to be treated" becomes much more than when you FIRST heard it.
I like to be there for people.
I care about others.
Foolishly so, perhaps at times.
I don't like to see people I care about having difficulties in life.
Life is hectic enough and if someone is thinking of you it really means a lot.
How about something 'personal' or tangible?
My height and looks are visible elsewhere on this page.
I am not pierced or tattooed.
I don't smoke or do drugs.
(I'm ONLY describing me and I am NOT passing judgement on anyone who may or may not be or do any of those things.
I have friends that have and do all and I have friends that are similar to what I described about me.
I don't judge people for things like that AT ALL.)
I do not have any children and I have never been married.
I DO have 2 brothers who have both been married for about 20 yrs. and as a result of those unions I have 2 nieces and 2 nephews.
I LOVE to sky dive.
I have bungee jumped and find no reason to ever do it again!
(I think my intestines are NOT supposed to be in my rib cage... mainly because my heart and lungs already occupy that area!)
I have raced cars (illegally).....
See my BLOG about taking a survey on this one!
I LOVE live music being performed no matter what the genre.
I am a social chameleon and I am able to talk to ANYONE...
be it they are able to talk to me.
More Photos
Dear Tom,
Here is your horoscope
for today:
You know you're joking around, but do they?
Learn how to read your audience,
especially if you're surrounded by new faces.
Your sense of humor is delightful,
but it may take some getting used to.
Here is my Natal Chart,
if you happen to be interested in that sort of thing:

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"Self-discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don't talk back."
-W.K. Hope
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"Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle."
-Marilyn Monroe
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"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are condtioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future."
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"Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better".
-Sydney J. Harris
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"Why? Does it seem? That it's ALL a bunch of hype? Everyone hailing people who just can't get it right. The T.V.'s glorifying all the ways they're always trying, although it's slowly dying, it's to YOU they keep on lying!"
- schroeder (A.K.A. ME) Click the schroeder link and listen to "Doesn't do a thing for me" if you want to hear it in the song.
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"Amazing Minds Talk About Accomplishments, Great Minds Talk About Goals, & Small Minds Talk About People"
- a friend.
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Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
-Scott Adams
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How hard it is to see things in life with a child's "eyes of newness" once we have an adult's "eyes of experience".
- Me, Tommy, the person who's profile you are currently reading.
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Worrying about something that may never happen is like paying interest on money you may never borrow.
- Unknown
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My Interests

From the Weird NJ website:

We are very excited to announce this year's Weird NJ Halloween Party will be held at a brand new venue (for us)–– Asbury Lanes ! A vintage 1961 bowling alley located right next door to the legendary Fast Lane, just blocks from the beach and Convention Hall. There will be Beer, Bowling, and Bands playing Beatles--what could be better? There will also be food and unlimited free parking available.

Saturday, October 28th. Doors open at 8PM.

Come dressed as your favorite Weird NJ character and you might win CA$H in our MIDNIGHT COSTUME CONTEST!

GRAND PRIZE RAFFLE CONTEST! Win EVERYTHING we have ever produced: Every magazine, every video, every CD, every T-Shirt and sweatshirt––EV-ER-Y-THING! A $1000 + value!

Our very special guest MC for the evening will be Glen Jones, of WFMU's Glen Jones Radio Programme Featuring X-Ray Burns .

The Bands: Ribeye Brothers , Luzer , Frankenstein 3000 , Shabby Road ...and special guests!

Frightening Film Flix Presented by Backyard Productions .

This is a more intimate venue than some of our previous parties, so capacity is limited. Get your tickets while they last! You must be 21 or older to attend.

Asbury Lanes is located at 209 4th Ave. Asbury Park, NJ 732-776-6160

If you would like to hear some songs I wrote,
click on the schroeder CD image below.

And if you like...
You can get the CD from CD Baby...
Click on this image:

I wrote, played and sang everything you'll hear there. (Song titles are on the right side of the screen and play instantly Just click one and you'll get to hear the whole song.) Lyrics are availabe next to each song. Please leave a comment and/or rate the songs.

If you would like to get a digital download of any or all the songs on iTunes Click on this image:

I'd like to meet:

"Friends are like melons. Shall I tell you why? To find a good one, you must a hundred try."
-Claude Mermet

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"It's funny how people become friends. Some just fall in line, some just by repeated meetings ... some by a grand collision of paths."
- Shawn Lein (a personal friend)

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THIS is hilarious to me... mainly because it's true...

The following images are "stolen" from other profiles...
you can find links to them below.

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Instead of clicking on "Add Comment" link on the bottom, just use the box below to write me a comment.


The SOUL and SPIRIT of the 60's
70's FUNK
90's CHAOS
Anything with an edge that maintains a melody

and contains thought provoking lyrics.


Some of my favourite movies:
"Singles"(1992) (If ONLY for the line: "What took you so long?").
"The Mexican"(2001) (If only for the scene with james Gandolfini and Julia Roberts....
"When do you give up on someone you love? NEVER!" Worth seeing JUST for that scene...)
"Modern Romance" (1981)(Albert Brooks)(This movie will show you an aspect of the male psyche.
"Office Space"(1999)
"You've Got Mail"(1998) (If only for the line Meg Ryan says: "I hoped it was you...")
"Serendipity"(2001) (The WHOLE damn movie!)
((Yes, those are CHICK flicks.... SO WHAT?!))
"16 Candles"(1984) ("No more yankee my wankee... Donger need FOOD!")
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"(1986)
"The Breakfast Club" (1985)
"Willy Wonka"(1971)
"Being John Malkovich" (1999)
The Ice Cube movies (Friday and sequels, Barbershop 1 & 2)
"Hedwig and the Angry Inch"(2001)
"Queen of the Damned" (2002)
"Underworld" (2003)
Anything with John Cusack in it.


Chappelle Show
Family Guy


A small list of titles I have read recently mixed with some favourites:
By Dan Brown:
'The Davinci Code' and
'Angels and Demons'
By Douglas Adams:
'The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul',
'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency',
'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy',
'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe',
'Life, the Universe and Everything',
'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. ' and
'Mostly Harmless'
'Tuesdays With Morrie' by Mitch Albom.
The 'Harry Potter' series by JK Rowling.
'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield
'The Art of Happiness' by the Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler
"The Art of War' by Sun Tzu
By Benjamin Hoff:
'The Tao of Pooh' and
'The Te of Piglet'
'The Universe in a Nutshell' by Stephen Hawking
By Michael Moore:
'Dude Where's My Country' and
'Stupid White Men
Anything by Kurt Vonnegut (Slaughterhouse 5' and 'Player Piano').
Anything by Mark Twain ('Huck Finn', 'Tom Sawyer', 'Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court', 'Roughing It')
Anything written well and in depth about the subjects of:
Philosphy, Astrology, Metaphysics, or 'New Age'.
"Fast Food Nation' by Eric Schlosser
'The Crisis of Islam' by Bernard Lewis.
'The Culture of Fear' by Barry Glassner.
'The Dark Tower 1' by Stephen King.
'Howling at the Moon' by Walter Yetnikoff.
'Confessions of a Dangerous Mind' by Chuck Barris.
9-11 Commission's Hearings.


My mother and father. Why? Because they've been together for 45 years.
Everything they have, they made TOGETHER and it basically came from NOTHING.
They didn't leave their situation when times were not pretty and flowery.
They talked, worked things out, and STAYED together.

Other heroes:
Anyone who stands up for the little guy or the underdog.
Anyone who can stick to reality and NOT freak out.
Anyone who seeks the truth and does not back away.

I was asked to display more photos... so here are a few:

If you're interested.... (a few other photos)More Photos