The musical identity of Violent is most likely the electronic Listening music.
Tracks is -- said this one but the different division Chill
"Sounds don't doze to this away" but complex music to this listen out -
- - intelligent for Electro - under a hat unite Wave and pop for Dub.
Which so completely stands, for Violent music by the contrast of the name
her expressive power buys dreams poured in tones by weighing harmony waves,
glittering sound cascades, soft sound carpets, pulsating atmospheric pictures,
sounding landscapes, magical and mysterious. Deep basses arrive,
driving beat, playful melodies, experimental electronic music which all elements connect.
It is the musical world of Violent to switch a possibility of the weekday off and
to discover the magical side of the sound. Sound is the audible copy of
the silence, harmonic sound is the bridge to the silence.
All Of Us Hope Is Situated In The Vissions Of The Children
If They Disappeared, Never Separate You From Your Illusions
And Dreams. You Will Have Continued To Exist,
But Have Stopped Living.
1997: Spoiled Kids
1998: Toing & Froing
1999: From Heaven To Earth
2001: Mysterious
2005: Past & Future the Best Of
2006: Across The Inner Circle
Violent Ambilent Artwork..
Violent Artist Page