Eryk Bui profile picture

Eryk Bui

Do not be afraid to leave the confines of what is comfortable ... be more afraid of dying unfulfille

About Me

First and foremost, I am the father of an AMAZING 10-year old named Austin. Although he lives with his mother in Richardson, Texas, Austin is forever with me in mind and spirit. I do plan on having more children, but only if and when the time is right. I am also a two-time NPC national bodybuilding champion and IFBB professional. If you peruse muscle & fitness magazines, then you have definitely seen and/or read about me. Yes, I am "that guy" who gained almost 60 pounds of solid competitve muscle in four short years ... from being a 147 pound USA lightweight champion in 2002, to a 176 pound middleweight national champion in 2004, to a 210 pound IFBB professional in 2006. Although I compete professionally on the IFBB circuit, I do consider bodybuilding purely a hobby as I do have a life and career outside of the sport. I am senior writer for an up-and-coming magazine named "Status Fitness". My goal as a writer is to share my own experiences and knowledge with others to give a "real" perspective on how to become better and healthier athletes/people. I recently ended my search for a supplement company to join that share the same values of quality and integrity that I uphold. I will be working very closely with Magnum Nutraceuticals to not only produce and promote quality products, but also to alter the negative perceptions of the neutraceutical industry as a whole.
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My Interests

How Bui gets into shape for bodybuilding shows … doing it drug-free at the 2008 B&A International Classic to prove that a phenomenal physique is attainable without short cuts!

I'd like to meet:

People from all over the world who possess a zeal for life and health. As much I enjoy inspiring and motivating others to become better, I too enjoy being inspired and motivated. If I have never met you and you have your setting on "private", you are definitely NOT getting in so don't bother unless you state your case in a message. I do not not have time for bullshit so please if you don't have an interest in fitness ... STAY THE F@#K OUT!


I enjoy anything that can get my groove on ... I've been jammin' to the following as of late: Royksopp, QED, Lil' Wayne, ATB, T.I., Deep Dish, DJ Tiesto, NIN, R.H.C.P. A friend recently turned me onto Bullet For My Valentine for my workouts ... FUCKIN' INTENSE!


This DVD will show you how to get the most out of your workouts ... learn how to lift correctly, spot your training partners, and ultimately become the absolute best that you can possibly be! Great gift and resource guide for personal trainers. BUY ONE TODAY!


PROBUI on the cover in FrancePROBUI on the cover in HungaryFlex Magazine (JULY 2006) Get your copy today!Eryk & Austin Comparison @ Roughly Same Age2004 Nationals

My Blog

ERYKBUI.COM is becoming a super-site of health & fitness information & of course from my POV.

Hello fans and friends. As you may have been aware, my website has been down for about a week now, but there is a good and logical reason for that. I have transformed my personal website into a supe...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:32:00 PST

Eryk Bui - Perpetual Reinvention

I have been asked time and time again to post an update photo ... to show you what I have done with my physique in the last 7 months. I am still running 3-6 miles daily and still pounding the weights...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Thu, 15 May 2008 08:56:00 PST

My reflections on the sport of bodybuilding from the outside looking in ...

Hello everyone. I know it has been a long while since my last blog, but there is a very good reason for that ... not that I feel that I have to justify any of my actions. Anyway, I have been gettin'...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Thu, 08 May 2008 11:23:00 PST

STEMULITE ... the latest and greatest BUZZ-KILL!

I have been receiving literally tons of MySpace messages and emails asking about a bodybuilding "breakthrough" product called Stemulite. It’s co-developer Dr. David Summers claims that he has s...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:56:00 PST

4 Hire ... NOT 4 Free!

The last time I checked, I was a professional athlete and fitness consultant. So please don't come to me with a shit-load of questions and expect me to answer them without compensating me. I have cl...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:57:00 PST

Another year, another resolution & how to make it stick this time!

Another year is upon us and here we are again contemplating about what to do differently to have a successful resolution campaign. The most popular resolutions are: (1) "I want to be happier", (2) "...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:42:00 PST

You are your greatest asset ... so stop stressing!

I know many of you are wondering why I am not writing as much these days. In fact, my last blog was about a month ago when I wrote about the primary reason why the bodybuilding microcosm would never ...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 04:21:00 PST

"Why the IFBB wont take a stand against drugs like other pro sports ..."

I received an email from a friend who is a reporter for a local newspaper addressing performance-enhancing drugs in, not just bodybuilding, but all sports. As much as I was tired of hearing about it ...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:11:00 PST

If you are not cheating, then you are not trying!

I recently heard the aforementioned quote from San Diego Charger running back Ladanian Thomlinson as he responded to accusations that Bill Belichick, head coach of the New England Patriots, was illega...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:16:00 PST

Birds of a feather &

"Hey Eryk,I haven't been keeping up with the BB scene for several years now and only now do I begin to realise that more and more fellow East/South-East Asians are doing quite well in competitive BB. ...
Posted by Eryk Bui on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:30:00 PST