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Mona Liza Reyes

You gotta be IN it, to WIN it

About Me

The Basics: I LOVE A GOOD LAUGH, I DON'T SPORT A 6-PACK 365 DAYS A YEAR, I'M FILIPINA & PROUD OF IT, AND DROOL IN MY SLEEP (sometimes) LOLMore about me: I consider myself a simple girl, who takes absolute pleasure in the little things in life. Personally, $$$ is nice - but it's not everything. I make the money (or what little there is of it) NOT the money makes me. Each & everyday, I ALWAYS try to find a 'silver lining' to any situation - no matter how terrible my day has been. Looking for the positive amongst all the negative, keeps me keepin' on, so I am not burdened with bad vibes throughout my entire day.I think farts are funny (except when food's around or you're caught with your mouth open), can reach pretty good height when doing the centipede aka the worm, and don't dig shopping as much as your average girl. A typical outfit for me is jeans, tank top, tsinelas (flip-flops) and a baseball cap.I am drawn to people with substance who actually CARE about making a positive difference in the lives of the people they come in contact with. I think Maya Angelou said it best, "More often than not, people will forget what you've said or done. But they will never forget how you made them feel."TURN OFF'S: Materialistic, cocky, fake, insecure, unmotivated and superficial people that only care about themselves. Anyone who's a "dream killer".Health and Fitness is my number 1 priority. Running and weight training is my healthy "escape'ism" without it I would go INSANE! Like people who need coffee to get started in the morning, if I don't get a release of endorphins before heading to work, I'm sluggish by noon. In my opinion, what good is wealth, if you don't have your health to enjoy it?I am proud to be a Daniel Puder (pronounced Pew-der) KNOCKOUT!!! What is a KnockOut? Beautiful (both internally & externally), confident and positive women who bring added 'visual' entertainment to the audience as ring girls for professional fights (both MMA & Boxing). I plan to break the mold for what the 'typical' ring girl looks like, by representing the athletic, strong YET feminine look to the ring as not only eye-candy for the fellas, but to also serve as an inspiration to the women! :)I am honored and estatic to be one of the First Females chosen to represent Women's Fitness for JAMCORETRAINING.COM. - Sports Specific Online Training. Check us out! :)Some of my goals in life short-term: learn how to play the drums, earn my IFBB Pro Card, moon walk really well and have a total of 100 Filipina Barbies (so far I only have 22 to date). Long-term: to continue to surround myself with positive people, become more than a personal trainer (perhaps a life coach), to always be inspired, and one day (not any time soon) get married and have a couple of healthy kids.
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My Interests

GO TEAM MO 2007: Ves, MO, Jamo, & May (WWW.JAMCORETRAINING.COM)Team Mo goes INTERNATIONAL Rovilson: Executive Editor Maxim P.I. & Mark: cover model for Men's Health Asia)I in Figure Competitions (the more feminine side of bodybuilding)in hopes of earning my IFBB Pro card, gain positive exposure AND representing for my athletic, drug-free FILIPINO, Asian & Pacific Islander women.In my off-season, I train to run marathons. My goal at this pace is to run my 25th marathon, by the time I'm 50 years old. To date, I've completed 4, only 21 more to go... LOLI am also known as COACH MOMO since I volunteer coach for 'Girls on the Run' ( a non-profit org, that trains elementary schools girls in running a 5k (3.1 mile) race every Spring. At a young age, these girls are taught positive self-image, nutrition and not falling into peer pressure.In my professional and personal life, health & fitness is my number 1 priority. In my own little way, I would like to continue to inspire both men and women into leading healthier & more active lifestyles.

I'd like to meet:

I am honored and estatic to be one of the First Females chosen to represent Women's Fitness for JAMCORETRAINING.COM. - Sports Specific Online Training. Check us out @

R2, LOLA, & me throwin' up the "dubs" & reppin' the West SIIIIIIIIDEI'm one of 'lucky ones' to who love their job. And YES, I work with and for these wonderful people ( up your 2007 "12 months of KnockOuts" Calendar. Yours truly is featured in August with Josh "the punk" Thomson. Some of the Bay Area's best finest MMA Champions featured (photography by


Favorite Band of ALL Time: The Elements - EARTH, WIND, & FIRE. Tony, Toni, Tone, Stevie Wonder, Karen Carpenter The Reverend - Al Green. Really diggin' India Irie, Billy Joel and ANYTHING 80's! I also enjoy old school R&B, Funk & yes I LOVE Disco!Old School Hip Hop & Island Reggae, of course.


"Dumb & Dumber" always makes me laugh. "Moc-king....Bird" And since I was a little girl, "Grease II" has been an all-time favorite. Who DIDN'T want to date a "Cool Rider"???Keepin' it REAL...
This is MY "off season" & lovin' it!


Shows I have to TiVo: The Biggest Loser, Survivor, Big Brother, King of Queens, Scrubs and HEROES. MTV & BET so I can catch up on the latest dance moves! :)


The last audio book I heard was 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz. I've actually listened to it 5 times....


So far, I haven't met a Sagitarrius that I didn't LOVE. My mom, my boyfriend (R2-BUTU), boss/friend (Queen B) co-founder of Blendz The ONE thing all 3 of these Sag's have in common? Absolute, complete PATIENCE - which truly is a virtue. SAGITTARIUS' ROCK!!! Besides the Sag's in my life, my "lola" & the girls who ALWAYS "bail me out" of trouble -Shirley & Kim.MY FAMILY: We're definitely not perfect. But through it all, we're there for each other no matter what. My mom & dad are STILL married after 34 years. I'm sure it hasn't been easy - but it's definitely something to admire. My big brother, Levi, who has always been there for me, to punk me and toughen me up, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

My Blog

FOREVER is a mighty long time

WOW.... He proposed. I accepted. I'm about to become a "MRS." C-R-A-Z-Y (but in a GOOD kind of way) He actually wants to spend forever & ever with me. HE must be nuts, but that's why ...
Posted by Mona Liza on Sat, 19 May 2007 02:57:00 PST

MY Life and Death Decision

         To those of you who visit my profile regularly, I'm sure most of you already know that LOLA is my grandmother. I've written numerous blogs about her an...
Posted by Mona Liza on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:51:00 PST

Road to Success (on a spiritual level)

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  The road to success is not straight.  There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Friends, red lights called Ene...
Posted by Mona Liza on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:08:00 PST

The UN-comfort Zone

I have a confession. Despite what many of you may think, the reality is, deep down inside I'm somewhat of a timid, shy, scaredy-cat, unsure of herself kind of girl. In the past, I was scared to train...
Posted by Mona Liza on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:11:00 PST


Being mentally and spiritually healthy is just as important as being physically healthy as well. The following quote I share with you is taken from the Bible:"Faith is being sure of what we hope for a...
Posted by Mona Liza on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 07:42:00 PST

'Tis the Season

Many of you that know me, know that 'Tis the season (the ON season that is) as I prepare to step on stage yet again on a National Level stage. I've made many changes since this year has began: moving ...
Posted by Mona Liza on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 07:47:00 PST

It doesn't get easier

You'd think that going on my 4th year of competing, the art of shaping and building one's physique gets easier right? Hell N-iz-O! As I have always kept it real with all of you: I had a 'br...
Posted by Mona Liza on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 08:25:00 PST

Dig Deep

One of the questions I get asked most from men & women alike is, "How do I&" or rather "WHAT keeps me motivated?" Sure we can all commit to go to the gym, do the same exercises and follow the...
Posted by Mona Liza on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 05:28:00 PST

Lola's Tears

..> ..> ..> ..> ..> ..>..>..> ..>..>..> ..> ..> Just got back from dropping my dad & lola off at the airport. She was here in time to spend the holidays with us and departed literally...
Posted by Mona Liza on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:44:00 PST

This Is For YOU

Every little boy or little girl that grew up into adulthood feeling inadequate, self-conscious or really insecure about their physical traits that the REALLY mean kids made fun of you for All athlet...
Posted by Mona Liza on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:17:00 PST