♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied profile picture

♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied

Time is equal to life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and ma

About Me

"We found the income vehicle that lets us go to the beach instead of to the office! We're sharing our secret with worthy individuals..."
Hi, we're Rodney and Lisa, co-creators of Sky High Ventures, entrepreneurs and partners in a 17 year business adventure.
We're everyday people who just didn't want to do the 40 hour grind at a j-o-b. The reason that we originally got into business was because of how difficult it is to make ends meet in Hawaii. Basically the wages we were earning would not support us, at least not if wanted a place to live AND food to eat :)
We learned the fundamentals of business through experience and listening to others who had been there, done that. Our businesses are the vehicles that allow us time and freedom, to do what we want, when we want. To vacation where we want, for as long as we want.
We're here to meet, network, and give back by sharing with new online entrepreneurs what we've learned, and hopefully inspire others to "Dream Often, and Dream Big" as Rodney always says.
A little history: We both grew up on the Windward side of Oahu in Hawaii. Neither one of us came from money, we both had self-employed parents living on a strict budget.
We moved to Maui in 1990 and opened our first business. We spent the first 7 years struggling to make a profit. We opened another venture that went into bankruptcy and had tax trouble. We truly struggled to make a go of our businesses because we had no start up capital and were learning business as we went. It took a lot of persistence and we made a lot of mistakes.

When we struggled financially, it was miserable. We had a few years where every time we wrote a check, we'd cross our fingers and silently hope that we wouldn't get flagged on Tele-Check. In the past, we've probably bounced more checks, avoided more creditors, and had more of our utilities shut off than 90% of the population. We even got kicked out of a bank (not physically, but they closed our account and wouldn't reopen it). We had massive amounts of debt and had no idea how we were going to repay it, since we were living on our credit cards in the early years of doing our business.
Thanks to great advice and learning from other people's experience, it all turned out good. 17 years later, we are still profiting from those businesses and can wake up when we want, or choose to go to the beach instead of to work whenever we feel like it.
Lesson: Build a business that will keep paying you long after you put the work in.

We learned some simple things that have absolutely changed our bank account balances, the way we spend our time and our entire lifestyle.

WHAT WE BELIEVE IN: Some of the most important financial lessons we learned along the way were about diversity and leverage.
Leverage: Don't own a job. You must leverage your time or money. Employees can be leverage, we prefer business partners. We would never want to own a business that "owned us." Leverage is what allows us to be at the beach and still get paid. Leverage means that there's always someone or something out there earning you money, even while you sleep.

Diversity: Get positioned in several markets or industries. It's the old, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Everyone needs multiple streams of income. The truly wealthy have many revenue streams and savvy people figure out ways to do the same thing.
A Shift in Thinking

About 6 years ago, a friend invited Rodney to presentation and Rodney went as a favor. We both had negative ideas and experiences with network marketing, and believed that it was a "pretend business" that was all about begging people to join the "opportunity." We didn't really believe that anyone made any money, until Rodney met Brad, who was the same age as him, but making close to a half million dollars a MONTH. We were intrigued.
We didn't join that particular company plan, but began investigating the industry of network marketing. We learned that it COULD be the most ethical business model around. We learned that we could help others change their financial futures. We learned that network marketing could outperform all of our successful traditional businesses put together. WOW!
Two years ago, we found a company that we believe will change the way the world communicates and the way business is done. We joined the company and flew through the ranks and have helped others along the way.
***We believe that we are attracting the most talented and serious networkers in the world.***

"How would you like prospects CHASING YOU and BEGGING to join your company?"

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp &nbsp Here's what you'll discover today, inside...

    Use two of the most visited and underutilized websites to capture the attention and generate RED HOT LASER TARGETED leads. Build an Organization that multiplies and duplicates. How to end MLM Burnout and light a blazing fire in your entire organization Be the first to start using the next Web Trend to your advantage in creating profits Stop teaching your team to beg their friends and family into their businesses and STOP working with the wrong people. Quit Smiling and Dialing. Cold Calling tire kickers and random leads is a WASTE of valuable TIME! We'll show you exactly what we're doing to attract the RIGHT people with precision! And Much More...

Yes! I want to know more. (This information will be used ONLY by us to contact you and will not be shared or sold in any way shape or form.)
This is no magic bullet, it's a proven online system that gets results. Web 2.0 is the way to accelerate your business growth. We can show you how to take advantage of the latest online trends and stop worrying about optimizing your webpage and pay per click to generate traffic. After researching online marketing and mentoring systems and signing up for program after program, WE FOUND THE ONE THAT WORKS!!!! It's the most cutting edge way to build your business.


How can we GIVE BACK? By sharing the wealth, of course!
If you say yes to any one of these statements below, we can look into whether you qualify for our program:
- I'm a business owner but I feel like I work more hours than an employee ever would
- I hate my boss/job, I would quit if I could
- I've always dreamed of owning a business, but don't know where to start
- I don't know how I'm going to retire on the income I'm making
- I wish I had a check on top of every bill that comes in
- I need to reduce my debt load
- I have done network marketing and it didn't or isn't working for me
- I'd like to learn an effective, functional business system with a personal coach
CALL ME RIGHT NOW AT (808)870-5752. I will get back to you if you message me, but due to the number of people reaching out to me by email, I give preference to those who make the extra effort to phone me.
If you want to know how to leverage yourself and how to diversify your income, send us a message.
We're not interested in meeting any get-rich-quickers. We're not interested in meeting anyone who already "knows it all." If you're pessimistic, angry or a skeptic, we're not here to convince you of anything, thanks for visiting and please find someone else who shares your views.
Tell us your story
The first step to reaching your goals is to identify them. Tell us what you're trying to accomplish. There's nothing better than reaching your goals, except to watch someone else reach their goals and maybe getting to play a small part in making it happen for them. That's a win-win!

Going International We're assisting in opening 27 European countries this summer and building a new International Leg of business. We must sell the top position of our first Pacific Rim leg to an experienced networker.

"All of men's gains are the fruit of venturing." ~ Herodotus
Always interested in learning something new. Open to ideas and people in general.Free MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

My Interests

Goals, life, business, helping people

I'd like to meet:

Like minded people who are focused on positive goals, and are making a difference.

Mondays at 11 am Pacific
Feel Good, Happy News Broadcasted LIVE from Maui.


Jazz, R&B


The Soul of a Butterfly by Muhammad Ali, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen, Tipping Point, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Blink

My Blog

Warning and reminder to networkers out there!

I am always concerned when I see the number of network marketers out there using money as a hook and throwing around earnings figures.  The Attorney General is really particular about how mlm bus...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:55:00 PST

Vision AND Venture

"Vision is not enough, it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stair."  ~ Vaclav Havel One thing I've seen way too much of, is people who wan...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:31:00 PST

We lost a good one.

I am reflecting on how we should never take our kids for granted.  How we should never let our loved ones leave without saying "I Love You."  How we should never let the people we care about...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:42:00 PST

Personal Intentions and Commitments

Getting positioned in the real estate market We sold our house last month.  Yeah for us!  It took us a full year because we wanted close to our asking price and it was worth w...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:00:00 PST

Beautiful day at the beach

Beautiful beachThe day was truly perfect. Blue skies, tradewinds and just enough surf to keep the big kids happy.Enjoy this small video clip....
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Wed, 30 May 2007 09:13:00 PST

Thought - Act - Habit - Character - Destiny

"Sow a thought, and you reap an act;/ Sow an act, and you reap a habit;/ Sow a habit, and you reap a character;/ Sow a character, and you reap a destiny." ~ Charles ReaderIsn't this so true?  If ...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Thu, 24 May 2007 07:36:00 PST

Kites Rise Against the Wind

On Challenge:  "Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember: A kite rises against the wind rather than with it." ~ Unknown AuthorVery often I've learned that challenges bring the most unexpected...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:00:00 PST

Paying it Forward - Plant a Good Deed Seed

Good deeds.  Wouldn't it be great if we reminded every one we know to keep their eyes open for a good deed today?If you saw the movie Pay It Forward, you know that it means to do a good deed for ...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Fri, 04 May 2007 01:43:00 PST

Pointing the Finger

"To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult." ~ PlutarchI notice that we live in a Victim Oriented society.  Somehow, people believe there is power in pointing blame at another person...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:20:00 PST

Helping others get what they want

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." ~ Napoleon HillAs a business owner, coach, trainer and speaker, I have found that by helping others, I have ...
Posted by ♦ Lisa and Rodney - Income Multiplied on Wed, 02 May 2007 09:26:00 PST