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- GREG -

- You Are Perfect -

About Me

"How a Shy Guy Gained Confidence,Increased His Income Working From Home.

Hi my name is Greg DeMario and I'm the creator, contributing author and CEO of...


I am blessed to have created a Successful Business on line that is making a difference in the life's of others.
You may have seen me on the Internet before as I was a contestant in competition for a role on a reality show. I was approached by the media to promote this endeavor. I have had articles printed and published on CNN. Do a google search under my name... See what you find:)
Thanks for stopping by m y MySpace page! It's crazy as I do not have a clue how you found me or got to this page but I believe there are no coincidences in life. But t he good news is no matter how you found me I am going to share with you some very valuable information that could literally change your life forever ! The reason I set up this MySpace page ...
was because I was tired of meeting all these passionate, talented & gifted entrepreneurs who have so much potential & passion within who CAN actually make a difference in this world but are not able to because they are tied down to a J.O.B. that they hate making their boss and company rich instead of creating something that will impact and help others, their families and generations to come.
I decided that I was going to take a stand and show all these young gifted, ambitious, natural born leaders that there is a way out because I have the knowledge in order to make this happen as I am living proof!
I am so blessed to be able to work from home as an entrepreneur making money on the Internet and helping & leading others to success.
So here I am being me and having fun!

And all I do is use free websites like MySpace, YouTube and many other web 2.0 platforms to promote my business, get free leads, and drive massive traffic to my websites without having to spend a single dime on advertising.

I'll show you later how you can get 12 free training videos that walk you through step-by-step how I'm getting tons of free exposure for my business using all these new web 2.0 websites…
But before I get into that let me share with you my quick little story. So Really Who Is This Greg Anyways ...?? I am originally from Baltimore, Maryland and I live here on the beautiful East Coast with my friends and family. Did I mention I was shy and had the self confidence of an ant? This all changed when I read a book more than 10 years ago by my Mentor Tony Robbins. This book was called "AWAKEN THE GIANT FROM WITHIN". This was a pinnacle moment and defining event in my life and took me in a different direction in my life that impacted me and others. Knowledge is like a stone dropped in a lake as the impact transfers from one point to the next like a domino effect. It impacts many on it's path. As you can see by my profile pic up top on the left, I look professional but when you view my video up top, you can also see that I'm cool with the casual look. It's all good:) I didn't like high school because I felt confined and always felt different mainly due in part as a result of my low self-esteem which originated from people placing labels on me such as parents, teachers and peers. These labels essentially became a self fulfilling prophesy and I started to believe these labels since they were placed on me by people that I looked up too. This changed as I evolved through a tenacious appetite for knowledge gained by reading up on self improvement and business. I have studied from the Who's who in the personal development world. I always dreamed that I would ACCOMPLISH Big things in this Lifetime and be someone that actually makes a difference . I just refused to have to accept that I would have to work for a boss in the same job 9-5 for the rest of my life until I retire. Plus make all the companies I worked for RICH...

So I was a Loan Officer for several years and worked in finance for leading giants in the financial world. I also worked retail and did telemarketing while getting my feet wet in the corporate world.
I broke sales records year after year and won awards and many gifts because of my strong work ethic. I was ranked in the top 10% of a major Telecom company.
I have educated, trained and managed many employees and enjoy helping others realize their full potential.
So basically you can see because of my passion and enthusiasm, I made these companies millions of dollars in revenue.
I had spoken in front of thousands for a major network company...... I'm very down to earth and for me that was fun and impactful but it never changed me at the core. I still put my pants on one leg at a time. It was not always this way, I mentioned before that I had a very low self-image and was painfully shy. Imagine being so shy that you can't look people in the eyes. I was that person and it was a painful chapter in my life. I was beaten up and beaten down but I got up and decided to make a change. I had to take a step back from the stress and reevaluate my life ... I had to decide whether I wanted to continue to be this shy guy with no self confidence or focus on being better, greater and living up to my fullest potential. I had been stressed out all those years because I was so intimidated by everyone. I was driven and a perfectionist and had developed a burning desire to succeed as a result of wanting to proof all those labels wrong. To say that I was a shy guy with no confidence today, most people would not believe it. ( I know you would never guess by just looking at me) It is not something I wish on anyone but I can tell you that you can change in an instant and can be, do and have anything you desire, period! These early events have made me extra compassionate for others especially those who are living in pain and desire more. You Can Change In An Instant, In A Moment And In the Blink Of An Eye. I was focusing on the things that I did not want more of in my life and that was my inability to relate to others. So by thinking that way it only brought me more of that. They say that what you focus on the most is what you create in your present situation and attract more of.(You may have heard about the Law of Attraction.) So I forced myself to start focusing on the things I am grateful for in my life and had a spirit of gratitude which I highly recommend to anyone . I prayed about it a lot and had faith and new hope that things would get better and boy did things change for me drastically! Well it did not happen overnight and was not easy but within a few months I started regaining my confidence and my income multiplied dramatically. I decided life was too short to worry about what other people think and I decided to Live With Passion, Purpose and start working from home!" True Freedom Begins ... I got involved with network marketing about 13 years ago and this was not a financial success but it was one of many things that shifted my mindset to that of lack to that of abundance. When people started to recognize me and new labels were placed on me such that I never heard before. I'm a winner, I'm a doer and I'm intelligent. I believed it and it became so. I became a Loan Officer and started making 6 figures yearly.
I started thinking outside of the box and how I could make money on line at home.
I also started a Business on line and started showing others how to do the same. I also started to train people on how to generate targeted traffic to their product, service, website, profile, band, etc.
It all started by making a decision and coming to the conclusion that I Can, Will and Must make a difference in the life's of others. FREEDOM! What is your Passion? Do you have one? I always tell people to achieve your dreams and goals you first have to figure out what it really is that you want! So many people sit around complaining about their lives making excuses and are stuck in their comfort zone because they are missing one thing. What is that one thing? TAKING ACTION! Learn How to Generate FREE Hot Laser Targeted Leads!CLICK HERE

My Interests

Want Hot FREE Traffic? Online Audio Magazine ELECTRICITY DEREGULATION

I'd like to meet:

So then ... who do I really want to meet?

If you are positive, bright, energetic,commited,ambitious & friendly that earns you some points.

If you are like me and you always had that passion within to succeed but did not have that person or the right opportunity to make it *BIG* you are already in good standings with me.

If this sounds like you and you have already had some level of success in your past in network marketing or whatever that may be then we really need to talk!

That is why I love working with the new young generation of entrepreneurs who are coachable and creative.This is why I am now mentoring and helping people to actually do the same thing I did and to be able to fire their boss!

Huge paradigm shift !

When I was very young I did not have anyone to teach me and to show me the skills to succeed so that is why now today what I want to encourage you with is that you have to remember that skills are easily learned and all you have to do is to learn and apply these new skills to be successful in all areas of your life.

Doctors go to school for 10 years of their lives don't they? We can't expect to know everything overnight and beat ourselves up when starting something new. You have to drop out of the "Old School" way of thinking and Enroll in the "New School"!

And now this year...

I have declared that I am going to help 100 entrepreneurs (people who were once just like me and always had that burning desire to succeed but just never found the right mentor to point them in the right direction to make it Big)

I am going to teach them everything I know and everything I did to get to the place I was from to where I am today.

The amazing part is I get emails and calls daily from people just like me who are network marketers, corporate executives, entrepreneurs , producers, artists, musicians, realtors who want to know what I'm doing and want me to help them get to the next level in their business and how to brand themselves and get free leads and traffic chasing you. It blows my mind how much FUN this is!

What I am going to show you is how i've been able to work from home and make money online using the latest trends in web 2.0!

I have 12 free training videos that you can watch that shows you step-by-step how I use websites like myspace, youtube and all sorts of other websites to get a ton of free leads, and massive traffic for my business…

Without having to spend a single dime on advertising! I don't use pay per click and adwords that cost a fortune.

If you want instant access to these 12 free video trainings, simply send me a message here on myspace, or give me a call at

If you want, you can also get a “sneak-peak of some of the videos over on my website as well at:


So if you are truly Serious about wanting to change the quality of your life starting NOW and learn what it is that I am doing than what you want to do is give me a call. I would love to talk to you and hear your story.You can reach me at



My Time is Valuable and I am very selective of who I talk to. If you have a Bad Attitude, are a Complainer, a Skeptic, Negative or just looking to get Rich Quick. DO NOT CALL ME!










Wayne Dyer(The Father Of Inspiration)Part 1 of 7 Wayne Dyer Part 2 of 7 Wayne Dyer Part 3 of 7 Wayne Dyer Part 4 of 7 Wayne Dyer Part 5 of 7 Wayne Dyer Part 6 of 7 Wayne Dyer Part 7 of 7 May You Be Blessed




My Blog


Due to energy deregulation it has now become possible to lower electric rates when you were forced to pay the given rate from the dominating company in a specific state or region. Deregulation of...
Posted by - GREG - on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST