Welcome to my page. My name is Kyle Jones and I'm here to help you find your path to wealth. Before you continue reading, please take time to read my quote up top. If we're going to help you find your path, understanding that quote with firm comprehension is a definite must! :~) Anywho, I'm originally from Philadelphia/New Jersey and I honestly don't miss the north that much. It's just too cold and I'm a tropical type of brother.
I really love meeting new people and finding out what their life goals are, and more importantly, how they plan to achieve them.
If you are in the market to figure out how to achieve your purpose in life, I'll be glad to assist you. I'm not an answer guru but I'll do my best to find out what it is you're designed to do in life. The best advice I can give you is to pray and wait for an answer.
Other than that, I'm a really focused individual and I am sold out on the company I'm with currently. In other words, if your purpose is to try to recruit me into another program, 10-to-1 I'm probably not interested. I love my company because average people get to win, not just the top money makers.
Should you be interested in what company I'm talking about you can Click Here to get all the information you need to make an informed business decision .
Feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions or just want network/be friends.