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why do we work for something we cannot buy, sell, own or give away?

About Me

Who Is Noel Fabro:

Hi my name is Noel Fabro and

I'm an Independent Affiliate of

VM Direct

The reason why I started this Profile page is because I used to be so sick and tired of my 9 to 5 job working for an IT company as a Field Technician.
After working diligently, I realised that no matter how hard you work, how many nights you stayed late to please an irrate associate; my job was made redundant because the company decides its best to send it offshore.
For that reason, I wanted to connect, meet and network with other budding Entrepreneurs who are in the same situation just like I was and hopefully my story can help inspire you to discover that you have a better alternative, that you can truly live your life, that you control your destiny and you can do it at your own home, as the CEO of your own business.
But before I get into all of that...
let me just tell you a little bit more about myself...
I was born in The Philippines and grew up in a Christian home. My family goes to church every time the church door is open to worship and so I appreciate my upbringing to be Godly. In 1986, our church open a School with an Accellarated Christian Education curriculum as a ministry. I was blessed to have been brought up in a positive environment.
In 1989 I migrated to Australia and joined my family. I love to play basketball. In the Philippines, you'll see children playing basketball on streets. With a self made basketball hoops hanging on a wall, tree, light post etc. If cars or jeepneys happens to drive by, they call time out to let them pass through and continue the game, such is the love for basketball.
So arriving here in Australia takes a bit of time to get use to. So I invite my friends to play ball in the park or at school or in indoor stadiums where ever we can find some hoops and when ever we have free time.
I finished my High School and went to a Computer College where it gave me the opportunity to work for an IT company that manufactures ATMs and Cash Registers. In this IT Company, I worked my way up as an in-house PC Technician. It was a great company to work for and I formed friendships with colleagues and associates alike and I really enjoyed my job.
My salary was great - well thinking about it now, it was good enough for me to come back to work the next day. I rose through the ranks. Starting as Computer Operator that requires me to work in rotating shifts. Sometimes I work in the morning, the next week in the afternoon and the next week in the evening.
One friday evening was most memorable. We are all packing up and excited to go home and looking forward to the weekend, a well deserve breat from all the stress. But as I was checking our statistics for the day on how much calls and how much we resolved, a gentleman blast through our doors demanding action and attention straight away. Yes, he's supposed to call our HelpDesk number but he was too frustrated waiting for us to answer him and he's in a lot pressure. His pc just crashed on him and he see's it as our fault for making him fail his deadline. I looked up to see if anyone would volunteer within our team but all eyes were away from me, pretending not to be there, wishing they were not told to stay beind and hoping to get out of the door as it is 5pm already. Their friends waiting to catch up, their families had already prepared a family dinner. Who else is going to stay behind but me.
So with hesitation and regret, I said "sure I'll check your pc out." But instead of being appreciated for my gesture, I was bombarded with disappointments, frustrations and anger. He sure was pressing aggressively which doesn't help both of us. I needed to somehow clear his head so I can get a better idea of what's gone wrong and so make the following necessary steps to diagnose his pc.
But do you know what annoys me the most? It's not his constant banter and that he personally blames me for the predicament his in. It's not my work mates leaving me alone to solve this problem on my own. It's not that I have to give up my own time and not be with my family in time for dinner. No, not at all. It's when I saw my boss walk outside our office, heading towards the elevators with golf clubs on his shoulders.
That was the first time I said to myself, "Man, I wish I can do that!" I wish I can do whatever I want, be where ever I want, when ever I want, for as much as I want with who ever I want without losing an income."
I thought that was just a pipe dream. I have to get back to reality and fix this guys' problem before he chews my ears off. His frustration is getting on to me and I know he won't leave until I fixed this pc.
So I got on with it. I just have to deal with this for now. But I can't think clearly now. I decided to copy all his data and reload the whole operating system and inhouse programs into his pc. I wish I thought about it sooner because it took me 3 hours to get it all done after mucking about and trying to figure out what he did to it.
After the default programs have been installed, he asked me to install a game on his pc. I then realised that this was the caused problem. I also realised that if I figured that out sooner, I could have been out the door in 15 minutes. Frustrations came over me but I held it in as I explain to him why pc crashed. And when he finally understood that it was his own actions that got him there in the first place, he picked up his pc and rushed back to his office without a word of thanks. I just couldn't help it but kick a box that was on my way as I stormed out the door hoping to catch the late train.
During my 7 years, I was posted in several positions until I got my Field Operator PC Technician where it gave me the opportunity to travel. My income increases each year. It was exciting back then but looking back at it now I wonder what's the fuss about.
Things changed for the worst
But things change. Company direction shifts. After 7 years of loyal employment, my position was made redundant (yes, taken to another country) and that's where I learned that no matter how hard and dedicated you are, no matter how many times you stayed back to please and assist an irrate Associate because their PC is not working to their expectation, no matter how many times you were verbally abuse on the phone while the Boss is enjoying himself playing golf; I was not immune to not losing my employment.
My attitude to work completely change from that day on. But it seems like I didn't learn my lesson because I went on looking for another job with another IT company that manufactures PCs.
The position was somewhat similar, the pay was much smaller, the time spent at work was the same, the tasks were a bit different but I still have to deal with irrate Customers, and be verbally abuse on the phone while the Boss is enjoying himself playing golf.
To my credit, I did learn to leave on time because it's MY TIME and I just had a baby daughter. I literally start to feel ill each time I woke up in the moring knowing I have to go to work and deal with miserable people who has nothing better to do but to complain about their PC.
And who wants to deal with office politics with some colleagues having "power trip" issues? Often times, it's a survival challenge. They dump you in the deep end and it's up to you to swim or sink.
Why did I allow myself to go through that again? Well because it seems to be the norm. You lose a job, You look for another one. Everyone else does that, right? Spending a year and a bit in that job, with a different attitude and all the "customer service - mumbo jumbo" I provide (because that's what the job is all about) equals NOT HAPPY!
What made it worst, I spent my redundancy package from my first job because of financial committments and to cover for getting less pay. Its a recipe for a disaster. I also have to think about putting my family first and ensure we're financially stable again.
I thought I'd be happy again if I'm getting the same pay like my first job. So what do I do? Look for another job? You bet I did! On that interview, again I felt sick. Not because I was nervous, in fact the interview went well. I was even introduced to the owner.
I felt sick because I know things are to remain the same. I'll still have to wake up early in the morning, battle the traffic (this time I have to drive there because it's more convenient if I take the public transportation) I also have to deal with irrate customers and colleagues who thinks their the boss.
The next day I got a phone call. Although I was great, they felt I'm too over qualified for the job. So back to job hunting! What do you do? I felt trapped.
At last, a glimmer of HOPE
All of that changed when I discovered an email in my inbox. At first glance, I thought it was a junk mail but it was from someone we know. I was puzzled by it and it got me curious.
I asked my wife if she knows this person and it happens to be her colleague's husband. So I opened up the email and there's a filmstrip in it with the instruction to click to open. So I did and it opened up another window and I saw a video of him talking to me.
His face was animated with excitement as he says in his message that he found an incredible "thing" that solve their problems. I didn't even know they have problems. I guess that's because I'm too focus on my own.
He discovered a way to have an extra source of income at the comfort of his home. The products and services is so new and revolutionary, it will change the way people from all over the world communicate forever.
According to a reputable research company, it's impact is predicted to be bigger than the invention of the telephone and television. Imagine being able to talk face to face for up to 4 other people where ever they may be in the world and not to cost you an arm and a leg for long distance calls?
Also a cost effective communication tools for business? Whoa! You can hold a conference call via video and communicate with colleagues around the world. The sales team can do their product training through this tools as well.
You don't need to fly over for that training or get your sales team to fly in to the Head Office. What about the IT dept? They don't need to "describe their how to fix" over the phone anymore.
They can simply tell the customer to watch them online and they can guide them step by step. The marketing dept doesn't need to send out postcards, or advertise on the paper or magazine or even the TV.
They can simply send out messages to the public and anyone can tune in to their live "interactive" webcast. The possibilities of this effective versatile tool is unlimited and it will save companies thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.
It's a communication and marketing tools wrap in one. Both effective and personal for private or business use. And you know what? I also discovered that pictures, audios, documents and videos can be uploaded and it can play on any format. So what's the big deal about that?
Well I have photos in my digital camera and in my cell phone. The tendency is they're stuck there, never to be seen again unless I remember to upload them on a hosting picture site where everyone can see.
I also have videos of my family and friends in my video camera and again, it's just there or I can upload it to a hosting video site and again, everyone can see that, there's no privacy. I also have music in my iPod and other mp3 players.
All my stuff is everywhere and it's a mess. Being able to upload it and can be viewed on different format is amazing. For instance, I've uploaded my videos from my video camera and cell phone and I was able to play it back using Windows Media Player, Real Player, Java, Flash and Quicktime on my PC.
And I can now go anywhere in the world and show my friends and family these videos and pictures without me carrying them in my camera. Cell Phone to PC to Mac to Ipod to PSP to Online hosting sites ?? It's unheard of!
But these products and services are unreal!


People will be using VIDEO by means of communication
So that's why I created this Profile page. This really changed my life and i would love to work with like minded people who's in the same situation like myself. I'd like to get the word out that there's another alternative and you don't need to keep struggling, stressing out and being miserable with your job.
It's time to take ACTION! So I encourage you to check out my website at VM Direct or better yet feel free to give me a call at +61 416 143 246 or if you're in Australia 0416 143 246.

I'm also accessable via email: [email protected]

I would love to chat and hear your story.

My Interests

helloWorld offers an all-in-one web-based communications solution featuring fully-integrated streaming video. With the helloWorld Studio, it's easy to create, publish and store our digital lives, be it our pictures, videos, a live or an on-demand webcast, our music, documents, or calendars. You can even manage your emails and reply with graphic-rich video. Share all your adventures on your helloWorld blog page, introduce friends to a new band, or star in and post your own podcast series. You can even submit your video creations to helloTV where you can win cash, prizes, or an appearance on a major TV network! Pick the plan that works best for you and join helloWorld today!

Today Tonight features helloWorld the fastest digital media solution.

The rest of the world is fast becoming aware of the magniture of the Digital Age and the role that VMDirect is playing in reshaping the future of interpersonal communications. This is one of the proof that shows credibility and fast becoming popularity of this product and opportunity.

How would you like to be a part of the Digital Age?

Oh No! My Company Restructured Our Compensation Plan! What do you do now?

Most companies change their Compensation Plan simply because they want to keep more money that the affiliates work hard for.
Thank goodness VMDirect doesn't have that reputation. In fact, they restructured it so that the affiliates get more! Why? Simply because they know how to "listen" to the field and they keep their promises. They know what it's like to be in the trenches. They know what it's like to be the pioneers and they still have the arrows on their back to prove it.

Richard Kall's famous quote is "You are in a Business for Yourself, but not by yourself".

This rings so true with VMDirect.

This is the greatest industry in the world, bar none, provided you have the right product and the right company. You can rest assure, VMDirect will lead its affialiates to a better future.

Watch our presentation

Join the family!

I'd like to meet:

Before I say who I want to meet, let me just say firstly, I'm here to sort the type of people I want to work with. Secondly, I'm not here to convince anyone. That is why I listed the things I like about people who I want to meet:

I'd like to meet people who are Entrepreneurial
because they (like me) are sick of working for someone else and making someone else richer. Entrepreneurial people are interested in starting their own business.

I'd like to meet open minded visionary people.
They're the type of people who is often searching for answers no matter how small or minute the questions may be.

I'd like to meet those that are opportunistic.
Because no matter what, when, where and how the information comes to their attention, they will do whatever it takes to fully comprehend what is in front of them and learn the full facts and not just make an assumption and waves the opportunity away.

I'd like to meet those that are motivated.
They have "their own" REASONS for doing what they need to do and WILL DO IT whatever it takes (providing it's ethical and morally sound). I don't need to push them along because their motivation keeps them going. It's their energy source.

I'd like to meet those that are futuristic.
Because they're the type of people who often think ahead of times. They're innovative and revolutionary. People that just live their lives day in and day out are just content with what they have. I guess that's alright but strive for more and you'll be surprise of what you can do and what you can achieve.

Remember opportunity is rare and is not lost.

It's only taken by someone else.


The Real Group from Sweden



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My Blog


CHURCH CASE STUDY The Challenge Religious institutions flourish through successfully establishing a sense of community among their members, clearly communicating their "Vision" and "Message", and eff...
Posted by Noel on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:32:00 PST


REAL ESTATE CASE STUDY The Challenge Selling a home using traditional advertising is costly and the results aren't easily tracked. Advertising listings can cost a realtor $1,000s of dollars a month: ...
Posted by Noel on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:13:00 PST


BUSINESS ENTREPRENUR CASE STUDY The Challenge Thomas Kish, a successful business expert, and owner of, is one of many small and medium size business owners struggling to stay compe...
Posted by Noel on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:11:00 PST

hello Spain

Welcome to the Digital Age! What is the Digital Age? Do you know anyone who takes pictures from their cell phone? Has a digital camera? Downloads music from the internet? Sends Email? Uses...
Posted by Noel on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 04:15:00 PST

hello Germany!

be part of helloWorld now!...
Posted by Noel on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 03:54:00 PST

Thoughts on Digital FX investing into Fusion

VMD makes investment into Fusion For the entire Press Release, click here. By Robert Hawthorn As many of you know, the company that I am associated with (which provides me the opportunity to work from...
Posted by Noel on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:33:00 PST

DigitalFX Makes Strategic Investment in Fusion

  DigitalFX Makes Strategic Investment in Fusion First Step in Synergistic Relationship Provides Major Advances in Company's Web 2.0 Offerings Last Update: 2:50 PM ET May 14, 2007 LAS VE...
Posted by Noel on Tue, 15 May 2007 04:26:00 PST

Check out this video: Blonde says it's OK to look...

Blonde says it's OK to look... Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Noel on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:56:00 PST

Ten Stories That Can Sell Anything

Ten StoriesThat Can Sell AnythingBy Jerry Bader (c) 2007 Advertising is all about telling your marketing story: a story that your audience can relate to, so that it builds confidence and credibility i...
Posted by Noel on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:43:00 PST

Check out this video: Germany and Ireland! This one is for You

Germany and Ireland! This one is for You Add to My Profile | More Videos do we work for something we cannot buy, sell, own or give away? Why do we wo...
Posted by Noel on Wed, 09 May 2007 05:29:00 PST