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rapunzel- afro brazilian/cuban funk
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Anthony Robbins Decisions and Destiny
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Mili Mili Music Video
Add to My Profile | More Videos Whatever moves my soul! I have an appreciation of all variety/styles of music,which you will hear from time to time on my page. I have a collective blend of music...overall I am just eclectic! I Love music, I Love to dance and from 1995-1996 & 2003 had been fortunate enough to be apart of the awesome "Cultural Shock Dance Team" in San Diego,CA.and assited them at the Superbowl Pre-Game shows...The music is the best gift of God to all of us
where it fills our soul with peace and mind with creativity. Every music has it's own rythm and it creates a great sound of music. Listen to all sounds and enjoy...If you don't listen, enjoy,love and appreciate all the sounds of music then your soul will be unsung.Music is magic! :-)
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Depends on my mood.I Enjoy movies from Action/Adventure,Animation,Adult,Comedy,Documentary,Drama,Fo
reign,Horror,Music&Performing Arts,Mystery&Suspense,Romance,Sci-Fi&Fantasy,Sports&
amp;Fitness,Westerns and other special interests...
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Rocky VI
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Also Depends on my mood, and I do have an open mind...It could be Independent film channel, Travel channel,Discovery Channel, Disney channel, ESPN, Music/Video Channel,Animal Planet,Comedy/Adult Swim and more...
Spiritual/Motivational/Inspirational/Self- Enlightment and Poetry any of the Health&Fitness and Bodybuilding mags and/or books. Here is just a few of many in my Library...The Secret, Your Best Life Now" by Joel Osteen, "Doing Less And Having More" by Marcia Wieder "Lamb" by Christopher Moore, "Alone in the Trenches" by Esera Tuaolo, "The Promise of God's Power" by Jim Cymbala, "The God of the Second Chance" by Greg Laurie, "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson, "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer, "Eragon"(Inheritance,Book 1&2) by Christopher Paolini, "YOU" by Michael F. Roizen, "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, and the very special awesome duo "Owen & Mzee" by Craig Hatkoff
The Secret and The Law of Attraction
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