Acupuncture, Massage, Healing, Huna, Kabbalah, Tantra, Nature, Psychology, Tarot, Writing, Music, Occult.
Everyone! Professionals, friends, networking partners, Holistic or Traditional Healthcare workers, Psychologists, beauty and fashion professions, athletes, health conscious people who need Acupuncture or Massage! Free spirits, open-minded adults, consciously aware people who care about themselves and others. I'm very interested in Wicca, Witchcraft, Huna, Kabbalah, Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. It is an interesting combination, but I follow the teachings of the Medicine Buddha and Paramahansa Yogananda. Being a Shaman is in a sense a part of any medicine, a part of the path to becoming a true healer. The path of the healer is a spiritual path. That path is rooted in compassion for others. I practice Classical Five-Element Acupuncture. This is an ancient style of Acupuncture based on treating the spirit. I'm very interested in the concepts of the I-Ching in daily life, and manifesting miracles. I'd like to meet people in various fields to help me promote my Holistic Acupuncture Clinic and upcoming Symposiums. Promotions, Marketing, and Sales. I also do Cosmetic Acupuncture facelifts, so those in the style, modeling, facial, cosmetic, film or entertainment business would be great to meet. I'm looking for athletes, fitness trainers, dancers and body builders who need Acupuncture and Bodywork to maintain their training and fitness levels. Anyone stressed or anxiety ridden, emotional and psychological issues. I'd like to connect with real people, network and have fun! I offer reduced rates to all my MySpace friends!If you need Acupuncture or Massage, I can help! Call me!1-888-423-HEAL or 619-316-7352 (cell) 3361 4th Ave. (Inner Spring Center) (corner of 4th Ave and Upas St. in the heart of Hillcrest). San Diego, CA 92103 -BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
AC/DC, Avenged SevenFold, Velvet Revolver, Pantera, Cream, AKUS, Broadzilla, Black Label Society, Charlie Parker, Stevie Ray Vaughn, BB King, Miles Davis, Freddy Hubbard, Shakira/Gloria Estafan en Espanol! Salsa, Tito Puentes! Brazilian and Latin grooves...BeBop, Southern Rock, Delta Blues...If it rocks or has a good groove I like it! My quartet will be regrouping this summer. I'll keep you posted and have music up also.
Spider Babe, Bikini Cave Girl, Bound, Run Lola Run, Matrix, Underworld, Sahara, Identity,
South Park, comedy Channel, Rome (HBO), History Channel, Travel Channel, I love to cook so I enjoy some of the shows on the Cooking Channel. I don't get a chance to watch much TV, so it's usually a theme and not a specific program!
I'm an author, so all my books...also, Huang Di Nei Jing, Spirit of the Points, Bhagavad Gita, Kama Sutra, The Book of Five Rings, The Art of War, Autobiography of a Yogi, The Second Coming of Christ, Zohar,
Buddha, Krisna, Jesus, Babaji, Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, Arjuna, J.R. & Judy Worsley, Neil Gumenick, Miyamoto Mushashi, Sun Tzu, Yamaoka Tesshu, Martin Buber, Hua Tou, Patanjali, Baal Shem Tov, Georg Groddeck, Jung, Tianamen Square victims, Healers,