Invisible profile picture


Music that says to them: "I Love You!"

About Me

Craig was working at his home studio in Los Angeles, when John showed up to check out what Craig was up to. After listening to a couple of Craig's instrumental tracks John mentioned he had a song that he wanted Craig to hear. The next four minutes were the beginning of what would become "Invisible", Craig & John's collaborative fusion of musical ideas. Craig was blown away when John started singing an acappella version of "In My Dreams", which was a song written by a friend of John's, Charles Miranda years before. Craig was so impressed by the song and John's ability to sing that he immediately created an epic arrangement without ever having heard any of the original chord progressions. It wasn't until Craig and John were finished with the track that Craig was able to hear Charles' original demo of voice and acoustic guitar. For the next three months Craig and John were in the studio day and night writing and recording. A typical night would be sitting outside by the pool with an ice-cold beer and plenty of paper. John would come up with a verse and Craig would immediately rush back into the studio and lay down a sequence using his preferred sequencer, Digital Performer. By the time Craig would return John would have the next verse or chorus and this process continued all summer. John is one of those rare performers that transcends the norm and is often compared with some of the great artists of our time. Craig is a multi-instrumentalist/producer who has worked professionally in the Los Angeles area for the past ten years. We hope you enjoy their CD release, "Invisible"..You may acquire Invisible"s CD at: Through
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My Interests


Member Since: 6/16/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:Lyrics: John Silver and Craig Furkas/ Musical Arrangement: Craig Furkas/ Vocalization: John Silver/ Instrumentation: Craig Furkas

Sam Cooke, Brook Benton, Donny Hathaway, Duke Pearson, Dexter Gordan, Bob James, Herbie Hancock, Hubert Laws, Wes Montgomery, Van Morrison, John Lennon, John and Alice Coltrane, Freddie Hubbard, Eddie Harris, Les McCan, Pat Metheny, The Beatles, Yes, Coldplay..
Sounds Like:
The Best Music Made By Man / Music for "Chillin!"/ Music that says: "I love you!"Now available at: CDBABY.COM/FURKAS6

Myspace Layouts at / Light house - Image Hosting

Put our Banner on Your Page,

copy the code below.

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also check out Craig's website at: WEB.MAC.COM/CRAIGFURKAS

Record Label: Random Arch Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this video: Reason To Live

Posted by Invisible on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 04:57:00 PST

In a casual way

You entered my life in a casual way,And saw at a glance what I needed;There were others who passed or met me each day,But never a one of them heeded..Perhaps you were thinking of other folks more,Or c...
Posted by Invisible on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 04:52:00 PST

In My Dreams

Imagine us upon first having completed the recording of the single entitled "In My Dreams" and our wondering whether or not it would be well received by the people..We would often let people listen to...
Posted by Invisible on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:11:00 PST

St. Peter at the Gate

St. Peter stood guard at the golden gate,With solemn mien and air sedate,When up to the top of the golden stair,A man and woman ascending there,Applied for admission. They came and stoodBefore St. Pet...
Posted by Invisible on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:15:00 PST

The reason for our electing to call ourselves "Invisible!"

Upon forming our group, we found that there were a number of things which favoured us calling ourselves "Invisible!" The foremost being that we felt sure that most if not all could relate to having at...
Posted by Invisible on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:07:00 PST

Music like no other

Thank you all very much for all of the warm comments and messages that you have sent in.. We take them as as being positive input and clear indications of your liking our sound.. We are indeed honored...
Posted by Invisible on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 01:19:00 PST

The link to our "SpreadShirt" store..

There is a way to place the store in this Blog but we weren't smart enough to figure out how to do it...  But here is the link to the store..  Check it out!.. We hope that you like our desi...
Posted by Invisible on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 05:48:00 PST

I did it my way

Being able to say (as did Frank Sinatra): "I did it my way" is some how something that we would all like to say... It is somehow tied to being prideful..But being able to say that you did it your way ...
Posted by Invisible on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 04:45:00 PST

Kaltura Video Making Widget

Kaltura has just developed a widget which allows our friends and fans to make videos in connection with our songs... We are not sure about this but have elected to try it out in connection with our si...
Posted by Invisible on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 05:34:00 PST

Dear All

Dear All:My thanks to all those who have sent me emails this past year....I must send my thanks to whomever sent me the one about rat shit in theglue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet towl ...
Posted by Invisible on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 11:44:00 PST