----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Iroqua
Date: Nov 28, 2007 2:13 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Red Honey
Date: Nov 28, 2007 1:47 PM
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: United Native Americans,Inc.
Date: Nov 28, 2007 4:45 PM
EDITORIAL CONTACT: Ted Howard, 208-759-3100, ext. 243, [email protected]; Mark LeBeau, 916-801-4422, [email protected]
NCAI, the Nation’s Largest Indian Organization, Condemns UC Berkeley on Ancestral Remains, Supports Tribal Coalition’s Position
National Congress of American Indians Resolution Rejects UCB’s Elimination of Repatriation Unit, Subordination of Native Religion to University Research
DENVER, Colorado, Nov. 28, 2007 – The Native American NAGPRA Coalition (NANC) today strongly endorsed the National Congress of American Indians’ (NCAI) resolution protesting UC Berkeley’s decision to eliminate its tribally approved NAGPRA unit, diminish tribal participation and influence in repatriation processes and declare a huge portion of the Phoebe Hearst Museum’s collection of ancestral remains and funerary objects “to be culturally unaffiliated and thus not subject to tribal repatriation and NAGPRA requirements.†The resolution, which passed without dissent at the NCAI Annual Convention in Denver, also states that the “needs of scientists and scientific values†at the Museum “must be subordinate to the religious freedom and human rights of American Indians...†The Museum’s recent reorganization has elevated research goals over Native American entitlements under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
The text of the resolution is pasted below and the signed resolution is attached to this email.
Founded in 1944 in response to termination and assimilation policies forced upon the tribal governments by the United States, NCAI now has over 250 member tribes across the country. NCAI the largest and most venerable Native American organization in America, and is best positioned to monitor federal laws, policies and decisions that affect tribal government interests. In this capacity, the organization “strongly recommends that appropriate authorities immediately undertake a formal investigation of the Phoebe Hearst Museum…â€
In August, the Native American NAGPRA Coalition asked UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau to stop the Museum reorganization and meet with NANC to discuss the past and future of NAGPRA at the Hearst Museum. NANC’s letter protested the complete and deliberate exclusion of tribal representatives from the reorganization decision process, the new organizational structure that subordinates Native American religious rights to the goals of science, and the failure of the University to adequately consult with tribes on the cultural affiliation of ancestral remains and sacred objects per the requirements of NAGPRA. The Chancellor ignored the Coalition’s request, dismissed the protest as the agitation of a “few disgruntled employees,†and referred all tribal NAGPRA inquiries to subordinates. In spite of a major and successful NANC-sponsored demonstration on the Berkeley campus in October, UC system chief Rory Hume subsequently ignored similar requests from the Coalition.
“Thus far, the attitude of University officials toward sovereign Indian tribes has been dismissive, discriminatory and paternalistic,†said Ted Howard, Shoshone-Paiute, NANC representative and member of the 30-tribe Great Basin NAGPRA Coalition. “Their primary concern has been to placate powerful scientists who are extremely hostile to NAGPRA and who want to keep our ancestors for the purposes of research. If UC administrators continue this policy and ignore an organization of the stature of the National Congress of American Indians, they may destroy any prospect of cooperative and positive relationships with tribes in the future. Native American ancestral remains belong to Native Americans, and we will not stop until our ancestors are repatriated and returned to our mother earth.â€
Indians regard repatriation as a human rights issue. The right to control ancestral remains is a basic human entitlement that has been extended to almost every ethnic group in the United States except Native Americans. Throughout American history, scientists routinely pillaged Native American burials and shipped massive amounts of ancestral remains to museums for scientific study. “It is time to correct this fundamental injustice,†said Howard.
For additional information on the UCB NAGPRA issue, visit http://nagpra-ucb-faq.blogspot.com and http://nagpra-ucb.blogspot.com.
The National Congress of American Indians
Resolution #DEN-07-033
TITLE: Support for NAGPRA at the University of California - Berkeley
WHEREAS, we, the members of the National Congress of American Indians of the United States, invoking the divine blessing of the Creator upon our efforts and purposes, in order to preserve for ourselves and our descendants the inherent sovereign rights of our Indian nations, rights secured under Indian treaties and agreements with the United States, and all other rights and benefits to which we are entitled under the laws and Constitution of the United States, to enlighten the publictoward a better understanding of the Indian people, to preserve Indian cultural values,and otherwise promote the health, safety and welfare of the Indian people, do herebyestablish and submit the following resolution; and
WHEREAS, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) wasestablished in 1944 and is the oldest and largest national organization of AmericanIndian and Alaska Native tribal governments; and
WHEREAS, the Chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley has,without properly consulting with appropriate American Indian tribes, decided todiscontinue the tribally approved NAGPRA unit dedicated to discharging Universityresponsibilities to tribes under federal NAGPRA laws and regulations and has movedto place the NAGPRA program within other activities of the Phoebe Hearst Museumof Anthropology, thereby diminishing tribal participation and influence in the existingNAGPRA unit; and
WHEREAS, the needs of scientists and the scientific values of the PhoebeHearst Museum of Anthropology’s collection of skeletal material and other sacredobjects must be subordinate to the religious freedom and human rights of AmericanIndians whose ancestors and sacred cultural properties are housed in said collections; and
WHEREAS, The Great Basin Intertribal NAGPRA Coalition (30 tribes) andother tribes have vigorously opposed this action by the University of California atBerkeley; and
WHEREAS, as much as fifty percent (minimum of 5,675 biologicalindividuals (50%) and 69,028 Associated Funerary Objects) of the Phoebe HearstMuseum of Anthropology’s collections have been incorrectly declared to be culturallyunaffiliated and thus not subject to tribal repatriation and NAGPRA requirements; and
WHEREAS, the decision by the Chancellor of the University of California atBerkeley places sacred American Indian skeletal remains and artifacts into the handsof University employees who are inadequately trained in the care and preservation ofsuch sacred items according to tribal customs and traditions; and
WHEREAS, the NCAI quotes Section C of NAGPRA; Museum means any institution, including institutions of higher learning – colleges, universities etc. or state or local government agencies that possess or has control over Native American collections (human remains or cultural items) and receives funds through grant, loan, contract or other arrangement by which Federal money or assistance is given to a museum for any purpose, are bound by the stipulations of NAGPRA; and
WHEREAS, Section 5 of NAGPRA says, “In general†each Federal agency and each museum which has possession or control over holdings or collections of Native American human remains and associated funerary objects shall compile an inventory of such items and, to the extent possible based on information possessed by such museum or federal agency, identify the geographical and cultural affiliation of such item. Requirements (1) the inventories and identification required under subsection (a) shall be (A) competed in consultation with tribal governments and Native Hawaiian organization officials and traditional religious leaders.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the NCAI does hereby stronglyrecommend that appropriate authorities immediately undertake a formal investigation of the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology of the University of California at Berkeley, to determine what provisions of NAGPRA and related federal requirements have been overlooked by the actions and inactions of the Phoebe Hearst Museum and the University of California, Berkeley.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be the policy of NCAI until it is withdrawn or modified by subsequent resolution.
The foregoing resolution was adopted by the General Assembly at the 2007 Annual Session of the National Congress of American Indians, held at the Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado on November 11-16, 2007, with a quorum present.
In Solidarity United Native Americans,Inc.
Michael Kuzma,Esq. Fresh out of the FOIA Hearing for Peltier!!!!NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Host/Producer Robin Carneen Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST Ways to hear our show online: www.ksvr.org Or shorter segments via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahh Main myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4all email: [email protected] Stay tuned on Thursday nights for: 8:30-10pm The Massive Mix Session w/Dj Defkawn"Leonard Peltiers unjust incarceration remains a festering sore that impedes better race relations in America. Surely the time has come to promote healing and a spirit of trust and genuine goodwill toward the Indian peoples of America with an act that serves both compassion and justice." ~~ the late Coretta Scott KingTHURS: 3-20-08 7-8:30PM PSTSpecial Guest: Michael Kuzma Esq., Arguing attorney for Leonard Peltier; Sr. Legislative Assistant to City Council President, Buffalo, New York....Re:The Freedom of Information Act-... Native American Political Leonard Peltier still waits for his Freedom....Michael Kuzma, Esq. fresh out of a "FOIA Hearing" on Leonard Peltier's behalf....will be our call in guest on NAMAPAHH First People's Radio THIS Thursday night 3- 20-08 from 7-8:00PM.Mr.Kuzma will introduce those unfamiliar with Native American Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier's case. Back in 1977 Peltier, who was a member of the American Indian Movement at the time, was charged with murder & convicted with the deaths of two FBI special agents, Jack Coler & Ronald Williams who died due to gunshot wounds on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota on June 26, 1975.Mr. Kuzma will also update those who have long followed Peltier's case, many who even filled the streets with the chant "What do we want... 'Justice'...when do we want it... 'Now'... 'Free Leonard Peltier' ....."Considering the time period in some people's minds, this could be considered just another Indian War, but modern day...many people died on Pine Ridge back then and sad to say many people are still dying on Pine Ridge. How many Native American people died at the hands and neglect by the US Government, for generations?Isn't this supposed to be a Democracy that has been mandated by treaties to take care of tribal people? Isn't this the same US Govt. that has sent countless men & women off to the Middle East in the name of Democracy?What is wrong with this picture? What happened to a fair trial? Why is Leonard still serving two life sentences? Why won't the FBI agency free these crucial records, claiming to withhold it in the name of "National Security" ? What will the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit decide after this hearing that happened last week? If Leonard's constitutional rights can be violated, what about yours/mine/future generations to come?Michael Kuzma, Esq. has asked me to ask all of you to email question to me before Thursday night's interview. Any ideas & opinions will also be considered for airtime Thursday night.My email is: [email protected] is an election year, as we are all too well aware of- It's time for Justice, Leonard deserves a fair trail, like every person who lives in America.Please tune in Thursday night from 7-8:00PM PST & listen for your questions, etc. I also will have time to share announcements, wherever they are and/or birthday greetings, etc. from 8-8:30PM PST on Red Road Community Calendar. If you have a special message for Leonard, you can all in during the 8-8:30pm time period as well.The studio line is: (360) 416-7000 but only during the 8-8:30pm PST...Remember we stream all over the Mother Earth! Tell your friends & family to join us!www.ksvr.orgCheck out Michael's myspace: http://www.myspace.com/mike_kuzmaNews Source: http://users.skynet.be/kola/lpchron4.htmFOIA Hearing March 11, 2008Up to this very day, the FBI is still withholding thousands of pages from the RESMURS files that have never been made available to Leonard Peltier or his attorneys. Documents are supposed to be automatically declassified after 25 years under Executive Order 12958. The FBI is arguing that this material should not be subject to automatic declassification because it could damage or cause serious damage to national security and the so-called war on transnational terrorism. The FBI also claims that the release of the withheld documents would reveal the identities of confidential sources. Mr. Peltier's lawyers have argued that these are nothing more than pretense to prevent the release of further evidence of the continuing violation of Mr. Peltier's constitutional rights and further drives home the fact that Mr. Peltier never received a fair trial.A hearing regarding the release of these documents will take place on Tuesday, March 11th, 2008, beginning at 9:00 a.m. before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. Court will be held at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in the Frey Moot Courtroom at 1000 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota.TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2008, BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. case 07-1745MN Leonard Peltier v. Federal Bureau of Investigation before Judges: Kermit E. Bye - Fargo, ND Lavenski R. Smith - Little Rock, AR Steven M. Colloton - Des Moines, IANews Source: http://panafricannews.blogspot.com/2007/03/courts-deny-leona rd-peltier-access-to.htmlThursday, March 01, 2007 Courts Deny Leonard Peltier Access to Thousands of FBI DocumentsLEONARD PELTIER DEFENSE COMMITTEE P.O. Box 583 Lawrence, KS 66044-0583 Tel: (915) 533-6655 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.leonardpeltier.org Tuesday, February 27, 2007 - ________________________________________________COURTS DENY LEONARD PELTIER ACCESS TO THOUSANDS OF PAGES OF LONG-HIDDEN FBI DOCUMENTS ____________________________________________________For Immediate Release February 27, 2007 Contact: Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (915) 533-6655 [email protected] Kuzma, Esq. (716) 822-7645-office (716) 474-3824-cell [email protected] two separate decisions rendered this month, United States District Judge Donovan W. Frank and a three judge panel for the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit refused to order the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to release thousands of pages of documents relating to Leonard Peltier.Both Judge Frank and the Appeals Court upheld claims by the FBI that release of the sought-after information would, among other things, cause serious damage to the national security of the United States and the war on transnational terrorism.In 2003, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit declared that, "Much of the government's behavior at the Pine Ridge Reservation and in its prosecution of Mr. Peltier is to be condemned. The government withheld evidence. It intimidated witnesses. These facts are undisputed." Nevertheless, Judge Frank found that any evidence of prior FBI misconduct was "irrelevant."Michael Kuzma, attorney for Leonard Peltier in both cases brought under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) said that, "The Courts are unwilling to dispense justice when it comes to Leonard Peltier."Kuzma went on to state, "How can anyone claim that Leonard Peltier received a fair trial in 1977 when the government withheld and continues to withhold thousands and thousands of pages of FBI documents?"Barry A. Bachrach, who served as co-counsel with Kuzma, indicated that he was, "disappointed, but not surprised that the Courts elected to summarily uphold the decision by the FBI to keep the documents hidden on dubious national security grounds." Bachrach went on to ask, "How can FBI documents generated over three decades ago possibly pose a threat to the national security of the United States?"Judge Frank's decision will be appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Peltier attorneys have 30 days to file a Notice of Appeal.Leonard Peltier, a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM), was convicted in Fargo, North Dakota, on April 18, 1977 for the shooting deaths of FBI Special Agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota on June 26, 1975. Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 9:52Michael Kuzma has been on the radio before!http://www.thepeoplespeakradio.net/archives/mp3/tps-2 007-05-30-kuzma.mp3Want to learn more about Peltier's case? http://www.leonardpeltier.net http://www.myspace.com/freepeltierxoxoox....Special da ha dwubs to ELS!!!!!! Thanks to you & Lisa Reinhold for getting the word out to Peltier's legal staff, so we can stay up with what is happening!!!!! Keep the fire burning bright! xoxoxoxhttp://www.myspace.com/leonardpeltierisinnocentMore myspacers for Leonard: http://www.myspace.com/oglalacommemorationLots of music for Peltier!JD Nash: jdnash.homestead.com/jdnash.html"My Life Is My Sun Dance" "www.mylifeismysundance.com To help sponsor or support or for additional information contact keith @ [email protected] Rabin producer/co play write of the Stage ProductionThis program is always brought to you by KSVR 91.7 FM & NAMAPAHH First People's Radio A Service of Skagit Valley Community CollegeHome of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/ Blog:http://namapahhmultimedia.blogspot.com/Pics: http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=690395451 Groupsite: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tetawin38/ Got a new release? Want to become a member??? Here's the Radio station addy: c/o Robin Carneen- NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Skagit Valley College-KSVR 91.7 FM 2405 East College Way Mount Vernon, WA 98273 ITS JOURNEY TIME! http://tribaljourneys.wordpress.com/tribal-journeys-of-the-n w/NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: 2-28-08:Guest Robert MirabalNAMAPAHH First People's Radio Host/Producer Robin Carneen KSVR 91.7 FM Mt Veron, WA Broadcasting proudly from Skagit Valley College Thurs 7-8:30pm PST (Stay tuned on Thursday nights for: 8:30-10pm PST The Massive Mix Session w/Dj Defkawn…following NAMAPAHH!) Please listen online, if you can't get us locally: www.ksvr.org2-28-08: Artist-Musician-Poet Spotlight:Interview with 2008 Grammy Award winner Robert Mirabal (for Best Native American album of the Year!)Robert Mirabal Bio:Robert Mirabal is a Native American flute player and recording artist from Taos Pueblo, New Mexico. His flutes are world-renowned and have been displayed at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of the American Indian. An award-winning musician and leading proponent of world music, Mirabal performs worldwide, sharing flute songs, tribal rock, dance, and storytelling.Mirabal has twice been named Native American Music Awards' Artist of the Year, and received the Songwriter of the Year award three times. He was featured in Grammy Award-winning album, Sacred Ground-a Tribute to Mother Earth in 2006 for Best Native American Music Album. He has recently also won 2007 "Best Male Artist" of the Year from the NAMMY's.Raised traditionally by his mother and grandparents on Taos Pueblo, Mirabal spoke Tiwa at home and began making flutes at the age of 19. In school, he had learned how to play clarinet, saxophone, piano, and drums, but found his true musical voice in the traditional Native American flute. He met the renowned Native American flute player R. Carlos Nakai as a young man and was greatly inspired by him.In the late '80s he moved to New York City, playing in a multicultural band made up of a Senegalese guitarist, a Cape Verdean drummer and Haitian keyboardist. There, Mirabal immersed himself in the sound of hip-hop, funk and R&B, which would inform his later trademark music. He recorded an independent debut album in 1988, and went on to land contract with Warner Western and later, Silver Wave Records. His first projects were generally focused on traditional music consisting of Native American flute and percussion.One of his early albums, Land was composed for Japanese avant-garde modern dancers Eiko and Koma, who choreographed a dance inspired by their impressions of the land around Taos. Cedar and clay flutes, percussion, rattles, and traditional vocals were used throughout the album. The acclaimed performance toured Europe and the U.S. and in 1992, Mirabal won New York's Dance and Performance "Bessie Award" for the score.Mirabal also published a book of storytelling poetry and prose in 1994 entitled Skeletons of a Bridge and is currently writing a second book, Running Alone in Photographs. Aside from his artistic talents, Mirabal is a father, farmer and horseman living in Taos Pueblo and participating in the traditional ways and rituals of his people.In 1996, Mirabal collaborated with Grammy Award-winning Native American singer-songwriter Bill Miller on an album Native Suite-Chants: Dances and the Remembered Earth. The project was both experimental and traditional, featuring flute and percussion as well as Mohican pow-wow singing.Mirabal came to greater national prominence during his performance in the 1998 PBS musical dance production, Spirit :A Journey in Dance, Drum, and Song, for which he composed the soundtrack for traditional flute and percussion. Due to the popularity of the program, the network went on to produce a music/dance program centered entirely on Mirabal and his traditional/rock fusion music entitled Music from a Painted Cave. The program and its corresponding CD release were enthusiastically received by mainstream audiences and became a benchmark World Music album. He also collaborated with John Tesh for the acclaimed PBS One World TV special for the millennium in 2000, which showcased music from around the world.In 2006, Mirabal launched his own record label, Star Road Records, and has released two CDs in the first year; Pueblo Christmas, a dozen classic Christmas Carols arranged for Native flute and cello; and In the Blood, a wholly unique mix of Native Roots, rock and Americana recently awarded "Best International Album" at the Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards.Most recently, Robert won the 2008 GRAMMY Award for Best Native American album of the Year.Robert will publish his first novel, "Running Alone in Photographs" this Spring.Learn more at www.mirabal.com and www.starroadrecords.comAndrew Flack Management for Robert Mirabal www.starroadrecords.com Taos, NM 575-758-8900 email:[email protected] First People's Radio Also broadcasts on:Sun 4-5pm PST Ways to hear our show online: www.ksvr.orgOr shorter segments via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahhMain myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4allemail: [email protected] of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/Blog: http://namapahhmultimedia.blogspot.com/Pics: http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=690395451Groupsite: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tetawin38/Got a new release? Want to become a member??? Would you like to be a sponsor of our show or station? Please contact us at:c/o Robin Carneen- NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Skagit Valley College-KSVR 91.7 FM 2405 East College Way Mount Vernon, WA 98273-----Original Message----- From: wsdp To: [email protected] Sent: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:47 am Subject: FW: Update on the "Longest Walk 2".FYI.Cross-country walkers say they were confronted at sacred site American Indians ask for understanding of their traditions, respect By F.T. Norton Feb. 19, 2008In the seventh day of a cross-country walk to protect sacred American Indian sites, a group of walkers prayed near the Washoe Tribe's sacred Cave Rock in Lake Tahoe on Monday morning. The prayer was interrupted by fishermen who wanted to use the dock, said Jimbo Simmons."They came down saying how they paid for this dock and how long were we going to be there, and who do we think that we are to stand there and pray," Simmons recalled. "That was just a lack of respect. What we would like is respect."About 80 American Indians and others sympathetic to the plight left Alcatraz Island in San Francisco on Feb. 11 to embark on a 3,600-mile journey on foot to Washington, D.C. Expected to take five months, the Longest Walk 2 is to commemorate a march that was completed 30 years ago and to bring awareness to the environment and support the preservation of American Indian sacred sites.Simmons took part in that first walk when he was 22. Today, he is a coordinator for the event.This group walking the northern route arrived in Northern Nevada on Sunday night and walked from south Carson City to the Carson Colony on Monday morning. After taking part in a powwow and spending the night at the gymnasium there, they leave this morning to continue their trek to Silver Springs. On Wednesday, they move on to Fallon, eventually reaching Utah between March 1 and 3. The walkers expect to hit Colorado on March 14 and Kansas on April 8. And before their final destination in the nation's capital on July 11, they'll visit Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland.The southern route walkers also left Alcatraz on Feb. 11 and will make their way through Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Virginia.Willie Lonewolf of Oakland intends to walk the whole route."I'm dedicating this walk to my ancestors," said the drum keeper and singer. "We need to be aware of what's going on in America."Tony Bautista of Sacramento is not walking any farther than Carson City. Life gets in the way sometimes, Bautista said, and he only had enough time to make the California-to-Nevada trek.But he felt so strongly about the message that the walk conveys, he needed to take part."A lot of the Native American sites are getting exploited, and that's what a big part of this walk is about, but it's also about sacred sites from around the world," he said, noting one of the walkers is a Japanese Buddhist monk who came to the United States specifically for the event.Bautista said anyone can take part, even if they just walk a short distance. If you care enough about the mission, walking just a few blocks is enough, he said."Yesterday when we were in Tahoe, there might have been 50 people walking. Today, the children from around here walked with us; there were at least 20 children around us," he said.A mobile, solar-powered, Web-streaming radio station is going along with the north route walkers. They Webcast live daily from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at longestwalk.com.According to the Web site, the purpose of the northern route is to carry the message from the Longest Walk of 1978: "The Longest Walk is an Indian spiritual walk, a historical walk; and it is a walk for educational awareness to the American and the world communities about the concerns of American Indian people. This route will carry the message of renewing the spirit by walking in the footsteps of our ancestors."www.tahoedailytribune.com/article/20080219/NEWS/7 63165402/-1/rss02Visit site for further information & how you can get involved at: www.longestwalk.orgListen to The Longest Walk 2 live at: http://www.earthcycles.net/ 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Check schedules for time changes)And Brenda Norrell is doing a great job of covering the Walk: www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com.A Nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground, then it is done. No matter how brave its warriors or how strong its weapons. Cheyennehttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/FirstPeoplesNewsBest regards, Twila Pennington+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ACTION ALERT ON HR2824 !! www.stoptribaltermination.orgH.R. 2824 was introduced June 21, 2007 by Congresswoman Diane Watson. This bill proposes "to sever the United States' government relations with the Cherokee Nation"."Sovereignty cannot be bartered for reparations". tpAll mail is sent BCC to respect the e-mail address privacy of others. Should you wish to be removed from this mailing list please reply indicating such. Wa' do! tpSUQUAMISH RENEWAL POW WOW 2008Friday March 28th Dinner @ 5pm followed by Coastal Gathering Saturday March 29th Brunch @ 10am, Grand Entry @ 1pm/7pm Sunday March 30th Grand Entry @ 1pmHost Drums White Lodge, Mandaree , ND Porcupine Singers, Porcupine, SDMC Antone GeorgeArena Director Steve Old CoyoteHead Man Dancer Larry CordierHead Lady Dancer Alexis George JACKPOT DANCING ALL CATEGORIES Suquamish Tribal Gym15838 Sandy Hook Rd.Poulsbo, WA 98370Pow Wow Information James Old Coyote (360)394-8509 jcoyote@suquamish. nsn.usTrisha Price (360)394-8573 tprice@suquamish. nsn.usVendor Information Ed Midkiff (360)434-4780 midkiff2@wavecable. com *Tribal Preference for all vendors*Jeff Smith AFSC Regional Indian Program Director 814 NE 40th St. Seattle, WA 98105 206-632-0500 ext. 17 Fax: 206-632-0976For Info on the canoe journeys:http://afscstar.org/pnwicjhttp://groups.msn.com/Was hingtonCanoeSocieties______________________________________A fsc_canoenation mailing [email protected] Unsubscribe or change your options go to:http://list.afsc.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/afsc_canoen ation2. Tobacco related grants for organizations that serve Women and Famil Posted by: "Harvest McCampbell" [email protected] harvest95546 Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:34 am (PST) Source: American Legacy Foundation Program: Circle of Friends Small Grants Program Eligibility: Funding is available only to state or local political subdivisions and legally constituted tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations based in the 46 states, the District of Columbia, and five territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) An Indian reservation, Indian tribe, or tribal organization located within the 46 settling states or a non-governmental entity that serves such a reservation may also apply for funding.Purpose: Reduce and prevent the toll tobacco takes on women and families in the United States. Legacy anticipates that grants awarded through the Circle of Friends Small Grants Program will:* Engage organizations not traditionally involved in tobacco control; * Assist women in quitting smoking more easily and stay smoke free; * Help women ease the emotional hardship involved in smoking cessation; * Empower non-smokers to better understand the emotional and practical support the women they care about need to quit smoking; and * Address the beliefs and concerns that encourage women to start smoking.Name: Circle of Friends Small Grant Program Deadline: N/A Maximum Award: $50K Number Of Awards: N/A Period: 12 monthsMore Information: American Legacy Foundation 1001 G Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20001202-454-5555 phone 202-454-5599 fax 1-800-4-A-LEGACY [email protected] info @ americanlegacy.org (take out spaces)3. PRESS RELEASECELEBRATION OF SPIRITHouston, TX - for immediate releaseA first-ever gathering of American Indian Nations featuring a trans-global conference of tribal leaders to be held at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, on August 20-23 has been announced by the Native American Chamber of Commerce in Houston. Some 3,000 Indians from the U.S and Canada are expected to celebrate this event in dance, song, sports, food and golf.The four-day event will feature prominent leaders and native celebrities from many of the 565 Indian Nations recognized by the federal government, as well as many from Canada and the Americas.Major U.S. firms practicing social responsibility and supporting diversity, such as Lockheed Martin, Wal-Mart, IBM, Marathon Oil, UPS and BNSF are among the dozens of U.S. Corporations signed up to sponsor the event. All proceeds less expenses will go to education and native achievement centers.In what may also be a first for the Native American, the inaugural day of the event will feature presidential candidates invited to speak about their positions regarding native sovereignty and rights at a formal dinner for tribal leaders and prime sponsors."Given the many challenges facing the American Indian and Alaskan Native today - unemployment, poverty, education, housing, contaminated lands - it will be important for our next president to clearly speak to an agenda which will address these needs," said Carroll Cocchia, Chamber President.In the following days, the Indian pageant will feature a special day for native business people and entrepreneurs to do what Indians have done from time immemorial - trade. A third day will feature native skateboarding. A final day showcases a huge selection of Native dancers, drummers, story tellers, artists, craftsmen and native foods to celebrate the depth and breadth of the Indian culture.Inquiries can be addressed by email to Carroll Cocchia: [email protected] First People's Radio Host/Producer Robin Carneen Sun 4-5pm PST Feb 23, 2007Special Note:On 2-28-08: Interview w/Grammy Award winner Robert Mirabal!Please tune in for a call in from Grammy Award winner Robert Mirabal- who will be sharing tracks from some of his CD's, reading some poetry from a book that is about to go to print & to share his thoughts, feelings & excitement about winning a Grammy!http://mirabal.com/ Robert Nominated for Grammy! - Jan 16, 2008 (he won!!!-congrats to Larry Mitchell too!)Big News from The Grammy's!!! Robert Mirabal's newest Johnny Whitehorse CD "Totemic Flute Chants" (on Silver Wave Records) has been nominated for a 2007 Grammy Award for Best Native American Album!!! Johnny Whitehorse is a persona or alter-ego of Robert; a character of his own creation. "Totemic Flute Chants" was produced by Robert Mirabal and Larry Mitchell. This is Mirabal's second Grammy nomination. In 2006, Robert won a Grammy for his work on "Sacred Ground," also on Silver Wave Records. The Grammy Award Show, this year celebrating its 50th Anniversary, will be broadcast on CBS February 10th at 8 pm EST. "Totemic Flute Chants" is now shipping! Visit Robert's new web site at www.starroadrecords.comToday's Focus: Wiyot Sacred Site- Eureka, CARemembering those who have gone before: Past Interview with Elder Floyd Redcrow Westerman ( who went on 12-13-07) re: Wiyot Tribe - Indian Island World Renewal Ceremony...honoring those who were massacred on Indian Island...Floyd Redcrow Westerman; Keith Secola; Good Shield & the Seventh Generation Band & many others performed in Eureka, CA back in 2003 to raise money on behalf of the Wiyot Tribe to help purchase back the "Center of the Wiyot World"...my mother Connie Allen, my friend Harvest McCampbell were there...thank you to Cheryl & her tribe for allowing us to cover the event...they are in our thoughts & prayers, especially during the Annual Candlelight vigil that takes place every year.To find out more about the Wiyot Tribe and the history of the massacre re: Indian Island visit online: http://www.wiyot.com/"Early morning February 26th, 1860, the day after the world renewal ceremony a group of local Eureka men armed with hatchets, clubs and knives, paddled their boats over to the island. Guns were left behind so the noise would not be so great. Exausted from the ceremonial dance, sleeping men, women and children were brutally slain. History would tell that this was not the only massacre that took place that morning. Two other Wiyot village sites were also attacked. A total of eighty to one hundred people or more were brutally murdered that cold February morning."Please consider donating to the Wiyot Sacred Site Fund...Ways to hear our show online: www.ksvr.org Or shorter segments via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahh Main myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4all email: [email protected] Stay tuned on Thursday nights for: 8:30-10pm The Massive Mix Session w/Dj Defkawnfrom Sal:Woodley Island will turn into a brightly light memorial Saturday to remember a massacre that happened on the nearby Indian Island almost 150 years ago. Traditionally recognized as the center of the Wiyot world, Indian Island was once a site for the tribe's World Renewal Ceremony, a dance ceremony lasting seven to ten days. After a ceremony in 1860, a group of local Eureka men went to the island and killed many of the sleeping men, women and children. The Indian Island candlelight vigil is a memorial to those slain. It is highly attended, often drawing 300 to 400 people, said Linda Woodin, the tribe's office manager and organizer of the event. "It means a great deal to the tribe in respects to healing and going forward in preparation for the day when they can dance again on the island," she said. Partially contaminated by toxins, wood preservatives used for a boat repair facility that once occupied the area, the original ceremonial grounds need to be restored before the tribe can use the land again. In 2000, the tribe began efforts to restore the area in hopes of continuing their tradition and providing a means to educate others about the history of Humboldt's native people. Maura Eastman, the tribe's executive director hopes to make the island accessible as a part of an ongoing education process. "It's a really magical experience," she said about being on the island. Eastman said her own understanding of native culture as a non-native was incredible lacking before working with the tribe. "That's something we think we can begin to change," she said. Eastman hopes providing access to the island, especially to schools, can help provide that understanding. When the project, called the Tuluwat Restoration Project after the village that once stood there, is finished, there will be housing structures, a new dock and bulkhead to allow for better access, and restoration measures to improve the area's natural habitat, according to the project's environmental impact report released in May. "There's a whole community to be set up," Woodin said. Currently, the tribe is waiting for permits and the approval of different agencies to start the decontamination process. Once it is the approved, the cleanup shouldn't take too long, said the tribe's environmental director Jon Mooney. The contaminated area is about a couple hundred square feet, not a large volume compared to the 40 or so acres of land the tribe wants to develop. But because the land is in the jurisdiction of several agencies, the tribe must seek permits and approval from all of them, including the city of Eureka, the coastal development agency and the regional water quality control board. "Permits and funding are both road blocks," Mooney said. The tribe has received an Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield grant for the cleanup process, as well as a grant from the California Culture and History Endowment. The tribe will also be using money from the Wiyot Sacred Site Fund, which is sustained by many private donors. "Once we get it cleaned up we can begin the building phase," Mooney said. He is hoping to begin the cleanup in late spring. The report estimates a cleanup and remediation period of one to two years. For now, shells, tarp and random debris litter the area. Mooney continues to upkeep the land, monitoring the already restored plants, while weeding out non-native species and making sure there are signs to warn trespassers from coming onto the land, preparing it for the day when the Wiyot tribe can continue its tradition. If You Go: WHAT: 17th Annual Indian Island Candlelight Vigil, bring a candle WHERE: Woodley Island WHEN: Saturday, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. http://www.times-standard.com/localnews/ci_8302249 Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monitory gain to those who have expressed an interest in receiving the material for research and educational purposes. This is in accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. section 107. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.htmlRemembering Floyd Redcrow Westerman: Dec. 13, 2007Greetings Family & Friends,We received some very sad news this morning that Floyd Red Crow Westerman passed away this morning in Los Angeles, California. Floyd was a beloved friend, a powerful activist, actor and artist. He will be deeply missed. These words from Michael Horse about Floyd: "I realized that I wouldn't be the person that I am today, I wouldn't be the artist I am, I wouldn't be the actor I am, I wouldn't be the activist I am without having known and experienced Floyd Red Crow Westerman. He was a bright guiding beacon who lit the path toward reexamining traditional ways. He shined a light on how important it is to fight for and protect them. He also gave us anthems to march by. But I know now that he sings songs with the Creator and that all of his ancestors were there to welcome and honor the warrior that he is. He will be deeply missed, but in our hearts never gone. Thank you and I love you Floyd Westerman." Please join us in sending up our prayers for Floyd. You can read more about Floyd Westerman, his accomplishments and his life below. Peace & All Good Things to You,Pennie Opal Plant Gathering Tribes 1573 Solano Avenue Berkeley CA 94707 (510) 528-9038 _www.gatheringtribes.com_ (http://www.gatheringtribes.com/) Thank you to Lakota Hardin and Morning Star Galli for the following information:(http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWN rZXQuY29t) From: American Indian MovementDate: Dec 13, 2007 8:36 AMFrom the Floyd Red Crow Westerman FamilyFloyd Red Crow Westerman passed to the spirit world this morning in Los Angeles, California, with family at his side. Services are pending. We thank you from our hearts for all the prayers and support and kindness and love that you have shown him and us.Gwen Westerman Griffin Mankato, MN( http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY29t) =========================================================A Short Bio from his website:http://www.floydredcrowwesterman.com/aboutfloyd.html Red Crow majored in both art, and speech & theatre at Northern State University in South Dakota where he graduated before embarking on a successful music and acting career. Aside from his memorable role as Ten Bears in the Academy Award TM winning film, "Dances with Wolves," he has appeared in over 50 movies and television shows including such hits as "The Doors," "Hidalgo,'"The X-Files," "Walker, Texas Ranger" and many others.Mr. Red Crow's musical resume includes two full-length albums, one of which features the title song, "Custer Died for your Sins," based on the popular book by renowned Indian scholar/historian/activist, Vine Deloria, Jr. Red Crow has performed all over the world while successfully incorporating his music into his own longtime career of activism. His advocacy work includes theAmerican Indian Movement, the 1977 Tour Against Nuclear Arms with Harry Belafonte, touring with Sting to publicize the decimation of rain forests and their residents, testifying at the World Uranium Hearing in Salzburg in 1992 and serving as founder and executive director of the Eyapaha Institute, a non-profit corporation devoted to address racism, discrimination, depredation and genocide of indigenous peoples throughout the world.Among his many accolades, Red Crow has received a Congressional Certificate of Special Recognition, the Award for Generosity by the Americans for Indian Opportunity, was named Cultural Ambassador by the International Indian TreatyCouncil, received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the City of Los Angeles and Mayor Richard Riordan, the Integrity Award from the Multi-Cultural Motion Picture Association and was named Indian Celebrity of the Year in 2000 by the AmericanIndian Exposition. He was also featured in an international advertising campaign by Dutch software company, OTIB, alongside such dignitaries as former Soviet Union president Mikhail Gorbachev and Czech Republic president Vaclav Havel.====================================================== === A short bio about him from: http://delafont.com/music_acts/Floyd-Westerman.htmRespected Indian activist, top-flight country folk singer and star of the silver screen are only a few of the accolades on Floyd Red Crow Westerman's resume.Floyd Red Crow Westerman, American Indian activist and country folk singer, was born on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Sioux reservation in South Dakota in 1936. In the Dakota language Red Crow is pronounced 'Kanghi Duta.' At the age of ten, he was sent to a government boarding school 80 miles off the reservation. He graduated from high school on the Flandreau South Dakota Sioux reservation, and continued on to Northern State College, South Dakota, majoring in Speech, Theater and Art. He earned a degree in Secondary Education, aswell as beginning work on a Law Degree.Well known on the country-folk singing circuit, Red Crow began his career in Colorado, and in 1969 he signed his first recording contract in New York. His first album, "Custer Died For Your Sins," based on Vine Deloria Jr.'s book, was released in 1970. The release of "Custer" led him to personal appearances throughout the U. S. and eventually worldwide.His second album, "The Land is Your Mother" was released in 1982. Since 1980 his concerts, in support of Human Rights for Indigenous People of the World, have taken him on more than 60 trips to Europe, Central and South America, as well as the U.S. and Canada. As a leader in the North American IndianMovement, he is actively involved in all aspects of human rights which include, the recognition of treaty, land and religious rights. In 1999, he was elected national co-Chair of the Coalition Against Racism in Sports.To raise funds for the Rain Forest Foundation Project, in the early 90's Red Crow went on a worldwide tour with musician Sting. Red Crow's commitment to help stop the cutting of the Rain Forest in the Amazon jungle gave him the opportunity to have an audience with many foreign dignitaries including, the Pope, Prince Charles, and President Mitterand of France.Red Crow's many personal appearances include concerts and song writing collaborations with such well known artists as Willie Nelson, Joni Mitchell, Kris Kristofferson, Richie Havens, Buffy Saint Marie, Jackson Browne, and Harry Belafonte. He also appears in Sting's video, released by A&M records and directed by Academy Award nominated director Jean Pierre Detelleux.Red Crow made his big screen debut in the motion picture "Renegades," directed by Jack Sholder. He played Arthur, the Lakota Sioux father to Lou Diamond Phillips. Since that time his list of screen credits has continued to grow. His work with a number of prestigious directors includes Kevin Costner, who was quick to cast him as the third lead in "Dances With Wolves." Floyd's brilliant and memorable portrayal of Chief Ten Bears earned him worldwide acclaim and recognition in the motion picture industry.Director Oliver Stone cast Red Crow in the pivotal role of a Shaman and spiritual guide to Jim Morrison in The Doors. Red Crow's portrayal of such notable characters as No Ears, in "Buffalo Girls," Grandfather Fool Bull in "Lakota Woman," and Wilf in "Clearcut," is unforgettable. In 1999, Floyd once again played the classic role of the tribal elder in director Richard Attenborough's "Grey Owl," starring Pierce Brosnan.Network television quickly became aware of Red Crow's talents and cast him as Uncle Ray in the series "Walker, Texas Ranger." His numerous television roles include guest leads in "Northern Exposure," "The Pretender," "L.A. Law," "X-Files," "Millennium," "Roseanne," "Dharma and Greg," and a cameo appearance as Sitting Bull in the four-hour mini-series, "Son of The Morning Star," directed by Mike Robe.Red Crow brings a sense of dignity, honor, tradition, and heritage to all his acting pursuits. While working with other creative personnel, he promotes and teaches understanding, tradition and the meaning of all things sacred to Indian people. He continues to pursue his acting career and dedicating his life to the causes of human rights and environmental issues. He feels he is carrying the 'baton' passed on to him by fellow actor Will Sampson, who received it from Chief Dan George.Past show 2-10-08:NAMAPAHH First People's Radio 4-5 PM PST Mt Vernon, WA Host/Producer: Robin Carneen Join us this Sunday wherever you are: 2-10-08 Locally on KSVR 91.7 FM Streaming at:www.ksvr.org: 2008 State of the Indian Nations Address Native Voice One has provided a copy of The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) State of the Indian Nations Address for airplay on NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: NCAI's President - Joe A. Garcia, delivered the 6th Annual State of Indian Nations Address on Thursday, January 31st at 12:30 PM EST. This broadcast was from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The speech was delivered three days following President Bush's State ofthe Union Address and is a forum for relaying to the President, the American public and Indian Nations the general state of America's Indian Nations. THANKS so much for www.nv1.org service & support! Native Voice One...Not just any radio distributor of Native American News, views & music- but one the best! Special thanks to Burt Poley the NV1 manager Native Voice One: The Native American Radio Service P.O. Box 40164Albuquerque, NM 87196 Hope you all can tune in... If you want to participate in Thursday nights Valentine's Day show- by either calling or emailing in words or poetry for your sweethearts, loved ones, etc please let me know ASAP. You can email me at this address or let me know if you wish to call in & I will schedule you a time & provide you with the call in number. You can request a song too (in the native music catagory) & if I have it or something in the specific catagory I will play it & make a dedication to whoever you wish it to go out to. I have Powwow music, flute, hand drum, contemporary, stories, etc- just let me know. I am starting to plan this special show out now. Thank you, showing you all some radio love & hope you are all doing well, there are so many of you doing so many good things & behalf of our people, keep up the good work! ~Robin Carneen~Past shows:Gary Stroutsos~ David Lanz~ Swil Kanim....live in the studios of KSVR 91.7 FM 1-24-08 7-8:30PM PSTNAMAPAHHFirstPeople'sRadio7-8:30PM PST 12-20-07 www.ksvr.orgNAMAPAHH First People's Radio KSVR 91.7 FM Mt Vernon, WA Host/Producer: Robin Carneen7-8:30PM PST 12-20-07 STREAMING LIVE: www.ksvr.orgSeason's Greetings!I am excited and looking forward to having Native American Musician Randy Granger on Thursday evening . He will be our first phone in guest on NAMAPAHH First People's Radio, I think you will enjoy him alot! Please tune in online at www.ksvr.org PST(or adjust for the time zone & day of the week you are listening to us! For all his International fans- we welcome you to join us in our part of Indian country!)7-7:45PM PSTHe will share tracks and stories from two of his new releases:Cloud Walker & Winter Colors:Links and contact infohttp://www.randygranger.net http://www.myspace.com/randygrangeremail: [email protected]://www.cdbaby.com/all/lonegrange r http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=LoneGrangerMusic available everywhere online including iTunes. Type in Music Randy Granger into your favorite search engine.Short Bio InfoMusician Randy Granger is a Native of southeastern New Mexico, a Native American flutist, singer, songwriter, Hang (hung) drum artist and recording artist. An award winning artist, in 2007 alone he was up for 2 NAMA's for "Flutist" and "New Age" categories, two New Mexico Music Industry Awards, earned 2nd place at the Native flute competition at the Musical Echoes Native American Flute Festival in Florida, was selected as a "Rising Star" performer at the Zion Canyon Art and Flute Festival in Utah, performed at over 50 Public performances, was featured on National Public Radio's All Things Considered for their "Sound Clip" series, had his music used in three film projects, is the subject of a film by the New Mexico Music Commission and of several print articles, websites and poetry journals and released an album called "The Roswell Incident." He has two CD's of Native American flute music, Cloudwalker and Winter Colors. Randy is a full-time musician and tours, composes for films, documentaries, dance troupes, volunteers his music in Hospice and Hospital settings and writes articles and conducts workshops on music in Hospice.In January the New Mexico Music Commission will air a film about Randy's music and playing on Albuquerque TV stations as well as their YouTube channel. He is the subject of numerous articles and a regular guest on public radio stations. He is of Chol (Chool) and Apache ancestry. His videos can be seen on his YouTube Channel and MySpace TV. In addition to the Native American flute Randy is an award-winning singer songwriter and Hang drum artist. He makes his home in New Mexico's Mesilla (meh SEE yah) Valley near the Rio Grande river.streaming on www.ksvr.orgPlease stay tuned...we have asked for a delegate to call in from Washington DC to let us know how the withdrawal from the US treaty in exchange for well deserved freedom & independence went. This is tenative part of tomorrow night's show, but once a delegate can join us on air, I will let you know who they are. This is history in the making & the delegate will explain why the Lakota people have done this. This is HUGE DEAL- you do not want to miss hearing what this is all about!7:50-8:30PM PSTLAKOTA Lakota Freedom Delegation Mitaku Oyasin: We Are All RelatedMEDIA ADVISORY Immediate Release: 13 December 2007Media Contacts: Naomi Archer, Communications Liaison (828) 230-1404 [email protected], AGAIN! LAKOTA SIOUX MAKE HISTORY IN WITHDRAWAL FROM U.S. TREATIESFirst Nation Travels to Washington D.C., Will Unilaterally Withdrawal from All Treaties with the United States GovernmentU.S., International Treaty Law Indicate Historic Land Range Returns to Sovereign Lakota PeopleExcellent Audio and Visuals: Press Conference to Feature Lakota Flag/Eagle Staff, Traditional Language and Music, Traditional Lakota Food and Other RefreshmentsWHAT: A Historic Event between the Lakota Sioux Indians and the United States Government: Press Conference Announcing Unilateral Withdrawal of Lakota Nation From All U.S. Treaties and Return to Independence.WHERE: Plymouth Congregational Church 5301 N. Capital Street, NE, Washington DCWHEN: 11:30am, Wednesday December 19, 2007WHO: Lakota Freedom Delegation, representatives of Lakota Sioux Indians- an Indigenous First Nation of North America. Delegation includes Lakota activist and actor Russell Means; Oglala Lakota Strong Heart Society leader Duane Martin Sr.; Gary Rowland, Leader Chief Big Foot Riders, Women of Red Nations founder Phyllis Young, Pearl Denet Claw Daniel and others.SUMMARY: For far too long our people have suffered at the hands of the colonial apartheid system imposed on the Lakota Sioux. Our treaties with the United States government are nothing more than worthless words on worthless paper – repeatedly violated in order to steal our culture, our land and our ability to maintain our way of life.The devastation this has wrought is clear: + Lakota men have a life expectancy of less than 44 years, lowest of any country in the World (excluding AIDS) including Haiti. + The Lakota infant mortality rate is 5x the U.S. Average. + The Tuberculosis rate on Lakota reservations is approx 800% higher than the U.S national average. + 97% of our Lakota people live below the poverty line. + Unemployment rates on our reservations are approximately 85%. + Teenage suicide rate is 150% higher than the U.S national average for this group. + Our Lakota language is an Endangered Language, on the verge of extinction.We have no choice but to take this historic action to protect our people and our way of life, and reclaim our freedom from the colonial systems of the United States Government. So we travel to Washington D.C. to withdraw from our treaties with the United States and announce full return of our sovereign status under Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution, International and Natural Law.We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have suffered from cultural and physical genocide in the colonial apartheid system we have been forced to live under. We are in Washington, D. C. to withdraw from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at www.lakotafreedom.com. Lakota; 444 Crazy Horse Drive; P.O. Box 99; Porcupine, SD 57772.MORE CONTENT TO BE ADDED: PLEASE CHECK BACK FOR UPDATES.Mitaku Oyasin - We Are All Related! Lakota 444 Crazy Horse Drive, P.O. Box 99 Porcupine, SD 57772Brought to you, my wonderful listeners & friends!NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Host/Producer Robin Carneen Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST Ways to hear our show online: www.ksvr.org Or shorter segments via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahh Main myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4all email: [email protected] Stay tuned on Thursday nights for: 8:30-10pm The Massive Mix Session w/Dj DefkawnHome of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/ Blog:http://namapahhmultimedia.blogspot.com/Pics: http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=690395451 Groupsite: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tetawin38/ Got a new release? Want to become a member??? Here's the Radio station addy: c/o Robin Carneen- NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Skagit Valley College-KSVR 91.7 FM 2405 East College Way Mount Vernon, WA 98273Season's greetings friends & family~12-13-07 Thursday night!Here is a warm invitation to have you all tune into NAMAPAHH tonight!Sweetwater Nannauck, Peter Boome and Sue Shotridge will be some of my phone in radio guests tonight on NAMAPAHH First People's Radio-KSVR 91.7 FM (tune in online: www.ksvr.org 7-8:30pm PST) to speak about his upcoming participation in "The Fifth Annual Makah and Friends Native Art Show" is Seattle, WA:Dear Friends,You are invited to The Fifth Annual Makah and Friends Native Art Show on December 15, 2007 at the Wilson Pacific School, 1330 N. 90th Street, Seattle from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. There will be contemporary and traditional Native art for sale from several master artists, such as: Lisa Telford (Haida), Carl Irving (Makah), David Boxley (Tsimshian), Lorene Boxley (Tlingit), Peter Boome (Upper Skagit), Al Charles (Lower Elwha S'Klallam), and Isreal Shotridge (Tlingit). There will be 40 Native artists/vendors!There will be free Native arts and crafts classes and presentations offered through out the day in the Semat Center. From 12:00-2:00 we have Margie Morris (Tlingit) teaching how to paint Native designs on holiday ornaments. From 2:00-3:00 Micah McCarty (Makah) will be giving a presentation about Makah Whaling. Tonya Markishum (Makah) will be teaching how to make dream catcher ornaments from 3:00-5:00.We will also have a Native Santa Claus available for free (digital) photos with the kids from 1:00-3:00 pm in the Cafeteria. Come and find a one-of-a-kind, authentic Native gift, and enjoy the holiday spirit with the First Peoples of this land. Sponsored by the AFSC Indian Program, Huchoosedah Indian Ed, Makah and Friends Urban Planning Committee, the Potlatch Fund, and The Seattle Foundation.Sincerely, Sweetwater NannauckAFSC Indian Program Assistant (206) 632-0500 ext. 20 work/(206) 245-5621 cell [email protected] an added special stocking stuffer for the ear, for my listeners will be Fred Fullmer & his daughter Yolanda, who will call in during Red Road Community Calendar to share a little about his Tlinget artwork & their version of:"12 Days of Christmas Tlingit Style"Hope you can join us as we celebrate the season in various ways...this is just one way we do it here in the NW amongst some of our Indigenous people!Happy Holidays, give to those who need it the most! Remember those back in the Dakotas, the flood & fire victims and others who will have so little at the end of this year, going into 2008!Take care, many blessings & prayers, Robin, Nick & Tyler(her boys) & the critters-Lena/Scout & Chaco~-- NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Host/Producer Robin Carneen Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST Ways to hear our show online: www.ksvr.org Or shorter segments via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahh Main myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4all email: [email protected] Stay tuned on Thursday nights for: 8:30-10pm The Massive Mix Session w/Dj DefkawnHome of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/ Blog:http://namapahhmultimedia.blogspot.com/Pics: http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=690395451 Groupsite: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tetawin38/ Got a new release? Want to become a member??? Here's the Radio station addy: c/o Robin Carneen- NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Skagit Valley College-KSVR 91.7 FM 2405 East College Way Mount Vernon, WA 98273http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/ Home of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio Host/Producer Robin Carneen Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PSTWays to hear our show online on the internet! www.ksvr.orgOr shorter segments via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahhMain myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4allPics: http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/Get yours now! www.mytribalspaces.com http://www.mytribalspace.com/view_profile.php ?member_id=8422Are you a film maker or know film makers? Call for entries:The Tulalip Film Festival the product of the co-operation of Tulalip Tribes, Northwest Indian College, & numerous private sponsors & donors.....For more info visit: http://www.nwic.edu/tulalipff/or e-mail to: [email protected]'s show 7-8:30pm:7-26-077-7:30pm PST: GRAVE NEWS FROM THE FIRE STRICKEN DUCK VALLEY INDIAN RESERVATIONSi Young Bear Thomas of the Shoshone-Paiute will be my guest tonight .....along wth a new friend & Cheyenne warrior/journalist/actvist/Filmmaker Carlos Guevara( He's a regular contributor to the Native Vue http://www.nativevue.org/ forum& guest blog as well)....Talking about:GRAVE NEWS FROM THE FIRE STRICKEN DUCK VALLEY INDIAN RESERVATIONThere is a dire emergency at the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Owyhee Nevada. It's a very isolated reservation on the Nevada/Idaho border. One of the many fires that have been burning out of control in the west devastated this little village and people are suffering without water and electricity for 5 day now with no relief in sight. Food is going bad since there is no electricity since all the power poles are burned to a crisp. The elderly and the children are taking a direct hit as water supplies dwindle and food is in short supply. Since there is no power the heat is taking its toll and there is human suffering since there has been no aid. If ever there was a time for The People to pull together it's now.So give these people a chance to survive in this blistering heat. Give them a call and see what you can do. These are our brothers and sister who are literally baking in the hot Nevada sun. If nothing is done like soon, there will be fatalities as the elderly will soon expire from the heat and the lack
7-8:30PM PST
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Don't forget to hit up our profile on ReverbNation! "ALSO....Later on in the show...Call in Guest:
Jeremy Miller
contact info: 253-208-8201
email:[email protected]
website: http://www.myspace.com/upriza_recordsWhat's all this excitement about?This'll be a "Post WCAIMA" show follow up, starting with a candid interview with band members of Dog Faced Gods, who rocked us at the White River Amphitheatre, located on the Muckleshoot Indian Reservation. We will also hear from Jeremy Miller WCAIMA event organizer who will be letting us know who this year's WCAIMA winners were & what lies ahead for WCAIMA & his label UPRIZA RECORDS...The "First Annual West Coast American Indian Music Awards " snapshot:"From artists who record in their house and beat the streets with cd’s in their trunks to artists who are international cyber-celebs with sites like myspace and youtube."Native American-owned local record label, Upriza Records based out of Puyallup Wa., hosted the First Annual West Coast American Indian Music Awards at the Muckleshoot White River Amphitheatre on May 3rd. CEO/Producer, Jeremy Miller and others brought together Pacific Islanders and the Coastal peoples of the West Coast in a open form of music to rekindle the spirit of the ring of fire " the Pacific Rim ".The event was emceed by Actor Robert Guthrie, a seasoned actor who has stared in major films such as Expiration date, a movie filmed in Seattle Wa. WCAIMA boasted a mega lineup of about 30 performers coming from over 10 different states and brought a variety of genres including traditional drum groups, hiphop, blues, jazz, dance theater,spoken word,classical,punk and new styles."ETHNIC DE GENERATION www.myspace.com/edg; 7TH GENERATION www.7thgeneration.biz; EAGLE HEARTwww.myspace.com/upriza_records; AND OTHER MUSIC FROM VARIOUS AWARD WINNERS WILL ALSO BE AIRED ON TONIGHT'S MUSICAL SPOTLIGHT.Hope you can join us, tune in online & locally to 91.7 FM www.ksvr.org"Keep That Native Radio Going On"Special shout out from Grandma Snagalicious to her musical surrogate son
http://www.myspace.com/unitednationz315And SAVAGE FAM!
http://www.myspace.com/oksicShout out to Swinomish's own big drum! Eagle Heart!
http://www.myspace.com/eagleheartdrumCheck out Robert Guthrie & what he is all about!
http://www.myspace.com/robertguthrieSUNDAY 4-5PM PST May 1st, 2008....Lummi Stommish Water Festival
June 13-15, 2008Interview with event coordinator Freddie Lane & possibly others from the Lummi Nation...music, stories & more will be shared to highlight this upcoming invent up North...http://www.stommish.com/home.phpNAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Host/Producer Robin Carneen
Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST
Ways to hear our show online:
Or shorter segments via MYSPACE!
Main myspace page:
email: [email protected] a new release? Want to become a member??? Here's the Radio station addy:
c/o Robin Carneen-
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Skagit Valley College-KSVR 91.7 FM
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
w/NAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Home website: http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/
Host/Producer Robin Carneen
(stay tuned from 8:30-10pm Thurs: Massive Mix Session/DJ Defkawn)Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST
Ways to hear our show online: www.ksvr.org
Or via MYSPACE! http://www.myspace.com/namapahh
Main MYSPACE page: http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4all
Pictures: http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/Coming up on NAMAPAHH: NEW MUSIC will be featured & announcements on Sundays show 4-5pm PST(lots from CANADA!)Thursday is going to be a very significant show...not necessarily a Native American topic or focus, but one that should be very important to us all...we will be talking about Missing People & Missing Children's programs & honoring the women & their families who have either lost a child and/or some who have grown chilren who are now adults & missing...find out about these organizations & campaigns & how you can get involved & what prevention kits & tools are available & out there to hopefully prevent other children & adults from disappearing...its heart wrenching!Related Websites:www.missingjason.com
www.projectjason.orgContact:Kelly Jolkowski
[email protected] Find Jason Jolkowski-Podcast-The day he went missing
n_USNancy Ruiz asks you help find her daughter is Gina DeJesus.
www.findgeorgina.comMonday, April, 2 at 7:30 PM
The family & friends of Gina Lynn DeJesus come together with great hope of bringing her home!!!
We will be gathering at W. 104 th Street in Cleveland, Ohio. The spot where Gina was last seen walking home from Wilbur Wright Middle School on April 2, 2004Gina DeJesus Candle Light Vigil
Gina DeJesus Candle Light Vigilhttp://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/special/missing.htmNati
onal Center for Missing & Exploited Children!
"A private, non-profit organization working in
cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice,
NCMEC is a vital resource for families and America's
17,000 law enforcement agencies in the search for
missing children and the quest for child protection."
1-800-843-5678 Hotline Number 1-800-THE-LOST
Search for child photos!My new friend Tara Weber, who is also a volunteer for the Campaign: Radio Waves for Jason, will be my guest as well, talking about Gina's case and this one too: Amanda: www.amandaberry.net
Protect Bear Butte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks Tamra!NAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Thurs 7-8:30PM PST 1-10-07 www.ksvr.org
Sun 4-5PM PST
KSVR 91.7 FM
Mt Vernon, WA
Host/Producer: Robin Carneen
Guest co-host David Blanco7-8:30PM PST 1-10-08
STREAMING LIVE: www.ksvr.orgThis Thursday 1-10-08: Acting Up in Indian Country segment...
The Native Experience Film Festival
January 19, 2008 10 am - 5 pmGuests: In studio: Karen Marshall Executive Director: Skagit County Historical Museum
Elaine Miles, Brian Young; Tracy Rector; Freddie Lane....Call in guests: Swil Kanim, Gene Tagban(tenative- in Jamica)On today's show we will be featuring our special segment we call
"Acting Up in Indian Country"The Native Experience Film Festival
January 19, 2008 10 am - 5 pmSKAGIT COUNTY HISTORICAL MUSEUM501 S. 4th Street • P.O. Box 818 • La Conner, WA 98257tel. 360.466.3365 • fax 360.466.1611Date: December 18, 2007From: Jan SaundersPR [email protected] IMMEDIATE RELEASENative Experience in Film Festival Features Directors, Actors, Youth at Swinomish CenterYour browser may not support display of this image.PHOTO CUTLINE: Elaine Miles, award-winning television and film actress and traditional dancer, well-known for her role in Northern Exposure, will share her experiences at the Native Experience in Film Festival.La Conner – The Native Experience in Film Festival, presented by the Skagit County Historical Museum, will take place at the Swinomish Youth Center, 17275 Reservation Rd, La Conner on Saturday, January 19 from 10 am to 5 pm. Featured are nationally and locally known directors, producers and actors Robert Guthrie, Swil Kanim, Freddie Lane, Elaine Miles, Rick Stevenson, Gene Tagaban, Brian Young and Tracy Rector & Longhouse Media/Native Lens students. The day-long festival includes screenings of the award-winning Expiration Date and short films by Swinomish youth plus interactive panel discussions with directors and actors on the progress, challenges, and impact of Native filmmaking.Purchase General Admission Tickets by Jan 16 for $10, lunch included. Call 360.466.3365 or download order form at www.skagitcounty.net/nativefilmfest or come to Skagit County Historical Museum, 501 S. 4th St. La Conner.Tickets also available at the door for $15, lunch included. Seating is limited.For more information visit www. skagitcounty.net/nativefilmfest or call 360.466.3365Festival Sponsors:Swinomish Tribal CommunityThis program is supported in part by a grant from Humanities Washington, a state-wide non-profit organization supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities,
the state of Washington, and contributions from individuals and foundations.Tulalip Tribes Charitable FundThe Hugh and Jane Ferguson FoundationThis program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Washington State Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. Because a Great Nation Deserves Great ArtLonghouse Media/Native LensAdvertising Sponsor: Skagit County Tourism Promotion FundsEvent Venue
Swinomish Youth Center
17275 Reservation Road
La Conner, WARefreshments served throughout the day !Admission chargesONLY $10.00 FOR AN ALL DAY PASS
With passes purchased before 1/16
A "Reel" Deal!
or $15.00 at the door.
Passes INCLUDE a salmon chowder with salad and roll lunch!
( go to website: Download a ticket request form (Pdf))Contact the Skagit County Historical Museum at 360-466-3365
10 am... Welcoming Song and opening remarks by Swinomish tribal members.Screening of short films created with Swinomish youth and panel discussions by Longhouse Media's Native Lens program participants.Mid-Day...Lunch break and informal discussion time. Lunch provided!1 pm...Panel discussion by actors, producers and filmmakers including Elaine Miles, Swil Kanim, Gene Tagaban and Freddie Lane discussing the progress, challenges and impact of Native film- making.2 pm...Screening of the award-winning film Expiration Date.4 pm... Follow-up discussion about the production and thematic content by director Rick Stevenson and lead actor Robert Guthrie.http://www.swinomish.org/departments/native_lens/ind
ex.htmlwatch some Native Lens Films:http://skagitcounty.net/HistoricalSociety/HTML/FestBio
s.htmRick Stevenson
Director/Writer/ProducerRick Stevenson is a Seattle native known for his work in film and television in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Stevenson's production credits include PRIVILEGED (1983) starring Hugh Grant; RESTLESS NATIVES (1985) starring Ned Beatty, PROMISED LAND (1987) starring Meg Ryan and Kiefer Sutherland; SOME GIRLS (1989) starring Patrick Dempsey, Jennifer Connelly and Andre Gregory: and CROOKED HEARTS starring Jennifer Jason-Leigh, Noah Wylie, Juliette Lewis and Peter Coyote. Stevenson made his feature film directorial debut in 1995 with MAGIC IN THE WATER, starring Mark Harmon and Joshua Jackson. His next, widely lauded, feature film was THE DINOSAUR HUNTER with Christopher Plummer (1999). This was followed by ANTHRAX (2001) starring Cameron Daddo, David Keith, William B. Davis, Ed Begley Jr. Most recently, Stevenson directed, co-wrote and produced EXPIRATION DATE(2006) starring Robert Guthrie, Dee Wallace Stone and David Keith. Stevenson has directed many programs for television including ED for NBC and his work as a director of television commercials has garnered a myriad of awards. In 2004, Stevenson founded thefilmschool with Tom Skerritt and Stewart Stern. He holds a PhD from Oxford University, a master's degree from the London School of Economics and a bachelor's degree in history from Whitman College in Washington State. Rick is married with four children.
www.expirationdatethemovie.comBrian Young
Director/Writer/ProducerBrian has been acting, writing, directing and producing for film, television and theater for over 20 years. Born and raised in Northwest Washington, he and his family call the Skagit Valley home. He wrote and directed the films "Counting Days", "Chapel Hill" and the award winning "In the Garden Growing". He is currently in pre-production on the Native themed feature film "Spirit Water." His company is Jet City Films:
www.jetcityfilms.comTracy Rector,
Executive DirectorTracy Rector, Seminole, is currently earning her Masters in Education and Teacher Certification from Antioch University's First Peoples Program. She specializes in Native American Studies, traditional plant medicine and documentary film. As the Co-Producer of the award winning films Teachings of the Tree People and Teachings of the Tree People: The Work of Bruce Miller, Tracy has developed an awareness and sensitivity to the power of media and film as a modern storytelling tool. Her work has been featured at National Geographic's All Roads Film Project and at the Smithsonian's Museum of the American Indian. As a Native Education specialist Tracy offers unique insight to her projects. Her vision is to bring traditional and contemporary education together in a foundation based in environmental stewardship, utilizing film and nature as a pathway for learning. Tracy's involvement in the Pacific Northwest Native American community includes experience as a community advocate, indigenous garden designer and curriculum developer. In conjunction with the Seattle Art Museum, the Northwest Folklife Council has recognized her "Teachings of the Tree People" curriculum as the "Gold Standard" model. She is currently working with the museum as a consultant and Native Naturalist for the Olympic Sculpture Park and in planning for the new expanded Native American wing of the Seattle Art Museum and traveling Coast Salish Exhibit. Tracy is also currently developing curriculum for IslandWood, an environmental education center. She is the Co-founder of Longhouse Media/Native Lens and a proud mother of two boys.Elaine Miles
ActressElaine is a Cayuse/NezPerce actress best known for her role as Marilyn Whirlwind on the Emmy winning award show Northern Exposure where she was a regular all six seasons. She is an award winning actress recognized by First Americans in the Arts for her role as Marilyn in '92, '94, & '95. In November of 2001, she received the Eagle Spirit Award from the American Indian Film Institute.
She has done seven movies: Skins (2001), Business of Fancy Dancing (2001), Tortilla Heaven (1999), Smoke Signals (1997), Scattering Dad (1997), Pandora's Clock (1995), Mad Love (1994).
She has worked in Canada on CBC's half hour series, "The Rez" in 1997, co-starring as the medicine woman, Etta.Swil Kanim
Actor, PerformerSwil Kanim is a world class virtuoso violinist who advocates self-expression to create stronger community. He has been featured on KIRO TV NEWS, National Public Radio's Earth on the Air, Northwest Public Radio, NW Cable News Network and the Canadian Chum Network's New Canoe.In addition to appearing in 24 episodes of CBS's Northern Exposure, his music and acting ability were highlighted by starring in Sherman Alexie's critically acclaimed The Business of FancyDancing.He was selected to perform as part of the Bellingham's Sister City Program in Teteyama, Japan where he continued on to Seoul, Korea for a memorial/reunion concert for orphans of the Korean Conflict.The Indigo Girls asked Swil Kanim to be their opening act in Seattle to kick off the Honor the Earth Concert tour of North America.Swil Kanim also performed for five years with the Growth and Prevention Theater Company (GAP Theater), based out of Seattle. The GAP Theater Company presented professional plays about racism and varying forms of bigotry for institutions across the Great Northwest.He has done school assemblies for elementary and secondary education in Washington State, British Columbia, Canada, and in Sitka Alaska.At the American Indian Film Awards in San Francisco, Swil Kanim performed on stage, he was featured on the soundtrack of a documentary about Indian Boarding Schools, which won the Best Documentary award.Swil Kanim has received the Certificate of Virtuosity from the Whatcom Chapter of the Washington State Music Teachers Association, the Bellingham Municipal Arts Award for Promoting Self-Expression in Community, and Woodring College of Education Professional Excellence Award.Gene Tagaban
Actor, StorytellerGene is noted as a Tlingit storyteller and actor, who shares his wisdom and talent via dance, native flute and storytelling and has appeared in several movies, including the Business of Fancy Dancing.Gene Tagaban/Guy Yaaw': T'akdeintaan Raven red sockeye clan, Wooshketaan Yadi, Child of an Eagle/Shark. Gene is Tlingit, Cherokee and Filipino. He grew up in Juneau, Alaska. Gene has traveled across the country as a trainer, consultant, storyteller and actor; facilitating workshops and performing dance and theatre. Gene has toured with Naa-ka-Hidi Theatre, co-developed Ravens Voice Theatre and collaborated with Coyote Gathers His People. Gene is now living in the Pacific Northwest performing with Kuteeya, an Alaskan native dance troupe, Under One Sky Ensemble native flute, drums and storytelling and has created Raven Dreaming Productions, specializing in training, workshops, consultation, motivational speaking, storytelling and performing arts.Stories are more than entertainment. According to Gene Tagaban, stories teach. The spirits of our ancestors, who have much to teach, live in stories as well as in songs and dances. Gene brings his tales to life with the use of traditional flutes, drums and rattles, dance and movement, and masks and regalia.Freddie LaneTelevision, Documentary Producer
Freddie works for Lummi Nation News. He has done reporting for NWIN and has does voice work for KVOS-TV. He has done documentaries for various film festivals. Currently, he is the director of the Paddle to Lummi, an historic event in Bellingham taking place in late July.Robert Guthrie
ActorTitle: "Robert Ponders "(photo by Bruce Worrall)This Sunday 1-13-08:First half hour:Native American Musican(Activist) 2007 Nammy nominated acoustic singer/songwriter, Michael Bucher about his new release, DIRTY WATER & his latest CD SEVEN. Produced in association with a new company, PK Productions, LLC and musicseen PROductions in the fall of 2007...along with Karla R. LaRive of Studio West Management and of:PK Productions, LLC
P.O. Box 752
Hot Springs, SD 57747
iowestmanagementwww.myspace.com/pk_productions2nd half of NAMAPAHH:Homeland Security preparing to seize Apache lands....tenative guestsFuture shows:Bald Eagle festival Jan 26/27: http://www.skagiteagle.org/Guests on NAMAPAHH TBA for this particular interview about this event..." We have lots to celebrate!
2008 is the 21st anniversary year for the
Upper Skagit Bald Eagle Festival
and the 12th year of the Interpretive Center."--
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Host/Producer Robin Carneen
Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST
Ways to hear our show online:
Or shorter segments via MYSPACE!
Main myspace page:
email: [email protected]
Stay tuned on Thursday nights for: 8:30-10pm
The Massive Mix Session w/Dj DefkawnHome of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/
Got a new release? Want to become a member??? Here's the Radio station addy:
c/o Robin Carneen-
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Skagit Valley College-KSVR 91.7 FM
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Cool Slideshows
Cool SlideshowsTune in tonight to NAMAPAHH First People's Radio!Some call in guests to talk about this weekends events at Tulalip 2007!7-8:30pm PST www.ksvr.org8:30-10pm stay tuned, Jerome has a special guest or two too!Keep That Native Radio Going on! Robin Carneen----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: PK Productions, LLC
Date: Nov 28, 2007 9:05 AMPK Productions, LLC releases their second music video production, DIRTY WATER by (2007) Nammy nominated for "Best Debut Artist" and "Best Folk Recording" Native American acoustic singer/songwriter MICHAEL BUCHER and in association with (2007) Nammy nominated Videographer for "Best Short Form Music Video/DVD"CHRIS CROSBY of musicseen productions
Michael Bucher
a new music video from
Musicseen productions
in association with
PK Productions, LLC
Add to My Profile | More Videos
This is a tribute video about the spiritual battle of Mato Paha - Bear Butte Mountain, South Dakota being threatened by the encroachment of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
The video was shot on-location during the 2007 Sturgis Rally in the Black Hills, South Dakota at: Bear Butte Mountain State Park; City of Sturgis; Reddy Ranch/Wounded Knee; Oglala Nation Pow-Wow/Pine Ridge Reservation; Hartman Ranch/Oelrichs, South Dakota and, Seneca Niagara Casino and Hotel, NY. Horse stunts performed by Lakota Stuntman, Loren Cuny.
"Our sacred lands are all that remain keeping us connected to our place on Mother Earth, to our spirituality, our heritage and our lands; what's left of them. If they take it all away, what will remain except a vague memory of a past so forgotten?" ~ Tamra Brennen
Michael Bucher ( pronounced Busher ) is a Cherokee singer-songwriter who was taught from the beginning of his memory the stories, language and legends of his people. His songs are intended to teach, heal and bring an awareness to everyone who hears them. He sings about topics that are important to him and others in Indian Country. From the desecration of sacred sites, to Cherokee legends, to the sometimes seemingly Invisible Indian, there's a passionate quality throughout. With strong vocals and heartfelt lyrics, his music is a blend of acoustic guitar, native and contemporary drums, flute, shakers, rattles, bass and electric guitars, and cuts a swath through native folk, blues and rock.
To order Michael's CD please go to www.michaelbucher.com
“And, we all have lessons that we’re put here to learn enjoy the journey you’re on…..†Michael BucherNEXT SUNDAY: NATIVE CALIFORNIA FILM FESTIVAL
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: WoZ (Nituhkuyin Mahikan Mist..iguso)
Date: Dec 3, 2007 6:36 AM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Feminist Magazine
Date: Dec 3, 2007 2:43 AM
Native California Film Fest
Dec. 9 @ 12-2pm
Roxie Cinema
3117 16th Street at Valencia, San Francisco
Learn about the true history of California, and what's going on with tribes today. Directors and activists will be present for questions afterwards. All funds raised will go to help SNAG Magazine publish its next issue: "Women & Mother Earth."
Gold Greed & Genocide / Doc. / 28 min.
Details the devastation to California tribes and the land during the Gold Rush of 1849.
Ceremony Comes Home / Doc. / 22 min.
The Winnemem Wintu Tribe is fighting the U.S. Forest Service for access to a sacred sites south of Mount Shasta.
Shellmound / Doc. / 21 min.
The Emeryville mall replaced a decrepit paint factory. Before that, the site was home to the Muwekma Ohlone, whose ancestors remain buried beneath the mall.
With the Strength of Our Ancestors / Doc. / 44
Shows the beliefs, suffering and survival of three tribes of Northern California – the Wintu, Pit River, and Yana tribes – and their success with the Win-River Casino.
Join NAMAPAHH First People’s Radio tune in locally at KSVR 91.7 FM or online at: www.ksvr.orgMarch 22, 2007 Thursday 7-8:30pmPST Host/Producer: Robin Carneen Guest Co-host: Connie Allen (my mom)We'll be hearing from Elizabeth Ward-Sneatlum! She checked in with me via phone & I offered her a chance to air her views & opinions on what happened to her & how she is doing...we'll be talking about the canoe family she is a part of & how this may affect her participation to paddle to Lummi this summer.... Here's some background:This was on the NEWS! Drunk Driver hits new Mom on her way home from the Hospital! And how you can help!picture courtesey of family: Mom-Liz-GrandmaSuzan-and newborn Robert-KyleOur beloved Elizabeth Ward-Sneatlum, canoe warrior, fiancée and life partner of Robert Satiacum, was severely injured in a collision with a drunk driver on Monday, February 26th. Rob and Liz were driving home from Tacoma General Hospital, after Liz was released from giving birth to their son Robert Kyle Coos XaXa Satiacum born February 22nd. The driver was traveling at high speed down North Pearl Street and continued to drive after slamming into Rob and Liz who were crossing through a green light at 6th Ave. The driver was arrested later that night. He was charged with vehicular assault and was arraigned with a $25,000 bail.Elizabeth’s extensive injuries required she be taken to Harbor View Hospital in Seattle. Her neck and back were broken in multiple places. After nine hours of surgery, came the hopeful news from the surgeon that she would be able to walk. Liz will need several more surgeries and underwent a second surgery, on her neck injuries, on Thursday March 8th. She will also need extensive rehabilitation as part of the healing process. Thankfully, during the accident, their newborn baby was still in the intermediate care unit at Tacoma General. Robert Kyle was born 5 weeks early but still was a healthy 6 pounds. The baby was released Saturday March 2nd, and is being cared for by Grandma SuZan.Our prayers and well wishes go out to her!UPDATE & A REQUEST FROM ELIZABETH! Elizabeth Sneatlum (Satiacum) is continuing to battle for a full recovery ELIZABETH SNEATLUM wrote: This is very important to me and Rob. Could you read it, and help us out, or pass it to someone who possibly could? Thank you Robert & ElizabethCharles W. Roberts, Pierce County Superior Court Cause # 07-1-01113-9, charged with Vehicular Assault, Failure to Remain at an Injury Accident, Attempting to Elude a Pursuing Police Vehicle, and Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicants, trial date is set for May 2nd 2007 at 8:30 am in RM 214-A County City Building.The trial has been now changed to a date for the defendant to enter an agreed arraignment with the County Prosecutors to less charges, and enter a guilty plea, enabling him to receive less time of incarceration. The County Prosecutor's Office has recommended 15 months, and with time served credited, and the possibility of early release for good behavior, it's very possible the defendant could be released sometime towards the end of this summer.Presently, Elizabeth Sneatlum (Satiacum) is continuing to battle for a full recovery, and has yet to hold her new born son, Robert Jr. She's been fighting diligently to regain her life back and to someday soon, get out of her body brace and off her back, so she may be able to join, and perhaps even skipper her family's Canoe TaTa KwiK, in this year's Canoe Journey to Lummi, later this summer.Since the accident, we have been told by the prosecution and our attorney, that the State would aggressively pursue justice on our behalf, by proverbially "throwing the Book at 'em"; whereas, it appears they have chosen instead, to throw the "pamphlet" at him .Once again, we feel victimized and insulted by our elected officials and the justice system itself. We felt as though this could have become a platform of which to profess the dangers of drugs and alcohol use, and perhaps start some sort of legislation to make the State express exactly what side of the issue they stand on.As the controlling State agency, I believe the "organization" is sending mixed signals. "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk", "Drink Responsible", "Know When to Say When", "Drive Hammered, Get Nailed" etc. Just how many tax dollars have been spent on this hollow effort? And for what? As many cross's and alters have been set up along the highways, as there are the signs that are posted, and read, "Don't Drink and Drive" In memory of...How many more lives must be lost or devastated by the State condoning the distribution of this "controlled" substance?On each bottle sold, it is stamped W.S.L.C.B. Perhaps I should seek financial relief from them for the mountain of medical bills that have been stacking up, and monetary relief for suffering Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually. As a Control Board, they should control their product. No matter how low you lower the Blood Alcohol Limit, you will always have people exceed the limit, perhaps "0" Tolerance is the obvious answer looking us right in the face, but perhaps, those that make the laws are equally guilty, and would have to take a good look at themselves.Either way, if you are going to be the one responsible for distributing the booze, then be responsible and cover the cost of your damage. If you want to really end this devastation, then end it.Perhaps the monies saved from not publishing the contradictive signs and propaganda about the dangers of drinking too much or the horrors of going to jail, could be better spent on being distributed to the damages their product creates!I am sending this message out as an open invitation to those sensible and people of integrity, to come and support Elizabeth, myself and family this Wednesday morning, by show up and offering us your support and showing the court the "ripple" effect of one person's action's.All media is welcome to witness and cover our incredible story and healing journey.Charles W. Roberts, Pierce Couny Superior Court Cause # 07-1-01113-9, charged with Vehicular Assault, Failure to Remain at an Injury Accident, Attempting to Elude a Pursuing Police Vehicle, and Driving While Under the Influence of Intoxicants, trial date is set for May 2nd 2007 at 8:3 AM in RM 214-A County City Building.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From another list I belong to! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "You are undoubtedly aware by now that the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) made a decision on March 2 that dramatically increases the cost of streaming sound recordings of music on the internet. This includes public radio stations’ websites and all additional streams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NF CB is working with NPR and other parties to reduce these onerous fees, and NPR’s request for a rehearing was granted. The deadline for submitting written arguments on this issue is April 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NFC B is cooperating with NPR to gather information so that we can paint as broad a picture as possible of the potential impact this decision might have. For this, we urgently need your help. NPR has put together a quick survey that we are asking you to complete by next Wednesday, March 28. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=776763537267(truncated)~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ginny Z BersonVice President & Director of Federation ServicesNational Federation of Community Broadcasters (NFCB)1970 Broadway, Suite 1000Oakland, CA 94612510 451-8200 ext. 305www.nfcb.org @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Created to honor all the warrior women & men on & off the internet!RE: To all of our new found friends...
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Apr 21, 2008 10:31 PM
Thank you all for finding us! We are blessed that the creator has connected you to us...please forgive us if we do not respond in a timely manner to your mails, however we can assure you that each and every written words sent to us is read. We really thank you for your patience...Many Blessings to everybody!!!
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Native American Myspace
Date: Apr 21, 2008 2:20 PM
Simply cut and paste the code below into your profile if you're inclined to :0)
Thanks to Linda Oranhawk for this beautiful design and contribution.
You rock!
Native American MyspaceNAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Host/Producer Robin Carneen
Thurs 7-8:30pm Sun 4-5pm PST"NAMAPAHH First People's Radio N=Native News A=Activism M=Media P=Performance A=Art H=Health H=History(and Humor)"Broadcasting on:
KSVR 91.7 FM Community Radio
Studio: (360) 416-7000
Station Manager Rip Robbins: (360) 416-7711Mailing address:
2405 East College Way
Mount Vernon, WA 98273Online: www.ksvr.orgHome of NAMAPAHH First People's Radio:
http://mysite.verizon.net/res7dwhg/Links on MYSPACE
http://www.myspace.com/nativeradio4allHost/producer email: [email protected] Blog:
http://namapahhmultimedia.blogspot.com/NAMAPAHH Pics:
http://spaces.msn.com/members/NativeRadio4all/NAMAPAHH First People’s Radio:NativeAmerican music, news, and views program.
Thursday nights from 7-8:30 pm PST
Sundays 3-4pm PSTKSVR is a non-profit community radio station offering a
diversity of programs and NAMAPAHH First People's
Radio is one of these. This program brings listeners to
Indian Country through field interviews, music, and
specific viewpoints from all over the the world. It builds
bridges and provides cultural insights and re-educates
those who were exposed to misconceptions about
Indigenous people.NAMAPAHH represents Native American
Elders, youth, Veteran's, artists, singers, and many
more Indigenous People throughout the world.
We also offer Red Road Community Calendar
on Thursday nights as an on air resource, where
information about upcoming events and breaking
news is shared. NAMAPAHH is constantly
developing and networking with others to build
programming and cover topics reflective
of Native American & our First Nation neighbors.KSVR is on the world wide map & everyone's dial
not only because it is a diverse station, but also a
catalyst for under-represented minority and grass root
voices.AND we support the Tulalip Youth Multi-Media Club-stay tuned for their segments- on NAMAPAHH First People's Radio coming to the airwaves soon!