Ovarian Cancer Research and National Health Insurance for Women and Children
We are seeking YOUR help!!! You can be active with us and make everyone you know aware of this issue.
To view official website and find out how you can help bring national health care coverage for women and children to this country click this banner below.
Women and Children FIRST!
The need for national healthcare is obvious.
There are millions of people who can not afford it,
but when we speak in terms of universal healthcare
for all Americans, it becomes a political issue that
gets demonized by its opponents, which leads to
emotionally distorted accusations thus preventing
coherent well thought out dialogue.
Our intention is to prioritize healthcare insurance
for the women and children of America
to make sure their needs are met while the existing
chaos around Healthcare Insurance gets sorted out,
into some type of coherency. This is a first step.
Our attitude is women and children first.
Any culture that does not protect the interests
of the women and children
is not really a culture.
We ask the men of America to help prioritize
the women and children as a first step.