Oklahoma Native Americans dedicated to telling the rest of the story...
List of Oklahoma Indian Planning Group Goals (Revised 1.26.08):
1) Protect Mother Earth;
2) Educate and have counter activities to the public school system’s Land Run re-enactments and celebrations held in communities every year on April 22;
3) Get Indian mascots out of the public school systems;
4) Provide funds to offset education costs for Oklahoma Indians that do not qualify for other government funded programs – perhaps put that funding toward total immersion schools and/or charter schools run by our own people;
5) Educate Oklahomans in our K-12 schools the truthful Indian History and the removal and relocation of 39+ tribes to Oklahoma;
6) Return sacred and lands properly belonging to Oklahoma Indians and for which Oklahoma Indians have reclaimed;
7) Provide assistance to those Indians who have land, tax, trust land and/or fractionated land that creates a means for Indians to continue to lose land;
8) Support more American Indian language programs in schools, make it a staple of American Indian communities, we are losing our languages at an alarming rate;
9) Educate about the use of Indian Health Services, address concerns about the Indian Health Services and promote good health in our communities;
10) Safeguard our sovereignty and educate about the meaning(s) of sovereignty;
11) Make our youth proud to be American Indian; help them learn who they are, what they are, and where they are from culturally and traditionally.
We Indians must stand together now more than ever to get our selves heard. So spread the word about this to your friends and family members. It is greatly appreciated. Mvto & Aho!
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We are determined to defend our lands and, if it be the "Great Spirit's" will, we wish to leave our bones upon them."
Tecumseh, Shawnee, 1813