Ian Spaghettiman Jensen profile picture

Ian Spaghettiman Jensen

Ian Jensen. God Bless America

About Me

I am a comedian in San Francisco. Someday I'll be in comedies and making comedies. I love comedy.Specialties include twitching, George bush impressions, and acting gay or homeless.

The above statement does not imply or guarantee liability of comedic acts. Anything designated as "Funny" or "Entertaining" is purely coincidental and not the intent of the author. Use of the word "Comedian" during performances or material created by the author does not gaurantee dialogue associated with "Laughter" or reaction of any kind by audience either voluntary or captive in nature.

My Interests

Comedy and all things related. Crackheads are very friendly. I like Pony's. have you ever tried peanut butter on a bacon cheeseburger?

I'd like to meet:

Tracy Lords. She gave me the eye once at a Hollywood signing. I SWEAR. So did the Mayor of Munchkinland.


Classic Rock. Hard Rock. Raygay? Reaggaea? Reaggay?. The loud noisy bumping crap my roomate plays. :)


Any Nerdy, Underdog movie from the 80's. Where the nerd got the cheerleader and something bad happened to the bully. That always filled me with warm false hope of the future.


Curb Your Enthusiasm Simpsons Ren and Stimpy Las Vegas 911 I don't watch TV


I don't read.


Bill Cosby Bill Hicks Mr Bill Bill William Billy Bob Thorton The Bills Billzebub

My Blog

WHy me?

I'm locked out of my apartment, at starbucks. The guy to the right of me is hocking lugies into a coffee cup for the past 30 minutes and the guy to the left of me has his hands down his pants scratchi...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 01:36:00 PST


ok first off. TOTALLY COOL! I got 2 featured videos on myspace. Karatay( an affeminate karatay instructor)Nickel Chicken( a chicken restaurant with nickels IN the chicken) Nickel chicken was the very...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:42:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:11:00 PST

Carrot Top! What's with the pubes?

  Michael Jackson is working out these days to improve his image, or maybe so he can hold his friends down easier. I'm not sure. Suddenly the conversation with ...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST

Let's come together and stop the dry humping hotties

I'm sitting here reflecting on last nights escapade and laughing. I went out with a group of really nice people, but they were funny. So funny that I had to make a little fun. We were out with two rea...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 05:35:00 PST

Dane Cook IS AWESOME! Especially the "SuFi"!!!!

If you've ever seen Dane Cooks Myspace page, you have seen his INCREDIBLY COOL, INCREDIBLY POPULAR,  America's HOT NEW TREND, the "SuFi" or "SUper FInger"!!!!! All comics kno...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:22:00 PST

The mad shitter

There is a mad shitter in the office. He clogs the toilet with 20 pounds of toilet paper, let's the toilet overflow with water, then runs like a kid getting caught drawing on the walls. Ther...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 11:27:00 PST

Grandpa comes in a little jar....

I keep trying a joke based on my grandpa's memorial. It's a strange one. so if you have any suggestions..... Aside from winning the lottery of friends and relatives dying the past year, including a co...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:03:00 PST

If you think Comedy is hard, try being a clown

After I received a few comments on  my clown pic, I remembered this picture came from the day I tried to be a clown. I had no experience when a friend aske...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:02:00 PST

I like photoshop

So Niel(c) is teaching a class. I wanted to support him so I made a new banner headshot for his web site. I'm still waiting to hear back if he's going to use it. I think it's very compliment...
Posted by Ian Spaghettiman Jensen on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 12:38:00 PST