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Yannis Pappas

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Just a fungus growing on a rock just like you are

My Interests

film, comedy, sports, eating dead animals, death and the disabled, psychosocials, non-fiction books, evil women and everyone else who has felt rejected and is venting on others because of it.

I'd like to meet:

Who I meet is who I'll meet...Sometimes I think I prefer staring at lobsters crawling on each other in a tank; I can do this for hours. None of us humans are that special, next time you take a number 2 take a good look at it laying fallow in the bowl and repeat out loud to yourself, "I made that!"... However, I love people the most because they are more interesting than the universe. Otherwise, I would like to meet Shakira to hip hop dance with me or just people who are trapped in an act, living as a version of themselves based on what people around them want to see. This type of Myspace thing will be great for us in the future when we are all old and playing pee knuckle or mah jongg or drinking coffee in mcdonalds doing crossword puzzles alone after our spouses have died and kids have grown and friends are dead or too disabled to leave the house. It will be a really nice way to meet others just like us to play pee knuckle or mah jongg or drink coffee and do crossword puzzles in mcdonalds with.


EVERYTHING THAT I LIKE except almost all country! country music for the most part sucks, it just sounds like a soundtrack for racism...I like ROCK, I grew up on RAP MUSIC, WHITE GIRL ANGST MUSIC about lost love or getting fondled or cats, I discovered janis joplin and jimmy hendrix in college when i would fool around with my girlfriend who played field hockey which i also discovered existed in college, MELONCHOLY INDI-WHITE ALT STUFF where when you go listen to it all the white people smell like wet dogs and it smells like spilt beer, CLASSICAL so i can hate kids and wonder about the wall street journal and ignore minorities, A LITTLE TECHNO if i feel like jump-roping which i never do, basically anything white people have a hard time dancing to, so everything really. black people who pretend not to like good rock just because white boys are singing it and rocking out to it annoy me. you created the art form for god sakes, now lets see some air guitar. greek music that is good.


the Coen brothers, Annie hall, Closer, Dangerous Liaisons, Trading Places, Color of Money, Goodfellas, before sunrise and before sunset,Taxi Driver, bomerang, true colors, docs and a ton others; woody allen movies not being popular alludes to what is wrong with the people of the world really. my big fat greek wedding because i am Greek. I am flattered and happy for Nia that everyone loved it but still kind of don't get how, unless if you consider that GREEKS FOUNDED CIVILIZATION AND ALL WORDS HAVE GREEK ROOTS..." god bless greek nationalism. greeks love greeks and being greek especially when they can hate everyone else who is not greek.


Anything that targets the coveted 13 year old female demographic. Preferably anything in the vain of the stuff that makes them scream and pass out at pop concerts.


East of Eden, The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond, Conquest and Culture by Thomas Sowell(although he is a pricky economist), Lies my History Teacher Told, People's History of the United States, 1968, War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, In the Belly of The Green Bird (my good friend nir wrote it, about Iraq) The Crisis Years (Beschloss), Cather In The Rye, Native Son, 10 Days To Destiny (the battle of Crete), Shakespeare plays--all of them, Canterbury Tales (Chaucer, the only man to define art correctly)


USA Women's soccer team--the 91ers and the crew. Anyone who otherwise gets paid less than what they are worth during times of emergency.

My Blog

jenkins motto

I audition for no one.  I work for the fart.  The people let me know how I am doing.  no words, please. steal a little victory with a giggle. gain retrospective wisdom about the pr...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:35:00 PST

steal a little victory

The only way to know if a love was real is if you are hurt and miss the person as if they were dead after the relationship is over, just as the peak of a civilization is only visible from th...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 07:47:00 PST

the lesson is in the living

I spent two and a half years working with the victims of 9/11 as a Disaster Relief Case Worker.  I was on the front lines within the aftermath.  I helped hotel workers, former...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 12:54:00 PST

the anatomy of a dictator is simple

We are merely human, none evil and none good.  Those are two ideals that do not exist in reality; no more than a perfect circle can ever exist, mathematically, in reality.  Everyon...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 02:14:00 PST

One of the first sketches i wrote and still a fav of mine

STEAKS CARDS THE WHOLE DEAL A table of guys playing cards    JIMMY  What do you got?    FANDO  Who me or him?    JIMMY  Not you him. Gesture...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:21:00 PST

And my dirty poems, enjoy these oh i miss merrion square

Soul Mates: for my girlfriend..:   Let me start with our different sexes if I can, You are a women and I am a man, You dream about shoes I dream about boobs, You grow babies inside you from a fe...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:51:00 PST

i got a email from jenkins and it said...

Hugging the sea as the gods mock thee: By pretending to be a person's perfect person in love, this is not done with mal-intent but a self need for love, you say the things they desperat...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:21:00 PST

who the heck am I?

out in london right now and i do not know what to say except, wow. Will write a long detailed explication for that emotion when i return and am less occupied. If you need to clear your head and see th...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:28:00 PST

some good quotes

There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement. For an achievement does not settle anything permanently. We still have to prove our worth anew each day: we have to prove ...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 03:54:00 PST

Always remember

always remember to remind yourself in the morning that you could die today, that you will die someday and that you do not know when.  Always remember a lot of people who you know or love will die...
Posted by Yannis Pappas on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 12:37:00 PST