Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) profile picture

Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack)


About Me

i do improv, standup, and other stuff around chicago. its a lot of fun. i have a website to promote: www.michaelpalascak.com. come see my one person show--Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack): Pursuing Happiness. It's a bunch of scenes about people that have moved out of their parents' house, got a real job, and got married. Performed by a guy who didn't. time and location: TBA. check out my nestle quik commercial: http://www.youtube.com/contests_layout?name=nesquik&v=hC 6iQY0jou0&goto=270 It was directed by Rachel McCann and written by Matthew Kelley.

My Interests

football, baseball, basketball, improv, standup, finding myself, being able to dunk a regulation basketball on a regulation rim on a regulation day

I'd like to meet:

albus dumbledore


alternative, glycerine by bush, offspring, ridin' dirty


Shaun of the Dead, A Fistful of Dollars, Kill Bill 2, Dumb and Dumber, Anchorman, Elf, Rudy, Home Alone, Tommy Boy, Field of Dreams


The Office, Colbert Report, Southpark, sketch/standup on tv


Crime and Punishment, Harry Potter, J.D Salinger's 9 Stories, Ender's Game, and others


people who do things they're afraid to do/unqualified to do. anyone who's ever worked longer than a month at GenCorp

My Blog

exclusive bastion interview!!!

http://www.thebastion.org/2008/05/inside_with_michael_palasc ak_w.html...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Fri, 09 May 2008 02:38:00 PST

Monday on The Manno Program

I was on Q101.1 Monday night and if you want to hear it you can go to:http://www. q101. com/blogs/home. aspx?BlogID=84you can listen to both tracks!!Also, check out the staged reading of my sitcom pil...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:39:00 PST

Vote for Me

I'm in this standup comedy contest. The Lucky 21.  And its all online voting beginning Wed. Nov. 21st at 10 am Eastern Standard Time and ending on December 5 at 1159 pm Eastern Standard Time.&nbs...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:38:00 PST

Voting Info for HBO’s The Comedy Festival Lucky 21

go to http://www.ziddio.com/contest.zd?dispatch=voting&c..39you can vote as many times as you want but you have to close your browser and then open it back up again to vote.if that link doesn't work, ...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 12:52:00 PST

my curveball doesn’t break as much

my curveball doesn't break as much as it used to.  i remember when I was 13 I had a nice sweeping curveball.  It would come in on a righty and then just fall off a table.  i usually pit...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:56:00 PST

watching the recruit right now

i'm watching the recruit right now.   i want to be a cia agent or al pacino.  one of the two.  oh well. the only thing i've ever been recruited for is to mow the lawn for my parent...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:28:00 PST

Vote for Hannibal

my comedian friend hannibal is a wild card for comedy central's open mic fight.  he's really funny.  check out his clip and vote him on at www.comedycentral.com/openmicfight   you ...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:48:00 PST

Pepper Johnson ruined my day.

I lost to my younger brother 7-3.  I was the Eagles.  He was the Giants.  We were in the last couple games of our season.  I was winning 3-0 after nailing like a 50 yard field goal...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 01:14:00 PST

Tecmo Super Bowl Season May '07--So Close, But Not Close in the Big Game

Tecmo Super Bowl Season May '07 Buffalo Bills (16-3)--   It was a rough playoffs.  We squeaked past the Kansas City Chiefs, 24-23 in the division playoffss.  Thanks to a Darryl Talley b...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:56:00 PST

A Malfunctional Carbon Monoxide Alarm

A little while ago, I was at home by myself.  (I live with my parents and sometimes they're there too but not this time.)  I was home by myself and the Carbon Monoxide Alarm went off.  ...
Posted by Michael Palascak (Pal-a-sack) on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:24:00 PST