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Nashville Muse

Songwriter and Marketing -

About Me

"That Look" co-written by Doak with Marc-Alan Barnette and Gary Dennison. Marc-Alan is the singer. Recorded at Jay's Place Studio on 17th Ave. in Nashville. Go to hear my other music at the site Go to to see the new and hot Tooks Hats - "Hats you Can Hear" that are going to be the hottest thing to listen to your MP3 and other listening devices - great for your logos on the front of them - check it out! Go to the following links to see the Guitar BQ mentioned on Jerry Springer show with Stephanie and Art's segment. Go to and to wathc it!Songwriter - moved to Nashville October 2002. Owner of and and host of 3rd Sundays at 3 and Guitar BQ in Nashville. Hometown is St. Albans, WV and lived in Charlotte, NC for 15 years. Songwriting, marketing, networking and connecting people are a couple specialtiesHere's what Phil Sweetland (writes for NY Times) wrote about me:He came, he saw, he networked. Such is the remarkable story of Doak Turner, who moved to Nashville 5+ years ago (Oct. 2002) and has already established his “Nashville Muse” as a must-read weekly reference for Music City's songwriting community.After 15 years in Charlotte, where he was coordinator of the songwriting workshop for 6 years, Turner came here (Nashville) in October of 2002. In March of 2003, he started the Nashville Muse, a weekly listing of songwriter nights, showcases, seminars and industry events that he now distributes each Monday to over 10,000 readers. Thousands more receive it forwarded or posted on various sites."I got the idea from someone who did it in LA," Turner says. "I got with my friends who play out, and had them tell me when and where they were appearing. The response has been fantastic.Sponsors, including recording studios, banks, realtors, and hosts of songwriting events, are now advertising on the Nashville Muse.Among the events Doak helps put on himself are the "Third Sunday at 3 Sunday Dinner with your Songwriting Family" gatherings at his house on the third Sunday of each month, and the annual Guitar-B-Q. The Guitar-B-Q 5 was April 1st and you can watch a video that was on "Nashville Music and More" here on the site and is About 300 people came the past couple of years, including lots of songwriters from out of town who were here for that week. The 2008 Guitarbq 6 will be held Sunday, April 6th from 3-8. Sponsorships are available!Turner, truly one of Music Row's unsung heroes, is a songwriter himself. How has this helped his own career?"I've been able to network with a lot of people in my peer group," he says. "Many of my co-writers have been folks who came from these events. What's fun is to watch friends being made and songs being played as a result. The Nashville Muse builds our songwriting community, which is the big purpose of it. Lots of people move here by themselves. Because of the Nashville Muse, it brings them into the family so we're not alone."Subscribe to The Nashville Muse at or e-mail Doak at [email protected]. Doak is also a writer for American Songwriter Magazine and is owner of the site and go to for the tooks hats tht are awesome!

My Interests

Songwriting,Music, working out, positive people, networking with music industry, beaches, warm weather, sunshine, listening to the ocean.

I'd like to meet:

Bernie Taupin - one of the best lyric writers, Sandra Bullock,


all styles from Country to Ted Nugent, Asia, Robin Trower, older music as Four Seasons, Motown, Fifth Dimension, Soul Music, Chicago - first 10 albums, Donna Summer, Willie Nelson - especially from 1977 "Willie and Family Live", Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night 2". Byron Hill, Benita Hill, Bryan Adams, Frampton Comes Alive, Eric Church, Turley Richards, The Memphis Horns, the music from "Sweet Soul Music" era - from Muscle Shoals, Macon, GA and Memphis, Bob Seagar Live - the first one in about 1976, Pat Travers, Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush, J Geils Band (early stuff)Becca Bramlet, James Slater, Robert Lee Castleman, Fertita and McClintock, Judy Akin.


Favorites are :Stand and Deliver, The Rookie, Patton, Saturday Night Fever, Animal House, Hope Floats, The Christmas Story, Blues Brothers, Magnum Force, Dirty Harry, Woodstock, Hoosiers, The Longest Yard. Born Free, Old Yeller, The original Batman (from the 60's) I Am Third, Graham Auto Theft, Lean on Me, Stand By Me, Smokey and the Bandit, The Persuit of Happiness, Road Hogs, Amazing Grace.


Watch the music channels - GAC, CMT, little of ESPN. Wish there were more shows like the 60's and 70's that showed clean and funny shows and movies. I do not watch much TV. Like to catch an old movie every now and then on the TV.


"Power of Positive Thinking" - Norman Vincent Peale, "Think and Grow Rich" - Napolean Hill, "Tuesdays with Morrie" - Mitch Ablum, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" - Dale Carnegie, "The Magic of Thinking Big" - Swartz, "The Craft and Business of Songwriting" - all THREE editions by John Braheny (check out the back page of the Third Edition of endorsees and page 387), "Me and the Spitter - Gaylord Perry, Miss Rythym - The Ruth Brown Story", "Sweet Soul Music", "Loose Balls - the Story of the ABA", "SkyWalker - Story of David Thompson", "The Bridges of Madison County" - Waller, "Financial Peace" - Dave Ramsey, "See You at the Top" - Zig Zigler, "The Greatest Salesman in the World" - Og Mandingo, "The Five People You Will Meet in Heaven" - Mitch Ablum, "Success Within - How to Create the Greatest Moments of your Life" - Lisa Wysocky. "Live Your Dreams" - Les Brown, "Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive" - Harvey McKay, "They Call Me Coach" - John Wooden, "The John Wooden Pyramid of Success" - Neville Johnson and edited by Lisa Wysocky. "Living Powerfully One Day at a Time" - Robert Schuller. "Clover" - Dori Sanders, "Elvis Pressley - The Man. The Life. The Legend" - Pamela Clarke Keogh, " I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow... Cause I Get Better Looking Every Day" - Joe Willie Namath with Dick Schaap, "Bud Collins Modern Encyclopedia of Tennis" - Bud Collins, "The Oldest Rookie" Jim Morris and Joel Engel, "The Secret", "The Tipping Poin"t, Wayne L Jackson's (of the Memphis Horns) books


Parents - Betty and Jerry Goff, brother Jason Goff and his famliy, sister Kara (Goff) Barnette and her family

My Blog

Nashville Muse ~ FEB 18-25

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:48:00 PST

Nashville Muse Feb 11 week

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:23:00 PST

Nashville Muse ~ Feb 4-10

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:55:00 PST

Nashville Muse ~ Jan 28-Feb 3

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 08:26:00 PST

Nashville Muse ~ Jan 21-27

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:18:00 PST

Nashville Muse ~ Jan 14-20

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:34:00 PST

Nashville Muse Jan 7 week

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 09:32:00 PST

Nashville Muse

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 09:09:00 PST

Blair School of Music Monday class

..> ..> Blair Songwriting Class Hello, This may a great class for you  one of the best investments I've made in my career and time in Nashville. Register this week and plan on attending every Mond...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 11:24:00 PST

Nashville Muse week of December 17 2007

Nashville Muse         &n bsp;         &n bsp;            ...
Posted by Nashville Muse on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:35:00 PST