Kurt Gibson Zeigler profile picture

Kurt Gibson Zeigler

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Started surfing in 1962 in Santa Barbara. Born There 06/11/52 Played bass in the 1960's R & B band THE RAVE UPS (we were like the American Stones). Graduated Reed College in Portland, OR. In the summer of 1969 I attended The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. I played Petruchio in TAMING OF THE SHREW and King Henry V (I was King Henry). After college I went into the US Marine Corps and flew jet fighters. In 2000 and 2001 I participated in the Gleneden Beach Players, Shakespeare by the Sea productions of TAMING OF THE SHREW (Petruchio) and TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA (Duke of Milan). California Born and Proud

My Interests

Longboard Surfing, British Military History, Shakespeare, Acting, Music (both playing and listening) Vinyl Rules! road bicycling Sailboating Good Food and Wine Fashion,Flying,Fly Fishing Sight Hounds We have 2 , Sports Car Racing I used to Race SCCA GT-1 Chevy Camaros And once got to Race Ferrais (512 Berlinetta Boxers)Palm trees fave Bass Guitars( Gibson EBO,EB2,Guild JetStar Mosrite Ventures Vox Teardrop)Vox tube amps in the 60s.Fender SuperShowmen 80s,90s better than an ampeg svt,Medieval Japan Samurais

I'd like to meet:

People of similar interests. I have particular interest in people from England, India, Japan, Italy, Spain and people with interest in Ancient Egypt. As a child I lived all over the world because my father was an agricultural research scientist and in my military career I was in the officer exchange program in England, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Israel, India, Italy, Japan, and Spain. ..
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1960's Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, The Animals, The Kinks, The Who, Velvet Underground, Iggy and the Stooges, MC5, New York Dolls, Chuck Berry, Chocolate Watchband, The Merry Go round Lovin' Spoonful, The Nazz 1960s Surf Music The Standells,,FasterPussycat,Lords of The New Church,1980s Glam Bands Sisters Of Mercy,The Cult,T-Rex,The Byrds.and all brit 60s bands the Jam,the Blues Project. Blues Magoos Love,The SEEDS and THE RAVE UPS my old group.Masters of the Airwaves,Roxy DC 5 The Plimsouls


.Master and Commander, Battle of Britain, Lawrence of Arabia, Horatio Hornblower, Big Wednesday, All the 1960's beach movies, Bride & Prejudice, Serenity, Night at the Museum, National Treasure, All Eva Mendes movies, All Shakespeare movies All BollyWood Scooby Do,The Blade Movies


Sopranos, Firefly, Space, Above and Beyond, Chicago Hope, Gidget (Hey, Sally, lookin' good!), The Flintstones, Petticoat Junction, Hullabullo, Shindig, Where the Action Is, Quincy, Airwolf, Lost in Space Top Chef (Padma is Great)House ER LA Ink,Tin Man,Samurai Movies NCIS. Vegas


Marshal in Petticoats by Paty Jager, All the Patrick O'Brien books (Master & Commander), Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Phantom Over Vietnam, Big Wednesday, My wife who isn't published - YET and Rupert Brooke


My dad (RCAF pilot in the Battle of Britain), my grandfathers (Oxford class of 1913), British WWI officers, Lance Carson, John Peck, Rennie Yater, Jan-Michael Vincent, Gary Busey, Denny & Kemp Aaberg, John Milius, all veterans, Ramesses II,all classic Long surf board shapers You know who You Are,Thank You for making such Boss 60s Sticks POWER TO THE VOLAN GLASSED SINGLE FINS KING HENRY V

My Blog

All New Friends Who Have Added Me

Greetings  to you all last night i was going, to send thank you  comments but was falling  asleep. so this am  i went on and found a few on my friend pages, i know you are very bus...
Posted by Kurt Gibson Zeigler on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 04:09:00 PST

Arthur Lee concert on on demand

Last night, channel  changing i came accross on jools hollands show a Love live show. it was really  cool  3 songs off  forever changes
Posted by Kurt Gibson Zeigler on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 08:14:00 PST

Snickers passed away today

To All  Myspace friends I don't  as a rule post sad, blogs  but today @ 10:00 pst my first Italian Greyhound boy Snickers .lost his battle with cancer He was a great Dog and my best fri...
Posted by Kurt Gibson Zeigler on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:09:00 PST

Last Sat album play list

Hey All myspace friends Got an e-mail,asking me what records i played last saturday so here's the list Remains-a session with Velvet Underground-1st The Animals-Animalzation The Action -The Ultimate A...
Posted by Kurt Gibson Zeigler on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:40:00 PST

Thanks to request Friends,and all

Hello Just wanted to thank,all request Friends and all who added me You all make myspace.a great place stay cool                &n...
Posted by Kurt Gibson Zeigler on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 02:26:00 PST


Hello all Friends, newly added and hopeful Friends If you happen to see on my bio about flying 16 years for the USMC and were thinking about not adding me please know that I hate war and in no wa...
Posted by Kurt Gibson Zeigler on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 10:54:00 PST