Eric Salt with Marlene Heartwood profile picture

Eric Salt with Marlene Heartwood

Eric Salt with Marlene Heartwood

About Me

CHECK OUR VIDEOS !!! !!!ENGLISH VERSION BELOW ----------------------- S’accompagnant simplement à la slide-guitare, Eric Salt nous invite à prendre goût à sa musique aux sonorités épurées et aux textes percutants. Enracinées dans le rock et la folk, ses chansons portent en elles des échos de Neil Young, de Bob Dylan et du Velvet Underground. Avec son album Free at last ! paru sous son ancien nom de « Terrible », il nous livre 15 titres entraînants et mélodieux, qui chantent l’injustice, la solitude, mais aussi l’espoir. Il est accompagné par sa compagne pluri instrumentiste Marlene Heartwood, avec qui il répète pendant que les « crab cakes » finissent de dorer. Leur nouvelle démo « First things first ! » nous rappelle que la priorité est donnée à la musique et à la soif de vivre.Né en 1969, Eric Salt est un batteur de rock aguerri à la scène et un chanteur accompli (Hey ! Bookmakers, Terrible Band et Radio Chacal). Il donne des concerts depuis 1988 ! Il se met à la slide-guitare et au song-writing en mars 2005. A la suite de plusieurs concerts, il enregistre son album solo Free at last ! en novembre de la même année. Depuis, il s’est produit à plus de cinquante reprises à Lyon, Paris et même aux Etats-Unis et au Canada.Eric Salt 04 78 39 67 52 / 06 80 95 09 91 [email protected] ----------------------- Accompanying himself simply with a slide-guitar, Eric Salt invites you to taste his music made out of refined sounds and incisive lyrics. Rooted in Rock and Folk music, his songs echo back Neil Young, Bob Dylan and the Velvet underground. With his first LP Free at last! published under his former name, “Terrible”, he provides 15 lively and melodious numbers, singing injustice, solitude and sometimes hope. He’s accompanied now by his love-of-a-lifetime, the multiinstrumentalist Marlene Heartwood, with whom he rehearses while the crab cakes finish baking. Their brand-new demo “First things first !” reminds us that music and craving for life are top priority. Born in 1969, Eric Salt has been giving concerts as a drummer and as a singer in several bands since 1988 ! He started playing the slide-guitar in March 2005. It allows him to write more personal songs. After a bunch of concerts, he recorded his first solo album Free at last ! the same year. Since 2005 he has performed more than 50 times in Lyon, Paris and even in the US of A and Canada. Eric Salt 00 (33) 478 39 67 52 [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 12/14/2007
Band Members: Eric Salt & Marlene Heartwood
Influences: Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Velvet Underground, Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None