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simon widdowson

About Me

I was born in Leeds in the North of England and I moved to Minneapolis in America. It snowed a lot and I never saw Prince. I played guitar in a blues band called Killing Floor before the drummer went to jail and then I had my first band called the Rainjackets. We released a cassette and then broke up. I recorded and released a couple more albums and gigged around Minneapolis for a more few years and then quit my job and loaded up the car.
I drove to Santa Fe New Mexico where I lived in a village in the mountains. I travelled around America for several years in an old volvo playing over 200 concerts a year in little bars, cafes, theatres and psychiatric hospitals and managed to record and release 3 albums on very low budgets.
Disillusioned with the travelling troubadour lifestyle I moved to Portland Oregon. The rain drove me away after 5 days but I returned a year later and rented an old warehouse and built a recording studio and art space. I called it Are You Listening? I shared the space with some other artist types and we threw a few big parties. I painted and I recorded and produced albums for some bands including Decemberists, Man of the Year, Hindi Guns, Charmparticles, Little Sue, Nicole Campbell, Papillon, Funk Shui, Jolenes, Pete Krebs, Stephanie Schneiderman, Purusa, Aaron Masonek, Trick Sensei and I'm sure a few more. I also played electric guitar in my favourite band of all time: Soul Butler.
"Are You Listening? Studio. One of the shiniest gems in Portlands recent pop past" Portland Willamette Week 2004
I played a few more gigs and recorded two more albums of my own music with some friends and musicians I had been fortunate enough to meet in Portland including Ezra Holbrook and Aaron Masonek (American Girls, Dr Theopolis), Josh Boyd (Trick Sensei), Jason Bedard (King Black Acid, Durango Park), Kelly Simmons (Man of the Year) and James Beaton (Everclear, Storm and the Balls). Eventually the landlord turned up the heat on this little bohemian enclave and so I packed up and went back to the sanctuary of the desert in New Mexico and here I finished my last album, Frame. I also recorded and played on new albums for David Smith and Broken Trophy.
I was feeling the itch to get back to Europe after my American odyssey and George Bush got elected for a second time so I bought a one way ticket to Italy. It was all very nice and I played a few gigs but after about 3 months I decided to live in Ireland. I set up a recording studio in a little stone cottage just outside Cork. It rained almost every day and I shoveled coal into a bucket to keep the studio warm but I recorded music for Box Camera, Arm the Elderly, The Driven, Dardanelles, Exit the Street, Wiggle, The Red Herrings and I'm sure a few others. I played bass in a band called The Outside for a while and also Farfisa organ and synths in Box Camera.
A couple of years later I sold my studio, loaded up the car with my instruments and moved to Lyon in France. I have new a band here called Smash Heroes with Christophe Courtial on bass (Mauss, Noz) and Denis Simon on drums (Murdock) We got together in Jan 2008 and we've played a few gigs in Lyon at places like Ninkasi, Double Six and Casa Musicale. I'll be playing a few solo gigs and I'm writing songs for my next album.


My Interests


Member Since: 5/13/2005
Band Members:
click on the picture of the CD above to listen to all the tracks and download from itunes or buy an actual compact disc in a case from cdbaby if you feel so inclined.
Present and previous band members include: Denis Simon, Christophe Courtial (Lyon, France) John Quirke, Paul Power, Steve Nixon, Mike Lyons, Graham Lynch, Jason O'Driscoll, Roy O'Driscoll (Cork, Ireland) Jason Bedard, Kelly Simmons, James Beaton, Ezra Holbrook, Aaron Masonek, Josh Boyd, Jake Endicott, Lewi Longmire, Jeff Duffey, Alan Glickenhaus (Portland, USA) Andy Primm, Jason Bedard, Ian Wallace, Dave Toland, Woody Thomson, Thomas Blues, Chris Ishee (Santa Fe, USA) Brian Vennes, Daryl Yankee, John Guion, Pat Weeks, Mike Oslewski, Stan Naraine, Becky Shedd, Dave Kareken (Minneapolis, USA) Mark Frost, Owen Cain (Lancaster, UK)
Influences: Guitar, Bass, Farfisa Organ, Recording Studios, Cameras, Mellotrons, the Sun, Red Wine, Olives, Rob Genadeck, Marmite, Synthesisers, Ezra Holbrook, Jono Manson, Rumi, Radiohead, Brent Ballantyne, Jason Bedard, Andy Warhol, Lyon, Batley, Portland Oregon, Decemberists, Surfing, Seattle, The Colourbox, Santa Fe New Mexico, Green Chile, Paul Weller, Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, Minneapolis, Vancouver Island, BMW motorcycles, The Desert, First Avenue, John Martyn, Colorado, Mussels, Led Zeppelin, Mario Mertz, Stumptown Coffee, Cork, Ireland, Guernica.
Sounds Like:

Auteur compositeur, musicien, realisateur, Simon Widdowson est né à Leeds en Angleterre. Dans les années 90, il part pour les Etats-Unis où il évolue sur la scène musicale de Minneapolis, Santa Fe et Portland. Simon Widdowson a effectué des concerts partout aux Etats-Unis et depuis ces dernières années il a sorti 5 albums hautement acclamés !A Portland dans l’Oregon, il fonde "Are you Listening?", un espace d’artistes et un studio d’enregistrement où il enregistre de nombreux albums de groupes connus tels que Decemberists, Hindi Guns, Charmparticles, Pete Krebs, Papillon, Jolenes et beaucoup d’autres.En 2004, il déménage pour l’Irlande où il se produit régulièrement et enregistre la musique de Box Camera, Arm the Elderly, The Driven, et Dardanelles.Puis il quitte l’Irlande pour la France en 2007. Simon Widdowson y crée un nouveau groupe, Smash Heroes avec les musiciens lyonnais Christophe Courtial (Mauss, Noz) et Denis Simon (Murdock, Tonino).Smash Heroes a effectué son premier concert en janvier 2008 au Ninkasi auprès d’un public très enthousiaste.
"Cet auteur compositeur britannique émigré dispose d’une conscience sociale prolifique, il n’a pas peur d’afficher ses sentiments et la souplesse de ses paroles rappelle Graham Parker et Van Morrison" Billboard Magazine.
"Miles Away, qui débute par une avalanche d’orgues et de guitares n’est pas sans rappeler The Charlatans, avant d’évoluer vers un son mélodieux et harmonieux de guitare pop dans la veine de That Petrol Emotion ou The La’s. Le tremolo de la guitare y est particulièrement agréable. C’est un choix qui s’impose pour un single ou encore que l’on peut volontiers trouver au côté de Franz Ferdinand, The Zutons, The Killers et d’autres encore sur une programmation radio." Ivan O’Donoghue,

Record Label: what's that?
Type of Label: Major