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Panda Transport


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First we want to thank THEM: Ross Hoffman, Andrea Pestoni, Christina Alexandra, Todd Hirsh, Derek Hornes, Emy, Olof Adell, Gilles & Valerie, Hussein(25 Y old friendship)Frank Cavet, Rudy Boissy, Sylvain Gibernon, Bart Thissen, J-Marie Lusinchi, Pascal(Laxap), Philippe Petit, Pat, SPPTC, Old Empire, Mark Howard, Kella Prill, Jeremy(Starvation), Lance(minimum Wave), JC(Buzz), Jones(ST2), Marita Delgado, Mary Ellen, Nicolas(Spidart), Isa & Piero, all the clubs we have played, our family... Thanks so much for your support..BEE ZOO!!!Back to school
She is Kathy Compton and she is a leoHe is Thierry Holweck and he is insane.They are panda transport and they fight like brother and sister.She wanted to be a pussycat, a witch or an astronaut, he a globetrotter or a shepard in the alpes. She became a chanteuse and writer of jazz and pop, he a punk electro experimental musician. Polar opposites but drawn together by a lust to become acquainted with the unknown. Their meeting was not self evident in a world where cultures fight to guard themselves from foreign ideas, but every good person knows that a mixed race baby is the most beautiful thing 2 people can create. They are a by product of the global village, creating music where jazz phrasing coupled with simple melodies is set upon a sonic soundscape of deceptively complex harmonies and tiny sounds; astral lounge. The notion of travel remains central to their nomadic lifestyle, most of the songs from it were composed on the road in europe or the states, in motels alongside the highway, as opposed to the comforts of a proper recording studio, utilizing dilapidated laptops and wires strewn about. The product is more natural sunlight than well placed studio lighting. It is human music for human people.Kat and Ti's varying tastes in musical styles are what dictates Panda Transport's sound- a melange of electronic and natural instrumentation, utilizing vocal harmonies, theramin, flute, vocoder, guitars, wood percussion, synths and toys.Panda Transport formalized in september of 2006 when work begain in earnest to record material for the debut album. since then, we have travelled both extensively in Europe with members of Add N to X and in the U.S. recently supported Girl Talk.. Between March and June 2007, we have played 25 shows.Their video "Back to School" will be published on the DVD "la B.O. de Lyon", distributed by the city of Lyon and with the magazine Les Inrocks june 2008. The video will be broadcast on TF1, french national TV channel on a show dedicated to the web and called WATTV, may2.Their interpretation of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" was released on Dope Beat compilation (Play It Again Sam Records) this February and is now enjoying airplay on french national radio, France Inter."Paint by Numbers" appears on Agoon-agoon compilation featuring the Dirty Princess (Gigolo Records), Pureape (Alpine Chic Records.), and Risqué (Substream Records), among others.In 2006, Philippe Petit, Bip-Hop Records label manager, and member of Strings of Consciousness signed on Barry Adamson’s label, CCI/Mute Records requested Panda Transport create a remix for his upcoming release, entitled “Deviasonist”.The talented techno producer Bart Thissen(Wolfskuil Records-Netherland) has recently done a remix of "Paint by Numbers".Pantrans is touring in 2008 in North America and Europe in support of their new full length release.Presse


So gegensätzlich wie Plüsch und Metall sind die amerikanische Jazzsängerin Kathy Compton und ihr französischer Musiker Thierry Holweck. Sie wollte einst Hexe oder Astronautin werden, er ist schlicht wahnsinnig, schreibt die Promo. Das ungleiche Duo präsentiert mit "Pluch mechanique" ein Debut-Album mit Anspruch. In einem Genre, das oft von Künstlichkeit durchzogen oder gar fast dominiert wird, erschaffen Panda Transport menschliche Musik und fordern das Gehör heraus. Feine Zwischentöne wie beispielsweise das Cello in "Back to School" veredlen die ziemlich minimal gehaltenen Eletrotrakcs und bilden - in diesem konkreten Fall - einen dunklen Kontrastpunkt zur hellen Singstimme. Der jazzige Einfluss, den die Singer/Songwriterin Compton einbringt, verschmilzt schon mal mit einem Bossanova, der von sanften Synthi-Piepsern begleitet wird. Akustische Gitarren vermischen sich zärtlich mit elektronischen Elementen und am Mikrofon macht Kathy ihren Berufswunsch Hexe doch noch wahr, wenn sie wie einst Erykah Badu am Rumble in the Jungle zischt wie eine Schlange in Trance. Die relaxte Soundlandschaft ist auf schlichte Melodien und trügerisch komplizierte Harmonien aufgebaut. Entspannung ist für den Hörer aber trotz schon mal komplexen Aufbau jederzeit garantiert!

Si pour échapper à la déforestation, un panda imaginaire devenait globe trotter et parcourait le monde, il voyagerait certainement sur cette compagnie franco américaine, lestant de son image d'animal pataud et sympathique l'électro de Panda Transport, légère comme les nuages au dessus de l'Atlantique. Et si l'on entreprend de considérer l'album comme un plan de vol, les premiers titres sont placés sous le signe d'une voix féminine entre lounge et trip hop, élégante, brillante, distante comme chez Thievery Corporation. S'ensuit une escale, une chanson plus groovy, et le panda imaginaire d'esquisser un pas de samba ou d'une autre danse chaloupée, au diapason d'un nouveau continent. Toutefois, en compagnie de l'animal noir et blanc, nous ne sommes jamais mieux transportés qu'en passant par Manchester. Ainsi, « Faith », chanson de milieu de parcours, emprunte beaucoup à New Order, mélangeant cliquetis synthétiques et guitares attrape-coeurs tout droit sorties des lumineux disques de pop anglaise des années 80. L'audacieux mélange fait à nouveau merveille sur une relecture de « Love will tear us apart », où les deux, Thierry Holweck le lyonnais musicien producteur électro rock et Kathy Compton la chanteuse de pop jazz américaine trouvent un bel équilibre. A ce moment précis, où que l'on soit, nos yeux s'emplissent de mélancolie au son de ce chant d'appel à un nouveau départ. .

.Le Progrés de Lyon" Jeudi 1 nov. 2007

.... Panda Transport, composé de quatre musiciens dont un surprenant duo : le français Thierry Holweck alias Severin24 et la chanteuse de pop jazz américaine Kathy Compton. Cette formation va surprendre : pleine de douceur, de mélancolie, de rêverie intemporelle, elle affiche un rythme bien marqué aux nuances pop, rock et trip-hop.Originaire de Virginie, Kathy Compton a appris le jazz très tôt. Elle a démarré sa carrière il y a une dizaine d'années et a déjà enregistré trois albums. Les musiciens de Suzanne Véga ont participé à son dernier CD et à ses tournées. Elle joue de la guitare, du synthé, du vocoder, des percus, chante et compose. Thierry Holweck s'est quant à lui fait remarquer comme guitariste dans des groupes lyonnais et a enregistré deux albums. Sa collaboration artistique avec Kathy remonte à 2OO6, avec la création de « Panda Transport » et l'enregistrement d'un 1er CD entre Lyon et Charlottesville, des tournées en Europe et aux USA. Un concert très optimiste, dynamique et plein de sensualité.


roz. Hinter Panda Transport steckt das französisch-amerikanische Duo Thierry Holweck und Kathy Compton. Sie machen sanftmütigen Synthiepop mit luftigem Frauengesang und deutlichem Bossa-Einschlag."Plush Mechanique" lebt von Gegensätzen. Die Songs sind harmonisch leicht verschroben und wirken doch geschmeidig und mild. Die Stimme der amerikanischen Jazzsängerin Kathy Compton erinnert stellenweise sehr an Roisìn Murphy. Der synthetische Soundteppich von Thierry Holweck ist eindeutig französischer Herkunft. Ihr Minimal-Elektro-Pop hat einen seidigen Charme. Die entspannte Soundlandschaft wirkt schlicht, der jazzige Einfluss kommt durch die Hintertür. Ein Album wie ein beglückender Sonnenstrahl.

Le Petit Bulletin(Lyon-France) about Le Peuple de L'Herbe compilation.

"Courage was needed to do an other cover of LWTUA from Joy Division.S24 and Kathy Compton have choosen to envelopp it with a piece of cotton impregnated with formol, and to sing it with a pervers innocence, which the result of a certain idea of the contemporary melancholy.."

TRAX (février 2007/n°103) / mensuel spécialisé

Le Peuple de l’herbe ayant beaucoup d’amis, le second volet de sa compile Dope beats ratisse large dans le panorama lyonnais. ..Dope beats 2 s’invite aussi au Brésil, le temps d’une parenthèse disco-punk secouée par la basse imparable des Smagas. Puis retour à la casa, plus près des pentes, où l’on découvre alors un Agoria sous perf’ Basic channnel, un Dj Poulet remixé par Flore, ainsi qu’une énième reprise de «love will tear us apart » par S24 & Kathy Compton, aux dissonances électronica.Stéphanie Lopez

Signal Ethik radio.

....This album is indie and original, and very accessible by it's pop side. It is listenable everywhere, in all circumstances, in any ambience, unforgettable: "Paint by Numbers" sounds like looking out of the window of a plane in an open sky---"Back To School" is a track to wake up to or to listen to while deciding to rest in bed- "Transmission" is for bubble bathing, fly to the moon with "Cozy" and run away "Wanted".
Finally, the premiere album from panda transport has the look of a chameleon, a camoflage of sound.Amandine-

Jarrod, I-Monster(message on myspace)

« that is some serious good music you have.

The Onions(USA national):

C-Ville (Pick of the week)


« Panda Transport seems to be the perfect soundtrack for me as i'm curled up on my couch...Their melange of electronic and natural instrumentation help them fit in with the likes of the Chromatics, Glass Candy, Thievery corporation, etc...


SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER! Write I LOVE PANDA in the object part...and we promise..we will LOVE YOU!! CLICK HERE

My Interests


Member Since: 1/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Kat Panda-vocals, synthe, guitar, marimba, percussions & toys.

Ti Panda-synthe, guitar, vocal, theremin, percussions, toys & recorder.Plus on stage :Rudy Panda : Drums, percussion and more.

Influences: The Bird and the bee, Zero 7,Psapp,Tender Forever, Robert Wyatt, Straight Punch to The Crotch, Coco Rosie, Portishead, Nicola Conte, Nouvelle vague, Feist, Cibelle,Letta mbulu, Badly drawn boy,Death cab for cutie,Shannon Wright, Juana Molina, Patrick Wolf, James Yorkston, M ward,The shins, Pureape, Playme, Elbow,Claudine Longet, Star sailor,The Pandas way of life, Magnetic Field, Modest Mouse,Jori Hulkkonen, Mogwai, Jay Jay Johanssen, Morcheeba, Ellen Alien, Tim and Puma Mimi,Tom Verlaine, Four tet, Television, Blondie,The Sound, Birthday party, Velvet Underground, The Fiery Furnace, Tortoise, Johnatan Richman, Goldfrapp, Air, Daft punk, Archive, Flaming Lips, Bjork, Cornelius, Ladytron, X, The psychedelic furs, Boards of Canada, Thievery Corporation, Postal Service, Mouse On Mars, Schneider TM, Peter Murphy, Add N to X, Large Number, Kraftwerk, Thievery Corporation, Beach Boys, Guided by Voices, matthew dear, Matador rec., Vive la fête, Garbage, Apparat, Aoki Takamasa and Tujiko Noriko,Agoria, Lemon Jelly, Polyphonic Spree, Scalde,Lamb, I-Monster, Stereo Total,The Fall, Young Marble Giants, Mogwai, New Order, Echo & the Bunnymen, Telepopmusik, Depeche Mode, Dave Clark, M83, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Joy Division, David Bowie, Martin Rev, Kylie Minogue, Aphex Twins, JC-Bach, Alice in Wonderland, Pierre Henry, the Smith, Cure, Michel Legrand, Legowelt, Solvent, Alpine Chic, Mark Moore, Bip-Hop rec,Tombad rec., Chicks on Speed, pop, lo-fi, electro-acoustic, electro minimal, acoustic, jazz, experimental...
Sounds Like: Sounds like electro pop, trip-hop, jazz, experimental...I think ;-))

Our New CD Plush Mechanique, 12 tracks, Digipack designed by Christina Alexandra(Dallas), mastered by Lance Koelher(Minimum Wave Recording-Richmond) featuring for the remix Frank Cavet, Bart Thissen and Noise Affinity




(click on your fav logo)

And on many more...

2008 Bart Remix RMX(experimentale version) on AlpineChic compilation, "Kill AlpineChic". The compilation features newcomers and established artists of the swiss and international underground music panorama. CLICK ON THE ARTCOVER TO DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE !!

2007 Panda Transport first album...8 tracks SOLD OUT!!!!!

2007-Compilation AGooN-agOOn rec.,Transmission Vol 1, 17 finest electro tracks from all around the world artists like The Greenmatics, Mach Fox, Panda Transport, Bloik,Dirty Princess, Playme, Deviationist, Dalex, Risqué, Severin24, Luz&Ki, Banister, Elektradog, Auto-auto, Skult, Pureape, Krib!!! CLICK ON THE ARTCOVER TO BUY IT!!
Buy Transmission Vol1 thru iTunes!

2007-Our first release under the name of Severin24 & Kathy Compton-Compilation Supadope(PIAS) with Agoria, Miss Fitz, The Smagas, Varou Jan, R-Zatz,Weace, Scalde, Monstroplantes, Aku Fen, Paral.Lel, Asian Z, , Maalstrom, Napz, Laurent Dratler...

Record Label: AlpineChic rec.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Panda Transport featured in Les InRocks for 2008s La Fête de la Musique....

Panda Transport's video for  "back to school" has been chosen to be featured on " the soundtrack of lyon" DVD and will be distributed through the magazine, les InRocks, as well as street distri...
Posted by Panda Transport on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:09:00 PST

TF1 TV show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WATCAST, LE MAG DU WEB SUR TF1 sélectionnée dans TV ...
Posted by Panda Transport on Mon, 05 May 2008 12:11:00 PST

Chronique et interview sur

It's in french..En français dans le texte..La chronique, excellement ecrite est sur la page, pour l'interview faut aller sur le blog.Page d'accueil du blog :fictionalize.orgLa page direct vers Panda T...
Posted by Panda Transport on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:18:00 PST

Back to School vids on French TV TF1 crazy story!!!

Life is kind of crazy!!!I was struggled by the fact the band need a video to promote our new LP "plush mechanique" but, the budget needed to do a video is awfull and to be honest I don't like the main...
Posted by Panda Transport on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:15:00 PST

Wanted-Trip-hop RMX by Frank Cavet need your comment!!!

We are proud to annonce that Frank Cavet who's a great sound engineer(he doesn't need a myspace page ;-))) has done a trip-hop remix of our song called "wanted"..the version on myspace is an edit vers...
Posted by Panda Transport on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:39:00 PST

Article dans le Progrés de Lyon(900 000 copies)

"Le Progrés de Lyon" Jeudi 1 nov. 2007 Panda Transport Samedi, à 21 h 45, Acte 2 va vibrer aux accents de Panda Transport, composé de quatre musiciens dont un surprenant duo : le français Thierry H...
Posted by Panda Transport on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 12:18:00 PST

new review "Petit Bulletin" Lyon(France)

Translation: "Courage was needed to do an other cover of LWTUA from Joy Division. S24 and Kathy Compton have choosen to envelopp it with a piece of cotton impregnated with formol, and ...
Posted by Panda Transport on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 01:05:00 PST

Who are you????

We love your messages thru the internet or after a show..we have received this nice letter after latest Madison Café Montmartre show...unfortunately no contact and we can't answer ..too bad....
Posted by Panda Transport on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 05:43:00 PST

On the Top 29 on Victim Radio(Spain)

Panda Transport on the top 29 onvictim radio Barcelona Spain.
Posted by Panda Transport on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:57:00 PST

Review on Signaletik radio(France)

French originale version below.... Signal  Ethik  Radio Panda  Transport  -  Panda  transport Another my space victory! After having discovered Panda Transport ...
Posted by Panda Transport on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:09:00 PST