Nathan Fillion profile picture

Nathan Fillion

Come on in, leave some positivity behind. Please don't advertise this site. It's a secret gem, to be

About Me

Thanks for visiting my page! Come in, sit down, look around. Have a laugh and leave some positivity behind. If you are here to get something, an autograph, an interview, a favor- just turn your ass around. Understand I already have a full time job as an actor and I'm doing this for fun. That's it. Being negative, a weirdo, or posting ads will get you deleted and mocked. I'm sure you have a ton of questions, but before you send an email, please check out my fantabulous blogs. Chances are, someone has already asked and your answers await you- a mere click away! The most important thing about me is that I really am me. I'm not some weirdo, sitting at home, thinking I'm great for fooling people on the internet. BTW, if you are going to pretend to be somebody, pick someone cooler than me, like Christian Bale or something.

Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Movies (but being in them). I'm interested in skydiving, but my fear of heights overrides my sense of adventure. Gimme some ground level adventures. Hiking. If you've ever seen me up in the hills, pick up your damn dog's crap. This is a park for everyone and don't tell me you didn't have a bag because I always get plastic over paper at Ralph's just so I can bring 'em here to put in that damn receptacle at the bottom. Aren't you contributing to Parvo? Gizmos. If it's got batteries and a button, chances are I want it or got it already. Green laser, electric skateboard, switchless automatic pepper grinder. I have no limits to the toys. People. I like meeting "together" people. If you wonder if you are together, you aren't. If you don't care if you are together, you might be- or you're a jerk. Or a ski instructor.

I'd like to meet:

"When meeting people, being interesting isn't enough. You have to be interested." I want to meet the guy who wrote that little gem.Your results:
You are Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 75% Inara Serra (Companion) 65% Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 60% Derrial Book (Shepherd) 60% Jayne Cobb (Mercenary) 55% Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 55% Wash (Ship Pilot) 45% River (Stowaway) 35% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 30% Alliance 25% A Reaver (Cannibal) 5% You are good at fixing things.
You are usually cheerful.
You appreciate being treated
with delicacy and specialness.
Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test


My tastes ebb and flow like the tide, but some always remain. Rolling Stones, Martin Sexton, Bob Schnieder. Let's all keep an eye on Mr. Rhett Miller. I had the opportunity to meet him, and he is responsible for one of my top ten "SUPER COOL LA MOMENTS".


See: General.


Plasma. I enjoy Lost, like all really admirable people do. I want to be on the Office, and Reno 911. Don't make me pick! -------(the Office!) Arrested Development, the Venture Brothers.


Try Perfume and Jumper. Before the movies come out. Point of Impact I liked, too. Looks like they made it and called it, SHOOTER.


My dad and my brother. Anyone who finds it easy to be themselves.

My Blog

Airplane etiquette

So, having done a lot of flying in my time, and a whole lot in recent months, I've noticed a lot of things one can do to make travel more comfortable and pleasant experience. Again, we can apply the s...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:15:00 PST

Misquoted at the TCA's re: Joss project

Did I write out two wee scenarios for a western and send them to Joss? Yeah. It was cool.Is said western (already a property and not mine) in development? Yes. But not by Joss or myself.Would I like t...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:32:00 PST

iPhones, Phil Carey, the Softwire, and free kefir.

I have one. Can I say that it has made my day better? Can I say that it has amazed me with its wonders? Can I honestly say that it has improved the quality of my life? Yes. Whilst others click, poke a...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST

Tasty Riffs, Continued Requests, and Birds of Precious Metal.

There is a whisper in the air that says, "Come out, come out. Your house is dark and dull. Be out here with me, the Summer Air." The trees wave in agreement, nodding towards the hills. I know that as ...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:41:00 PST

Drive, Drive, and Drive.

What is good in life? I think Conan said it best when he said, "To work a hard day, come home to relax with friends and family, and see some cool TV- ya know? Something with cars, mystery, action, and...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 05:55:00 PST

The Office, Two Kinds of People, and Sparta

There are two kinds of People in the world, folks. Those who pee in the shower, and those who don't. People who signal when they change lanes, and people who would rather surprise you with their half ...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST

Imposters, iPhones, and Jewel Staite.

Three things happened yesterday that made me clap and laugh. One: The iPhone has been announced. Jodie Foster was right, "So beautiful. Should have sent a poet." I had no idea until yesterday how empt...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 07:26:00 PST


So many of you have so many requests that involve me having to do work building websites, running to the post office, or just re-arranging my social calender. So many requests I could fill my days! We...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 11:27:00 PST


So, I've done it. I've finally gone MySpace. What am I trying to do here? To say? Nothing. This is a little experiment to see what this site is all about. Some of my friends are totally into it, and I...
Posted by Nathan Fillion on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 11:41:00 PST