Reading (a LOT), drawing, old-style beadwork, gardening, traveling & exploring, going to the beach (especially w/my kites)and of course, RIDING MY BIKE!
Nice, interesting people from just about anywhere. You don't have to be a bike-addict (though I am); nor am I a "Harley-snob"---so if you DO ride, your choice in bikes is just fine. There are a lot of really special people out there; always room in my life for friends & people I can admire, and they certainly don't have to be anything like me. I just prefer to avoid drama, okay? By the way, I'm not here trolling for boyfriends, so I'm no threat.Life is pretty darned awesome just the way it is...I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Just about anything; okay, I'll be my parents here for a second; I just don't quite get rap. Very favorites; authentic big-bands/swing, Cajun, pre-British rock & roll, blues, metal & some contemporary rock. & probably more...
Platoon, The Green Mile, Airplane, Forrest Gump, Full Metal Jacket, Clerks, The Shawshank Redemption, The Perfect Storm,(okay, shoot me)Gone with the Wind. DON'T like Easy Rider, The Wizard of Oz (eeew, those flying monkey-things), Billy Jack & a couple like it, that make me embarrassed for my entire generation.
Don't watch TV---but I know where it is...
Military history & journalism, SOME Stephen King & Dean Koontz; Barbara Kingsolver (including her fiction), John Irving, Sebastian Junger, Tom Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation"; shoot, the list is about endless; I have over 1,000 books & still collecting
Any military and emergency services/law enforcement/firefighting personnel. They all rock.