Stephanie Nicole profile picture

Stephanie Nicole

Fairly Warned Be Ye, Says I...

About Me

Welcome to the official StephanieNicole MySpace profile. Let's see. Where to start? I know!!! We'll start where any good story starts. "With Once Upon A Time...".(Wait, wait, wait. Hang .. you get started in on this behemoth of a profile, I'd like to warn you that what we have here is collection of random paragraphs from a book that I've been working on for a while now... This is just a collection of musings that sorta runs on into each other because MySpace doesn't believe in the power of the paragraph. So, it ambles and wanders around and drifts and well, it's a rough draft. So, it's rough. Enjoy.)Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl. A girl who lived in an enchanted world of magic, madness and mystery. A girl who was all at once powerful and weak. Talented and helpless. A girl with special gifts... But we'll get to that part later, right now we need the background on this girl...It all begins on a very hot summer night in Tucson, Arizona. In a hospital. On the day after her Father's birthday, at 5:55PM on August the 23rd. Her mother had been in labor for quite some time, when suddenly the heart rate monitor began to sound it's alarm. The baby's tiny heartbeat had plummeted and the doctor had no choice but to perform an emergency cesarean. They soon found out that she had wrapped her own umbilical cord around her neck. (Perhaps, this was a few seconds after she had read the file on her current life assignment and began to rethink the whole deal... Ha Ha... Just kidding.) And so she almost died. Almost. Instead she was brought into the world, happy and healthy with curly ringlets of thick dark hair and big blue eyes and was already looking at the world in a special way. Weighing roughly 10 pounds, 11 ounces. She would be the largest baby born that summer at Tucson Medical Center. Also, so said the nurses the most endearing.Her family debated many a name and thankfully settled on Stephanie Nicole. A name that means "Crowned" "Victory" in Greek. Not that her family is Greek. Not at all. More like Irish and Russian. A combination that resulted in a child with porcelain skin and crisp hazel eyes...Stephanie had the mixed blessing double fortune to be born to Penny and Don. Parents that would bring her home and promptly set to work creating as highly dysfunctional a home as possible for her to live in. Of course, they meant well. Her parents met in Philadelphia. Penny was a lingerie model, who also worked as hair stylist. Don was doing many things, some legal, some not so much. When they met, they both had a marriage behind them and a child or two each. These prior marriages would give our lovely heroine three gorgeous sisters. Jennifer from the first marriage of Penny. Renee and Michele from the first marriage of Don. Each one a beautiful and intelligent person.But let us return to the time of Stephanie's birth. By this point in time Penny was sadly already on her way to a profound level of alcoholism and Don was on his way to continue cheating on her Mother and generally being as absent as possible while still being considered a member of the family. This left Stephanie in the care of her older sister, Jennifer, who was a little older than 11 at the time. So concerned about the well being of the new baby was Jennifer than she began to sleep walk in order to constantly check on her. No wonder at all given the fact that her Mother, was more concerned with finding the recipe for the perfect Screwdriver.Through out her life Stephanie would end up being raised by herself, her sister, at times her parents, and at times by people who would come into her life and impart bits of wisdom and then leave again as quickly as they came. It taught her that she must ultimately look within to find the strength to survive. At first this might sound sad but it resulted in the complex and awesome being that we write of today so onward we go...She grew up mostly alone, wandering the otherworldly desert that made up the landscape of her home, hiding in her perfectly manicured hidden backyard and the dark haunted rooms of her parent's spooky, yet perfectly furnished house. She was a light hearted girl who had developed a dark sense of humor at an early age in order to cope with everything she saw. It was better to laugh than to scream. Plus, her family was a family of dry, witty folks with fantastic senses of humor...While she was gifted in many ways she had no idea of them, this could of course be considered due to a sometimes harpy of a mother who informed her daily that she was ugly, fat, stupid, worthless and at times was reminded that she should have been or could have been an abortion. Of course, this was when she wasn't being called a bitch, whore or worse. Stephanie once remarked that one could trace the passage of time by the degree of vulgarity that was hurled at her by her mother.Now, this version of her mother wasn't to be confused with the sober version that was head of the PTA. The wife who threw lavish parties and over-the-top Halloween gatherings. The perfectionist who was the best looking, best dressed mother at her wee private school. The duality of her Mother's personality was always a wonderment to her. It was almost the same with her Father. He was a genius madman with a sixth sense for weakness. Her childhood was punctuated by moments of terror. Moments like her Father beating her Mother, her Mother drinking from morning to mourning to evening and listening to her parents sling abuses at each other than no sane person would tolerate. Stephanie sought solace in her world in her bedroom or in the bathroom. Even going so far as to stock the bathroom with food, water, books, pillows and blankets because it was safer to lock herself in the bathroom than in her bedroom, after all once locked in the bedroom leaving to use the bathroom was dangerous.And so she lived. In a spooky house in the foothills with her parents and for a while her sister. Until, her Father demanded that she help force her Mother into rehab. Her sister refused to trick her and had to leave home, was forced out. And as they almost always do things slowly grew worse. More fights. More violence. More disturbing scenes. Her parents always made sure to include her as often as possible in their battles. There was rarely a month that her Mother didn't keep her home from school to keep her company, as she walked through the house bottle in hand, sunglasses on, telling her preteen daughter every horrible detail in vivid terms. Playing nanny to her own mother, coupled with a decent amount of dyslexia and Stephanie quickly fell behind her classmates in class. Even with her tricks to compensate. Even while she managed to outsmart teachers and tutors and inquisitive well wishers who wanted to make her life more difficult than it already was. She fell through the cracks. Not that she had time for such petty things as school. She was growing to became more aware of what was going on and her always opportunistic Mother began to include her in her machinations. She would accompany her on drunken outings to the food store, the liquor store and the convenience store at all hours of the day so her Mother could buy wine and vodka. It was often a choice of staying in the frightening house with it's demons or driving down a twisting road with a madwoman and her demons. This was a time spent honing her abilities to tell when a man in the parking lot was going to bother them, when someone was going to ask her if her mother was okay. She learned to anticipate the actions of everyone around her.Time moved on and her parents went from bad to worse, hitting and screaming and making themselves crazy. Again and again bringing the fight right to Stephanie, one time throwing her desk light, a beautiful lamp that she really treasured against the wall, shattering it so that it looked like her insides felt and she screamed at them until they left, shocked into remembering they were the adults. She fell asleep and forgot about them until the next morning when she woke up and sliced her ankle open on a shard of glass. Bleeding enough that she knew she needed to go to the hospital, she told them and they informed her that this wasn't allowed. Still she carries the brutal scar. She carries many scars. Some than can't be seen and many that can. In a wonderful act of desperation she began to turn her anger inward, hurting herself to make the outside match the inside. But always careful, always remembering never to hurt herself more than need be to lead her into a blissful trance. She never cut herself like the other girls she heard talking. The maniacs didn't they know that could lead to scars that couldn't be fixed...Not that she ever really felt safe in anywhere in her house. There were all kinds of other worldly beings dwelling in her home. Though no one ever believed her when she was little, she saw everything and was constantly afraid. Fearful of strangers, distrustful of adults and often tormented by children. The other children never understood her, it was like she lived in her own world. A world that made perfect sense in her own head. Which was where she really lived, moving swiftly between the kingdom of her mind to the unseen world around her that soaked up the edges of what everyone else called reality.In the more sane moments, Stephanie was with her animals, roaming the desert with a pack of dogs that were more her friends than anyone else. At night she'd read stories she wrote to her cats, cats she'd only have as long as she kept her father from throwing them outside to meet a certain death to the desert creatures. She'd hide from the monsters on the roof or in the closet, sleeping with ear phones in to not hear the voices... Lights on to not see them prowling around her room... She'd come home from school and run outside to stay until it was too dark and scary to remain alone. Teaching her dog wonderful tricks, climbing into trees to read books, performing death defying tricks on her bike and rope swing, content in her little scary world.And so things went on like this, with Penny growing drunker and more self involved and more self distractive and more self absorbed and Don just drifted in and out like an angry ghost. The magic of the house grew darker and things began to break and shatter. Stephanie would find herself pinned to her bed by unseen forces, she'd hear voices where there were no people, she found bones in the yard and she saw horrible things when she closed her eyes.As long as she could remember she was very different from the other children. Outlearning them in school. Having to be put into her own learning group just so the teacher could keep up with her. A voracious reader, with a limitless vocabulary. Hiding in books at school where no one could find her. Not that she really wanted to be found anyway. She thought the other kids were weird and dirty and boring. She'd wake from her sleepy dream world and spot another child, a child as damaged as her, who's pain she could see in their eyes and she'd know she wasn't the only one. But how do you tell them you understand? How can you convey with words what you can only feel? So, she remained mostly alone, drifting around like the spirits she saw in her hallway.But despite all the madness... She was a child who glimmered with life, who demanded attention and made people laugh easily. She caught the eyes of modeling agents, other parents and angry jealous little girls who at the same time wanted to be her friend and annihilate her. And from a very young age wanted nothing more that to be in front of a camera. Of course, her Father never let her peruse any offers. A mixed blessing at best. She was a child who wanted someone to see her, see her as she really was. A person with limitless talent, this was uttered time and again by her teachers and other parents... She pulsed with charm and abilities beyond her years. She was a girl who wanted to be a star.But her sky would stay dim and dark for a long time still and she knew it and she withdrew even further into her world of glass animals and books and the desert and animals and stealing food and hiding in the bathroom. She started stealing food because her Mother loved to tell her how fat and horrible she was each time she tried to eat something, even though it was the exact opposite and as she grew she fell under the spell of thinking she was a nasty disgusting beast and she'd shyly look at people and wish she could be beautiful like them, tall like them, proud like them, happy like them... The funny thing was the more she turned away and the more she thought she was ugly the more people paid attention to her. Mostly male people. She was constantly finding herself in situations beyond her years, her head turned around by a gaze held too long or a friendly smile. She was growing up and her Mother was growing sicker...(You're going to have to forgive me for it just suddenly ending right here, but like I said I'm actually trying to turn this puppy into a book and what you've read so far is just bits and pieces of what I have and there's still tons more, but I need to sit and cut and paste and write and edit... Stay Tuned...)
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My Interests

I am a/an... I enjoy... I read about... or I am passionate about: *Accessories *Acting *Adidas *"Animal Crossing" *Animals *Art *Astrology *Autocross *Baking *Ballet *Being Silly *Blind Items *BMWs *Board Games *Books *"Bookcrossing" *Bubble Baths *Butterflies *Cameras *Cartoons *Cats *Celebrities *Chalking *Chanel *Christmas *Christmas Lights *Christmas Trees *Coach *"Coast To Coast AM" *Coffee *Cooking *Corn Mazes *"Cranium" *Cryptozoology *Crystals *Cupcakes *"" *Dark Chocolate *Dark Humor *Dancing *Day Dreaming *Decorating My House For All Major Holidays *Disney *Disneyland *Disneyworld *Dogs *Donkeys *Driving *Drums *DVDs *Embroidery *Facials *Fairy Tales *Fashion *Fashion Design *Flip Flops *Flowers *Fragrance *Gardens *Gardening *Geocaching *Ghosts *Ghost Hunting *Giving Gifts *Glitter *Gossip *Habbo Hotel *Hallmark *Halloween *Harley Davidson Motorcycles *Horses *Hotels *History *Hunting For Rare Disney Stuff On eBay *Indigo Child *Jewlery *Jewlery Making *Journalism *Kabbalah *Knitting *Las Vegas *Leaving Pink Flamingos And Garden Gnomes On People's Lawns In The Middle Of The Night Under The Guise Of "The White Trash Liberation Front" *Legos *Lingerie *Logic Puzzles *Louis Vuitton *Lush Bath Bombs *Magazines *Making Movies *Manicures *Mardi Gras *Massages *Mazes *Mermaids *Messenger Bags *Miniature Donkeys *Miniature Horses *Modeling *Money *Monsoon Season In Tucson, AZ *Monsters *Movies *Music *Musicals *My 11 Cats * My 7 Dogs *My Cell Phone *My LapTops *My M3 BMW *My Nintendo DS *My Nintendo Wii *My Sidekick 3 *Mythology *New Orleans *Night Time *"The Nightmare Before Christmas" *Occult Studies *Origami *Paranormal Studies *Parkour *Parties *Pedicures *Perfume *Philanthropy *Photography *Pirates *Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Ride *Playboy *Playing My Drums *Police Scanner Fun *Prada *Pranks *Preppy *Psychology *Pumpkin Carving *Racing *Reading *Religion *Rescuing Animals *Road Trips *Rolex *San Diego *Sephora *Shopping *Ska *Skateboarding *Spas *Stained Glass *Starbucks *Starbuck's Decaf Soy Lattes *Stargazing *Stars *Starwood Hotels *Straight Edge *Surfing *Tai Chi *Tarot Cards *Tarot Card Reading *The Haunted Mansion - Disneyland *"The Simpsons" *"The Sims" *Tiaras *Tiffany & Co. Jewelry *Tofu *"ToonTownOnline" *Travel *TV *Urban Legends *Vancouver *Vegan *Vintage Mardi Gras Beads *Webkinz *Wishes *Writing *Yoga

I'd like to meet:

Adriana Lima, Adrianne Curry, Aishwarya Rai, Al Pacino, Alex Roy, Amy Adams, Anderson Cooper, Andy Warhol, Angelina Jolie, Ani Difranco, "Anita Blake," Anna Sui, Art Alexakis, Art Bell, Atoosa Rubenstein, Audrey Hepburn, Badgley Mischka, Bai Ling, Baz Luhrmann, Beatrix Potter, Benjamin Franklin, Betsey Johnson, Bette Davis, Bettie Page, Betty Grable, Billie Holiday, Brad Pitt, Bridget Marquardt, Calvin Klein, Carl Jung, Carmen Electra, Carson Kressley, Cate Blanchett, Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Charles M. Schulz, Charlize Theron, Chris DeWewolfe, Christian Dior, Christina Aguilera, Christina Ricci, Clara Bow, Clark Gable, Claudia Schiffer, Clint Eastwood, Coco Chanel, Conan O'Brien, Courtney Love, Dakota Fanning, Dan Piraro, Danica Patrick, Danny Trejo, David Letterman, David Mamet, David Sedaris, Dennis Haysbert, Dennis Kucinich, Dennis Leary, Diana Vreeland, Dick Cook, Dita Von Teese, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Don Cheadle, Drew Barrymore, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Seuss, Edgar Allan Poe, Elie Wiesel, Ellen DeGeneres, Erin Fetherston, Eva Mendes, Evelyn Paglini, Faith Hill, Fiona Apple, Fiona Horne, Francesca Lia Block, Frances McDormand, Francisco Moschino, Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire, Gene Baur, Gene Hackman, George Carlin, George Clooney, George Lucas, George Noorey, Giorgio Armani, Ginger Rogers, Glenn Close, God, Grace Kelly, Greta Garbo, Guillermo del Toro, Gwen Stefani, Gypsy Rose Lee, Halle Berry, Hans Christian Andersen, Hayden Panettiere, Heidi Klum, Henry Ford, Helen Keller, Henry Rollins, Hilary Duff, Holly Madison, Howard Schultz, Howard Stern, Hugh Hefner, Hugh Laurie, Hunter S. Thompson, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Isaac Mizrahi, Kanye West, Kate Spade, Keri Russell, Kevin Costner, Laurell K Hamilton, Lauren Conrad, LeAnn Rimes, Leonard Peltier, Lewis Carroll, Lili St Cyr, Louis Armstrong, Lucille Ball, Jack Black, Jackie Onassis, Jackson Pollock, James Lileks, James Stewart, Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Katzeberg, Jennifur Brandt, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Tilly, Jenny McCarthy, Jerry Bruckheimer, Jessica Alba, Jesus, Jim Carrey, Joan Allen, Joan Collins, Joaquin Phoenix, Jodie Foster, Joel McHale, Johnny Depp, Jorja Fox, J. R. R.Tolkien, Judd Apatow, Julia Roberts, Julie Andrews, Kanye West, Keira Knightley, Kendra Wilkinson, Marcia Cross, Marg Helgenberger, Marlene Dietrich, Martha Stewart, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Scorsese, M. Night Shyamalan, Mark Burnett, Mark Twain, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Scorsese, Mae West, Matt Dillon, Maya Angelou, Meg Cabot, Meg Frost, Mel Brooks, Meryl Streep, Michael Cera, Michael Kors, Moby, Mukhtaran Bibi, Natalie Portman, Nathan Lane, Nicolas Cage, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar de la Renta, Pablo Neruda, Pamela Anderson, Paul McCartney, Penn Jillette, Peter Jackson, Peter Jennings, Petra Nemcova, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Phylicia Rashad, Princess Diana, Quentin Tarantino, Rachel Bilson, Rachel McAdams, Rachel Ray, Ralph Lauren, Raymond Teller, Reese Witherspoon, Regis Philbin, Rinko Kikuchi, River Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Robert Rodriguez, Rob Zombie, Robin Williams, Roman Dirge, Sally Field, Salma Hayek, Sam Walton, Sandra Bullock, Santino Rice, Sara Jean Underwood, Sarah Kramer, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Scarlett Johansson, Seth Macfarlane, Shakira, Shel Silverstein, Sheryl Crow, Sojourner Truth, Sophia Loren, Stella McCartney, Steve Jobs, Steve Wynn, Steven Soderbergh, Steven Spielberg, Teri Hatcher, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Thomas Jefferson, Tim Burton, Tim Gunn, Tom Anderson, Tom Hanks, Tom Kenny, Tommy Hilfiger, Tommy Lee Jones, Tony Hawk, Uma Thurman, Valentino, Vera Wang, Victoria Beckham, Vivien Leigh, Voltaire, Walt Disney, Will Smith, William L. Petersen, William Shakespeare, Winona Ryder, Yohji Yamamoto, Yves Saint Laurent, Ziyi Zhang, Zooey Deschanel


10,000 Maniacs, 2Pac, 3 Doors Down, 311, 4 Non Blondes, 50 Cent, Aaliyah, A Perfect Circle, AC/DC, Aerosmith, A.F.I., Alabama, Alan Jackson, Alanis Morissette, Alien Ant Farm, Alice Cooper, Alice In Chains, Alicia Keys, All-American Rejects, American Hi-Fi, Ashanti, Ashlee Simpson, Audioslave, Avirl Lavigne, B2K, B-52's, Bad Religion, Barenaked Ladies, Beach Boys, B. B. King, Beastie Boys, Beatles, Beck, Belly, Ben Folds, Ben Folds Five, Better Than Ezra, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Big Punisher, Billie Holiday, Billy Idol, Bikini Kill, Biohazard, Black Eyed Peas, Black Sabbath, Blackstreet, Blink 182, Bloodhound Gang, Blondie, Blue Man Group, Blues Traveler, Blur, Bjork, Bob Dylan, Bobby Darin, Bobby Pinson, Bowling For Soup, Breeders, Britney Spears, Bryan Adams, Brooks & Dunn, Bush, Carrie Underwood, Chemical Brothers, Chevelle, Chicago, Christina Aguilera, Chuck D, Chumbawamba, Ciara, Cinderella, Clint Black, Coldplay, Collective Soul, Corrosion Of Conformity, Counting Crows, Courtney Love, Crash Test Dummies, Crazy Town, Cure, Cyndi Lauper, Cypress Hill, Da Brat, Dandy Warhols, Dashboard Confessional, Dave Matthews Band, Daivd Gray, David Bowie, Dead Kennedys, Dean Martin, Death Cab For Cutie, Def Leppard, Depeche Mode, Dido, Dinosaur Jr., Dirty Vegas, Disturbed, Dixie Chicks, Dolly Parton, Doors, Dr. Dre, Dresden Dolls, Duran Duran, Eagles, Eels, Eddie Vedder, Elastica, Elton John, Elvis Presley, Eminem, Enya, Eric Clapton, Erykah Badu, Evanescence, Everclear, Everlast, Everything But The Girl, Faith Hill, Fall Out Boy, Fats Domino, Filter, Fiona Apple, Five For Fighting, Fleetwood Mac, Foo Fighters, Fountains Of Wayne, Frank Sinatra, Fuel, Fugees, Garbage, George Clinton, George Strait, Godsmack, Goldfinger, Good Charlotte, Goo Goo Dolls, Gorillaz, Green Day, Gin Blossoms, Guns N' Roses, Gwen Stefani, Gym Class Heroes, Harvey Danger, Hilary Duff, Hole, Hoobastank, House Of Pain, Ice Cube, Iggy Pop, Incubus, Indigo Girls, Jack Johnson, James Taylor, Jane's Addiction, Janis Joplin, Jay-Z, Jewel, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Buffet, Jimmy Eat World, Jimmy Hendrix, John Lennon, John Mayer, Johnny Cash, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Joy Division, Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, Katy Rose, K.D. Lang, Kelis, Kelly Clarkson, Kid Rock, Kiss, Korn, Lauryn Hill, Led Zeppelin, LeAnn Rimes, Lemonheads, Lenny Kravitz, L7, Len, Less Than Jake, Lifehouse, Lil' Kim, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Lisa Loeb, Lisa Marie Presley, Live, LL Kool J, Lonestar, Loretta Lynn, Los Lobos, Lucinda Williams, Lynyrd Skynryd, Madonna, Mad Season, Matchbox Twenty, Mariah Carey, Marilyn Manson, Maroon 5, Mars Volta, Martina McBride, Matisyahu, Mazzy Star, Megadeth, Melissa Etheridge, Merle Haggard, Metallica, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Miles Davis, Mindless Self Indulgence, Missy Elliott, Moby, Modest Mouse, Morrissey, Motley Crue, Mother Love Bone, Mudhoney, My Chemical Romance, Nada Surf, Nas, Natalie Imbruglia, Nat King Cole, Neil Diamond, Neil Young, Nelly, Nick Drake, Nickelback, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, No Doubt, Norah Jones, Notorious B.I.G., N.W.A., Oasis, Offspring, Outkast, Ozzy Osbourne, Panjabi MC, Papa Roach, Paul Simon, Pearl Jam, Pennywise, Pink, Phish, Plain White T's, P.M. Dawn, P.O.D., Police, Polyphonic Spree, Portishead, Powerman 5000, Prince, Primus, Public Enemy, Puff Daddy, Queen, Queens Of The Stone Age, Radiohead, Ramones, Rancid, Rascal Flats, Rasputina, Reba McEntire, Red Hot Chile Peppers, Refreshments, REM, Replacments, Rihanna, Rob Zombie, Rolling Stones, Rooney, Run-D.M.C., Rush, Ryan Cabrera, Santana, Sara Evens, Sarah McLachlan, Scorpions, Shakira, Shania Twain, Sheryl Crow, Shooter Jennings, Simple Plan, Skee-Lo, Skinny Puppy, Slipknot, Smashing Pumpkins, Smiths, Sneaker Pimps, Snoop Dog, Social Distortion, Soft Cell, Soggy Bottom Boys, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Spacehog, Spice Girls, Static-X, Stevie Nicks, Stone Temple Pilots, Styx, Sugar Ray, Sum 41, System Of A Down, t.A.T.u., Taylor Swift, Temple Of The Dog, Thelonious Monk, Third Eye Blind, TLC, Toby Keith, Tonic, Tom Jones, Tom Petty, Tom Watts, Tori Amos, Train, Travis Tritt, U2, Uncle Kracker, Usher, Veruca Salt, Verve, Violent Femmes, Wallflowers, Waylon Jennigs, Weezer, Wheatus, Whitesnake, White Strips, White Zombie, Willie Nelson, Yo-Yo Ma, ZZ Top


3000 Miles To Graceland, A Bronx Tale, American Beauty, Beetle Juice, Big Fish, Blow, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Cannonball Run, Casino, Chocolate, Cinderella, Clerks, Clueless, Crash, Desperado, Edward Scissorhands, Elf, Erin Brockovich, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, Fight Club, Finding Neverland, Fletch, Fletch Lives, Four Brothers, From Dusk To Dawn, Girl Interrupted, Gone With The Wind, Grease, Great Balls of Fire!, Guys & Dolls, Hairspray, Heat, How To Marry A Millionaire, In God's Hands, It's a Wonderful Life, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Lady And The Tramp, Like Water For Chocolate, Mary Poppins, M*A*S*H, Mermaids, Monsters Inc., Moulin Rouge, Mystic Pizza, Nightmare Before Christmas, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Point Break, Pow Wow Highway, Prêt-à-Porter, Pretty Woman, Pulp Fiction, Real Genius, Rebel Without A Cause, Romeo + Juliet, Run Lola Run, SLC Punk, Rushmore, Saved, Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping with the Enemy, Sleepy Hollow, Snow White, Sound Of Music, Steel Magnolias, Superbad, Swingers, The Big Lebowski, The Crow, The Crucible, The Devil's Advocate, The Doors, The Mexican, The Shawshank Redemption, Thunderheart, Titanic, Troy, True Romance, Wag The Dog, What Dreams May Come


Ace Of Cakes, All My Children, American Chopper, America's Next Top Model, Amish In The City, Animaniacs, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Arrested Development, Baywatch, Bear In Big Blue House, Beavis & Butthead, Beetlejuice, Benson, Bill Nye: The Science Guy, Blue's Clues, Bones, Boy Meets World, Brothers & Sisters, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Charlie's Angels, Cheers, China Beach, CNN Headline News, Coach, Country Fried Home Videos, CSI, CSI:Miami, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team, Daria, Dead At 21, Desperate Housewives, Dirty Jobs, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Double Dare, Doug, Ducktails, Dukes Of Hazzard, Eerie, Indiana, E! News, ER, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Family Guy, Family Ties, Fraggle Rock, Futurama, Garfield & Friends, George Lopez, Ghost Whisperer, Good Eats, Good Morning America, Grey's Anatomy, Herman's Head, Hey Arnold, House, Jericho, Joan Of Arcadia, Joe Schmo, Johnny Bravo, Kid Nation, King Of The Hill, Knots Landing, K-Ville, Life Goes On, Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous, Little Bear, Little House On The Prairie, Live With Regis & Kelly, Martha Stewart Living, M*A*S*H, Melrose Place, Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood, Models, Inc., Monster Garage, Most Haunted, Muppet Babies, Murder In Small Town X, My Name Is Earl, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Mythbusters, NCIS, Night Court, Nightmare Cafe, Northern Exposure, Numbers, One Life To Live, Oz, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Perfect Strangers, Project Runway, Psychic Detectives, Quantum Leap, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, QVC, Rescue 911, Rescue Me, Rock Of Love, Roseanne, Rugrats, Run's House, Schoolhouse Rock, Scott Baio is 46... And Pregnant, Sesame Street, Singled Out, Soap, South Park, Space Ghost - Coast To Coast, SpongeBob SquarePants, Survivor, Talk Soup, The Amazing Race, The Anna Nicole Show, The A-Team, The Best Damn Sports Show Period, The Drew Carey Show, The Fairly OddParents, The Flintstones, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, The Girls Next Door, The Golden Girls, The Hills, The L Word, The Monkees, The O.C., The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Price Is Right, The Real Ghostbusters, The Secret Life Of..., The Simpsons, The Soup, The Travel Channel, The Unit, The Weather Channel, The Wonder Years, The X-Files, Three's Company, Titus, Transformers, Trick My Truck, Twin Peaks, Unsolved Myseries, Unwrapped, Veronica Mars, Walker Texas Ranger, Wheel Of Fortune, Who's Line Is It Anyway, Without A Trace


"Almanac of the Dead" by Leslie Marmon Silko, "Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series" By Laurell K. Hamilton, "A Southern Belle Primer: Why Princess Margaret Will Never Be a Kappa Kappa Gamma" by Maryln Schwartz, "Barrel Fever: Stories and Essays" by David Sedaris, "Blood and Chocolate" By Annette Curtis Klause, "Born Confused" by Tanuja Desai Hidier, "Brave New Girl" By Louisa Luna, "Burlesque and the Art of the Teese/Fetish and the Art of the Teese" by Dita Von Teese, "Cut" by Patricia Mccormick, "Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books" by Francesca Lia Block, "Echo" by Francesca Lia Block, "Fairyopolis" by Cicely Mary Barker, "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream" by Hunter S. Thompson, "From Baghdad, With Love: A Marine, the War, and a Dog Named Lava" by Jay Kopelman, "Girl Goddess ..9 : Nine Stories" by Francesca Lia Block, "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier, "Halloween: Customs, Recipes & Spells" by Silver RavenWolf, "Harry Potter Series" By J. K. Rowling, "Haunted Mansion #1" by Roman Dirge, "Holidays on Ice : Stories" by David Sedaris, "How It All Vegan" By Sarah Kramer, "Howl and Other Poems" by Allen Ginsberg, "Hunting the American Werewolf" by Linda S. Godfrey, "Inside Delta Force: The Story of America's Elite Counterterrorist Unit" by Eric Haney, "In the Time of the Butterflies" by Julia Alvarez, "I Was a Teenage Fairy" by Francesca Lia Block, "Kitchen God's Wife" by Amy Tan, "Lakota Woman" by Mary Crow Dog, "Life is a Movie Starring You: The Pesky Meddling Girls Guide to Living Your Dream" by Jennifur Brandt, "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov, "Love You, Mean It: A True Story of Love, Loss and Friendship" by Patricia Carrington, "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris, "Memoirs of a Geisha: A Novel" by Arthur Golden, "Mutts" by Patrick McDonnell, "Naked" by David Sedaris, "Necklace of Kisses" By Francesca Lia Block, "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi, "Prison Writings: My Life Is My Sun Dance" by Leonard Peltier, "Pirateology: The Pirate Hunter's Companion" by William Captain Lubber, "Pirattitude!: So you Wanna Be a Pirate?: Here's How!" by John Baur, "Pulp" by Charles Bukowski, "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" by Ann Brashares, "Sold" by Patricia Mccormick, "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli, "The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream" by Paulo Coelho, "The Death of Bernadette Lefthand" by Ron Querry, "The Driver: My Dangerous Pursuit of Speed and Truth in the Outlaw Racing World" by Alexander Roy, "The Garden Of Vegan" By Sarah Kramer, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, "The Great Shark Hunt : Strange Tales from a Strange Time" by Hunter S. Thompson, "The Hanged Man" by Francesca Lia Block, "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan, "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1" by Alan Moore, "The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven" by Sherman Alexie, "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold, "The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency" Series by Alexander Mccall Smith, "The Other Boleyn Girl" by Philippa Gregory, "The Princess Diaries" by Meg Cabot, "The Rose and The Beast: Fairy Tales Retold" by Francesca Lia Block, "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff, "The Tribes of Palos Verdes : A Novel" by Joy Nicholson, "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World: 75 Dairy-Free Recipes for Cupcakes that Rule" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, "Violet & Claire" by Francesca Lia Block, "Wasteland" by Francesca Lia Block, "Witch Child" by Celia Rees, "Wizardology: The Book of the Secrets of Merlin" by Master Merlin


Adriana Lima, Adrianne Curry, Aishwarya Rai, Al Pacino, Alex Roy, Amy Adams, Anderson Cooper, Andy Warhol, Angelina Jolie, Ani Difranco, "Anita Blake," Anna Sui, Art Alexakis, Art Bell, Atoosa Rubenstein, Audrey Hepburn, Badgley Mischka, Bai Ling, Baz Luhrmann, Beatrix Potter, Benjamin Franklin, Betsey Johnson, Bette Davis, Bettie Page, Betty Grable, Billie Holiday, Brad Pitt, Bridget Marquardt, Calvin Klein, Carl Jung, Carmen Electra, Carson Kressley, Cate Blanchett, Charles "Lucky" Luciano, Charles M. Schulz, Charlize Theron, Chris DeWewolfe, Christian Dior, Christina Aguilera, Christina Ricci, Clara Bow, Clark Gable, Claudia Schiffer, Clint Eastwood, Coco Chanel, Conan O'Brien, Courtney Love, Dakota Fanning, Dan Piraro, Danica Patrick, Danny Trejo, David Letterman, David Mamet, David Sedaris, Dennis Haysbert, Dennis Kucinich, Dennis Leary, Diana Vreeland, Dick Cook, Dita Von Teese, Dog The Bounty Hunter, Don Cheadle, Drew Barrymore, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Seuss, Edgar Allan Poe, Elie Wiesel, Ellen DeGeneres, Erin Fetherston, Eva Mendes, Evelyn Paglini, Faith Hill, Fiona Apple, Fiona Horne, Francesca Lia Block, Frances McDormand, Francisco Moschino, Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire, Gene Baur, Gene Hackman, George Carlin, George Clooney, George Lucas, George Noorey, Giorgio Armani, Ginger Rogers, Glenn Close, God, Grace Kelly, Greta Garbo, Guillermo del Toro, Gwen Stefani, Gypsy Rose Lee, Halle Berry, Hans Christian Andersen, Hayden Panettiere, Heidi Klum, Henry Ford, Helen Keller, Henry Rollins, Hilary Duff, Holly Madison, Howard Schultz, Howard Stern, Hugh Hefner, Hugh Laurie, Hunter S. Thompson, Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Isaac Mizrahi, Kanye West, Kate Spade, Keri Russell, Kevin Costner, Laurell K Hamilton, Lauren Conrad, LeAnn Rimes, Leonard Peltier, Lewis Carroll, Lili St Cyr, Louis Armstrong, Lucille Ball, Jack Black, Jackie Onassis, Jackson Pollock, James Lileks, James Stewart, Jason Bateman, Jeffrey Katzeberg, Jennifur Brandt, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Tilly, Jenny McCarthy, Jerry Bruckheimer, Jessica Alba, Jesus, Jim Carrey, Joan Allen, Joan Collins, Joaquin Phoenix, Jodie Foster, Joel McHale, Johnny Depp, Jorja Fox, J. R. R.Tolkien, Judd Apatow, Julia Roberts, Julie Andrews, Kanye West, Keira Knightley, Kendra Wilkinson, Marcia Cross, Marg Helgenberger, Marlene Dietrich, Martha Stewart, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Scorsese, M. Night Shyamalan, Mark Burnett, Mark Twain, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Scorsese, Mae West, Matt Dillon, Maya Angelou, Meg Cabot, Meg Frost, Mel Brooks, Meryl Streep, Michael Cera, Michael Kors, Moby, Mukhtaran Bibi, Natalie Portman, Nathan Lane, Nicolas Cage, Oprah Winfrey, Oscar de la Renta, Pablo Neruda, Pamela Anderson, Paul McCartney, Penn Jillette, Peter Jackson, Peter Jennings, Petra Nemcova, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Phylicia Rashad, Princess Diana, Quentin Tarantino, Rachel Bilson, Rachel McAdams, Rachel Ray, Ralph Lauren, Raymond Teller, Reese Witherspoon, Regis Philbin, Rinko Kikuchi, River Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Robert Rodriguez, Rob Zombie, Robin Williams, Roman Dirge, Sally Field, Salma Hayek, Sam Walton, Sandra Bullock, Santino Rice, Sara Jean Underwood, Sarah Kramer, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Scarlett Johansson, Seth Macfarlane, Shakira, Shel Silverstein, Sheryl Crow, Sojourner Truth, Sophia Loren, Stella McCartney, Steve Jobs, Steve Wynn, Steven Soderbergh, Steven Spielberg, Teri Hatcher, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Thomas Jefferson, Tim Burton, Tim Gunn, Tom Anderson, Tom Hanks, Tom Kenny, Tommy Hilfiger, Tommy Lee Jones, Tony Hawk, Uma Thurman, Valentino, Vera Wang, Victoria Beckham, Vivien Leigh, Voltaire, Walt Disney, Will Smith, William L. Petersen, William Shakespeare, Winona Ryder, Yohji Yamamoto, Yves Saint Laurent, Ziyi Zhang, Zooey Deschanel

My Blog

Am I A Pirate Or A Ninja? ARGH! What Kind Of Daft Question Be That Matey?

[the other prisoners are whistling and calling for the dog with the keys in his mouth] Jack Sparrow: You can keep doing that forever, the dog is NEVER going to move. -- Pirates of the Caribbean: The C...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:40:00 PST

Which CSI Character Am I?

Greg Sanders: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy. Gil Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy. -- "CSI"   Hey, guess who's sick today? Me. And guess who's tired today? ...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:29:00 PST

I Hearted "Stori Telling"

"I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That's just a little thing, though." -- Tori Spelling   Well, I'll admit it. I'm shocked by how much I enjoyed reading "S...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 11:00:00 PST

How Can I Change the World?

(According to the Tickle Test I took (Tongue Twister!) here's how I'm going to change the world...)   Stephanie, you'll make a difference when it comes to Animal Rights.     With a lar...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 01:27:00 PST

A Good Trashy Novel

"If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me." -- Alice Roosevelt Longworth   I'm feeling pretty bad today. I wish I felt better but that's clearly not going to be ...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 03:30:00 PST


"A house without books is like a room without windows." -- Heinrich Mann   A few days ago I had finally hit "The Reading Wall." I had read every single thing in the house that could be read at le...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:40:00 PST

The Profile That Wouldnt Die

"You cannot be friends with yourself." -   I hate Facebook. It's like a more boring version of MySpace with fewer details and more pretentiousness. In fact, having been there a half ...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:20:00 PST

Like Being Stabbed To Death With A Safety Pin...

"When all you got to keep is strongMove along, move along like I know you doAnd even when your hope is goneMove along, move along just to make it through..." - The All-American Rejects - "Move Along" ...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 12:28:00 PST

Thing 22 - Stay In One Of The Fantasy Suites At The Palms

"Don't ever save anything for a special occasion.  Being alive is the special occasion." -- Author Unknown   Gosh, it feels like it's been ages since I was last in Las Vegas. That's sad, be...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 12:06:00 PST

City Losing Last Drive-In...

"Things ain't what they used to be and probably never was." -- Will Rogers   Well, once again something old and cool in Tucson, something that gives the town a little character is ...
Posted by Stephanie Nicole on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:18:00 PST