Jack profile picture


I Came, I Saw, I Bit The Hell Out Of Everything...

About Me

Hi, my name is Jack. Jackson Pawlock. My family has a sense of humor. Ha Ha. Actually, I've been called Black Jack, Jack Skelington, Jack Bauer and Jack Of All Trades... I was born a little bit before Halloween two years ago somewhere, someplace, no one will ever known for sure because I found by a nice lady in a parking lot as she was on her way to work one morning. She found me in a small cardboard box with a real life baby bottle full of cow's milk... Yeah... Cow's milk... She had no idea what to do with me and was afraid that if she took me to the local animal shelters they'd just put me to sleep, so she drove me to the place where she boarded her kitties to see if anyone there would be willing to take me home and take care of me. One guy kinda thought it might be a good idea but he worked a lot and wasn't home very often so a four week old kitten really wasn't what he needed so another nice lady called my future Mom and asked her if she'd want to take me... And the next thing I knew I was in a house surrounded by other animals gulping down bottle after bottle of genuine fake kitten milk... Which was of course, much better than cow's milk for my little body. So, I very slowly grew and drank and grew and drank and grew and drank and got lots of baths because little kittens are extremely messy and drank and grew and wandered away and was found under a pile of clothing and we don't talk about that much and grew and drank and grew. But, there was just one problem, as I grew my family began to notice that I was, how do they put it, differently abled... My front paws were more or less fused in place and slightly twisted... My hips are sorta wonky... I have a funky walking style that's all my own... Sometimes my third eyelids get stuck in place and I walk around looking like my eyes have been turned inside out... But, other than that I'm a perfectly normal kitty cat. Aside from the fact that I like to bite things. People, animals, paper, cardboard, you name it I'll bite it. Sometimes with lots of warning, I'll charge up to you, do a rattlesnake impression and attack, and sometimes it's without any warning, I just bite. Hard. Really hard and then I trot away for reasons that are mine alone. So, that's me. I'm Jack. I like to bite things.Layout made by LuCkYStAr0620 at CreateBlog.com .

My Interests

Biting, Biting Animals, Biting People, Biting Things, Burrowing Under Blankets, Playing With My Brother, Hurley, Smacking Large Dogs On The Nose, Meowing Loudly, Eating Foods That Other Cats Don't Like, Watching Birds and Biting Stuff

I'd like to meet:

Jackson Pollock, Jack Bauer from "24", Jack from "LOST", Jack Skelington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas", Jack Black, Jack Tripper from "Three's Company" and The makers of Black Jack Gum


I like mellow music, anything "Unplugged" or "Acoustic".


"The Nightmare Before Christmas", "Corpse Bride", "Edward Scissorhands" and anything else that's by Tim Burton, Halloween related or spooky.


I like "24" and I like "LOST"...


Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery, Bunnicula Strikes Again!, and Celery Stalks at Midnight by James Howe


Jackson Pollock, Jack Bauer from "24", Jack from "LOST", Jack Skelington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas", Jack Black, Jack Tripper from "Three's Company" and The makers of Black Jack Gum

My Blog

Mutts - To Be Or Not To Be

Posted by Jack on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:19:00 PST