I edited my profile with Thomas€™ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I'm an arty farty person...mostly farty unfortunately.All Kneel and Praise ME!
Lithuanian girl looking for a sugar daddy and I don't mean caramel on a stick! (Not really....I just thought it was funny.) Spare me the romantic sappy malarkey. Learn to take 'NO' for an answer. I'm all for meeting new folks and making friends. I don't need a date.
I love taking pictures of anything and everything! HIRE ME! Photography fascinates me. I never forget a face, but I might your name the first 2 or 3 times out.
I make dolls and other assorted crafty things and am the co-creator of a doll that goes by MTM. The story behind the name is long and tedious but, I plan to write it all out on my website found here. Make with the banner clicky!
ARTWORK By: Eldorado Rampage MySpace told him it violated their no nudity terms. Kids, if there ain't no nipples there ain't no nudity! ;) I've seen bolder violations from Suicide Girls and Fetish Models on here. Give us a break!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow