mister reusch profile picture

mister reusch

I smile through my eyesocket.

About Me

I love Halloween and ghost stories and scary monster movies so much my teeth have turned into candycorn. When I'm not trying to scare myself, I'm a freelance illustrator and part-time teacher at Massachusetts College of Art. My All-Scary, All-The-Time art site is Spooks By Reusch . I've hand-painted over 100 posters since 1993, some of them of featured in Art of Modern Rock
and SWAG 2: Rock Posters of the 90s and Beyond ,
and have designed a bunch of snowboards and helmets
for Burton and 5150, shown in "BLOWER: snowboardinginsideout"
WhenMy freelance portfolio is getting a makeover soon, but you can see the old one at Mister Reusch.com . I make masks, monster costumes, posters, and merchandise for Boston's horror-themed Black Cat Burlesque , a spook-troupe I co-founded with my "Evil Hootchie Dancer" partner, Devilicia. Our Boston Terriers are named Frankenstein and Mr. Giles. I like dogs better than most people. Seriously, they eat, sleep, play, and hump. None of this bullshit about killing eachother as fast as they can over oil and/or religion. I paint dogs a lot. My dog art site is Dogs By Reusch.com I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

drawing, painting, eating food that tastes wicked good but is actually wicked bad for me, playing with my dogs, movienights with carrie, sleeping, autumn, halloween, ghost stories, monster movies, spookshows, ingaldsby farm and apple orchard, pumpkin carving, cider, doughnuts, cider doughnuts, cold dark windy nights, full moons, thunderstorms, haunted houses, vintage monster masks and costumes, old halloween decorations, comic books, kids' books, cartoons, plastic and tin toys, burlesque, bellydancers, 60s go-go girls, masked female wrestling, roller derby, demolition derbies, boston terriers, french bulldogs, pugs, bats, plum wine, gorilla suits, yeti, bigfoot, lake monsters, big sharks, big booty, big plans for the future

I'd like to meet:



Original lineup Black Sabbath, Metallica 80s to 1991, Misfits, Motorhead, Slayer, Ministry, Godflesh and J.B.'s side projects, AC/DC, Scissorfight, Sam Black Church, old Iron Maiden and Ozzy, Man...or Astroman?, the Ghastly Ones, Groovie Ghoulies, Gein and the Graverobbers, Impala, Satan's Pilgrims, Los Straightjackets, the Ventures, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Neurosis, Karma to Burn, the Fucking Champs, Trans Am, Tortoise, Ladytron, Stereolab, Elastica, DJ Shadow, the GO! Team, Pixies, Make-Up, Gossip, Air, Fugazi, Hoover, Regulator Watts, Weezer, Green Day, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Cocteau Twins, My Bloody Valentine, Lush, Bjork, old Cure, Belle and Sebastian, Herb Alpert, Henry Mancini, Nelson Riddle, Billy Strange, Al Caiola and Riz Ortolani, Jimmy McGriff, Jimmy Smith, Vince Guaraldi, the UltraLounge compilations, Vic Mizzy, the Living Marimbas, the Living Strings, Combustible Edison, No-Shadow Kick, Dresden Dolls, Twink, the Sob Sisters, Electrolux, Beat Circus, Massive Attack, Louis Armstrong, Les Brown and his band of Reknown, Dan Blakeslee, Mr. Airplaneman, Tom Waits, (especially his Night on Earth and the Black Rider albums), creepy ambient stuff like Aphex Twin, Biosphere, Lull, Mesmeric Enabling Device, Scorn, Plotkin/ Null, Final, Techno Animal, Steroid Maximus, Apocalyptica, atmospheric film soundtracks, especially the work of Danny Elfman, Angelo Badalamenti's Twin Peaks and City of Lost Children scores, Jon Carpenter's Halloween and The Fog soundtracks, Ennio Morricone's The Thing soundtrack, old Halloween sound effect albums. George Winston's December, Autumn, and Summer cds are good to paint to. Andre Kostelanetz's Stardust album is, too.


JAWS, A Christmas Story, the Ghost and Mr. Chicken, the Incredible Mr. Limpett, the Reluctant Astronaut, Munster Go Home!, the Beach Party movies, Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine, Dr. Goldfoot and the Girlbombs, the In-laws; the classic Universal Studios Monster movies, Hammer Studios horror films, AIP's awesome scary movies, especially the Poe adaptations with Vincent Price; Toho's Godzilla movies; David Lynch's Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive, and Fire Walk with Me; The City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, and Amelie; Waiting For Guffman, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind, For Your Consideration; Rushmore, the Royal Tennanbaums, Election, the 40-year Old Virgin, Anchorman, Meet the Parents, Flirting with Disaster, the Harry Potter films, Pan's Labyrinth, the Devil's Backbone, and Hellboy; Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns, Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Corpse Bride, and the animated James and the Giant Peach; Fargo, Blood Simple, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, the Big Lebowski, Miller's Crossing, Raising Arizona; Blade Runner, Alien, Aliens, John Carpenter's remake of The Thing, the Hidden, Sin City, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Romeo is Bleeding, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, From Dusk til Dawn, Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein, Marx Brothers movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Thin Man, Batman Begins, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Tipping the Velvet, Santo and Blue Demon movies, Lady Frankenstein, Halloween, the Fog, Creepshow, the Exorcist, Exorcist 3, Session 9, George Romero's zombie movies, Dawn of the Dead 2004, the original Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dead Alive, Donnie Darko, Heat, the Professional, Lone Wolf and Cub, Iron Monkey, Hero, Bruce Lee movies, Lon Chaney's Phantom of the Opera, Ju-on (original), Disney's Legend of Sleepy Hollow cartoon, Evil Dead, Wild Zero, Frankenstein Conquers the World, War of the Gargantuas, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Black Sabbath, the Terror


Arrested Development, Reaper, Pushing Daisies, Lost, Freaks and Geeks, Venture Brothers, Fooly Cooly, Paranoia Agent, Samurai Jack, Invader Zim, Time Squad, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Batman Animated, Justice League, Teen Titans, the Simpsons, Wonder Woman, 60s Batman show, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers. The original Law and Order and The Closer always suck me in. I loved old Twilight Zone and Tales from the Darkside episodes.


"Harry the Dirty Dog", "Mr. Lunch", and "Olive the Other Reindeer" are the Holy Trinity. Christa Faust's "Hoodtown"; J. K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series; Steven Niles' "Cal MacDonald" series; John Bellairs' "Lewis Barnavelt" and "Johnny Dixon" series, especially "The House With A Clock In Its Walls"; Stephen King's " Carrie", "The Dead Zone", "'Salem's Lot", "Skeleton Crew", "Night Shift", "Pet Sematary", "The Shining", "The Stand", "Cycle of the Werewolf", "Different Seasons", "IT", "Christine", "the Dark Half", "The Talisman", "Thinner", and the early books from his "Dark Tower" series; Peter Straub's "Ghost Story", "Shadowlands", "If You Could See Me Now", and "Julia"; Charles Bukowski, David Sedaris, Roald Dahl; William Peter Blatty's "the Exorcist" and "Legion"; Mark Twain's "the Mysterious Stranger"; Peter Benchley's "JAWS"; Edgar Allan Poe; Christopher Golden's "Hellboy" novels; Dave Barry; Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's "Good Omens"; "World War Z"; I've got lots and lots of books about poltergeists, haunted houses, and other weird fun stuff, and of course, comic books: Eightball, Love and Rockets, Evil Eye, Optic Nerve, Cages, the Biologic Show, HellBoy, just about anything by Dave Cooper, Ashley Wood, Kent Williams, Ted McKeever, Dave McKean, Bill Sienkiewicz, Bruce Timm, many, many more. Oh, and tons of cool picture books for kids.


Animal Rescue groups and volunteers. David Lynch, Jeunet &; Caro, Mike Mignola, Edward Gorey, Frank Miller, Tim Burton, Charles Addams, George Barris, Roger Corman, Richard Matheson, Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Peter Straub, John Bellairs, David Sedaris, Charles Bukowski, Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Hammer Studios, Toho Studios, Forrest J. Ackerman, Basil Gogos, James Warren, Lon Chaney, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney, Jr., Rankin &; Bass, Bob Kane, Russ Meyer, Uschi Digart, Tura Satana, Kitten Natividad, Christy Hartburg, Jennifer Tilly, Elvira, Bruce Timm, Kolo Moser, Klimt, Schiele, Bruno Paul, Gil Elvgren, Jack Cole, Bill Ward, Glenn Barr, Lisa Petrucci, Shag, Coop, Mitch O'Connell, Frank Frazetta, Simon Bisley, Dan Clowes, Art Chantry, Jamie Hernandez, Todd Schorr, Tim Biskup, Pushead, Dirty Martini, World Famous Pontani Sisters, Devilicia, Clinton McCLung, Dan Blakeslee, Matt Smith, Tom Standard

My Blog

A Million People Against the Orphan Works Bill

FROM THE ILLUSTRATORS' PARTNERSHIPA Million People Against the Orphan Works Billhttp://www.petitiononline.com/Stop2913/petition.htmlThe petition is now the 7th most active on www.petitiononline.com Le...
Posted by mister reusch on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:58:00 PST

Come to SPRINGALLOWEEN Sat. May 24th @ Gulu Gulu

Super-creepy Dr. Gasp (Dan Blakeslee) just offered me the opening slot in next Saturday night's "SPRINGALLOWEEN'' show at Gulu Gulu in Salem, with Dr. Gasp and Orange Nichole! I will play guitar as a ...
Posted by mister reusch on Sun, 18 May 2008 04:49:00 PST

Come to Mass. Market, Sunday May 4th!

I'm going to be selling tons of discontinued 8" x 10" prints, original drawings and paintings, spot illustrations from newspaper, magazine and book assignments, t-shirts, and posters at Mass. Market! ...
Posted by mister reusch on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:59:00 PST

new art for StrideRite, the Phoenix, and Devilicia

on my art blog here
Posted by mister reusch on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 07:47:00 PST

Spring Cleaning Original Art Sale

I took my dogs for a loooong walk today and it was really warm out. Spring is almost here! So I decided to start cleaning out my filing cabinets of older drawings and paintings, and listing them on ...
Posted by mister reusch on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:10:00 PST

New Feast of Flesh 6 Poster

just added to Spooks By Reusch
Posted by mister reusch on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:08:00 PST

Sketchbooks 31-32 from 2000 online

on my sketchbook blog, including the first helmet I created for R.E.D./ Burton Snowboards. (some images not work-safe)
Posted by mister reusch on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:54:00 PST

new "NUDE FOR SATAN" art print

Posted by mister reusch on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 03:00:00 PST

new Scuba Lady vs Zombie vs Shark print

I added one of my pieces for the upcoming SUPERTRASH FEST movie poster show/ book in my Etsy store.The version with movie text coming soon....
Posted by mister reusch on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:44:00 PST

4 Seasons prints and more

Excerpts from sketchbooks 29 and 30 now onlineon my sketchbook blog. (some images not work-safe)And I registered on Etsy to sell prints of work not yet on this site, including the "4 Seasons" (though...
Posted by mister reusch on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 08:35:00 PST