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We are the dark lords of power veiled as “holiness” and as representatives of “god”

About Me

Pope calls for a new world order
We hav ea great time an play behind the scences whiel we rule the sheeple :)

Karl Rove Raps
WE laugh at those who TRY TO spread truth because our steeple only listen to the mainstream anyways. Look how bold we can afford to be because our mind programming tech is so powerful. You might as well give up now. All resistance is futile.. The only choice you have is whether you will you bow now or are you going to bow later. All resistance is futile.
Vatican bankers
Alberto Rivera and Others speak of Jesuit Infiltration - Full Version
Who Infiltrated America? 1 of 6
Vatican Assassins Part I: History Of The Jesuit Order amp;q=%22+jesuit+order&hl=en
The Doomsday Code amp;q=doomsday+code
The Truth About The Jesus Myth Part 1
The Denial Machine mp;q=the+denial+machine
WE are the ones who will purposefully bring about end times. Our mind control is so powerful we can boldly talk about our plans and the stupid masses at large anyways will still be too stupid to figure out our large web of deception.

Even people trying to wake people up with documentaries with the doomsday code, and the denial machine, and the naked truth have failed to get through our brilliant mass cult programming :)

We put fake conspiracy theories on the net pointing to groups that divert your attention to the real bad guys.

We are much more intelligent than that average steeple and knowledge is power and since we have all the knowledge to ourselves you guys don’t' have a chance to stop us.

We perpetuate and feed upon your fears and desires and encourage you not to take personal reasonability so we can full exploit you and make good willing salves out of you. We control TV and make it cool to be ignorant and stupid so we can wield our knowledge over you. We drug you up with fluoride in your water, denature and genetically modify your foods, and out poisonous food additives and all kinds of toxins all around you to alter and lower your sensuousness and awareness, and while you are too overworked to raise a healthy family and totally zonked out after the hard 9-5 working for all those material things we program you too need to you work harder in our factories you sit down at the TV or as we like to call the hypnosis box where you are highly suggestible by this point and just want to zone out to escape from it all.

We have technology that you aren’t even aware of that you could not even begin to fathom.. It's been that way for thousands of years little do the masses know.

We manufactured all the world religions and pit you guys absent each other.. Divide and conquer is the name of the game.

Our mind control is soo powerful and has such a grip on the masses very few people can see what is right in front of their faces, and many are far to programmed to ever come out of it... We own them totally. Their egos and own devices blind them and keep them banded to us as faithful subservient servants of the dark side.. unwitting pons in this very large game of chess.

With end game nearing we will fulfill the revelations we have tricked the world into believing is god will thus it is inevitable, and once we microchip everyone with RFID they will be under our FULL control. That will be the final point of no return and here with Verichip and legislation quickly closing in ;)

Of course we want you to revolt and anarchy before this point to weaken any orders that be that might prevent our criminal cabal from completely taking over and destroying the united states constitution.. Enemies form within will cause trouble so the enemies form without can be further empowered and bring in the new world order and the microchips and take away individual freedoms of you lousy worthless scum.

TO NAME a FEW of who we have on our side Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, World Trade Organization , psychiatry , Federal Reserve, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg group, Project for the New American Century, Project MKULTRA, Skull and Bones, club of Rome, and MANY more.

Most All churches and world religions are under our IRS who propagate our programming, all corporations who use slave labor and generally promote cheap prices use slave labor overseas and keep people working until they have enough money to enslave larger and larger groups of people until everyone is under the New World Order. HOWEVER one or our biggest threats and enemies is Ron Paul running in 2008... But it's not like we haven’t pulled a JKK before if we need to. Strike the Shepard the steeple will scatter.

cited CFR member David Rockefeller's quote in his own book in which he admits to fronting a secret cabal that is attempting to destroy American sovereignty and replace it with a world government.

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

From page 405 of Rockefeller's 2002 book Memoirs.

The 48 Laws of PowerRobert Greene and Joost Elffers er.htm

The church of satin and all other opposition was created by the elite Christians to scare people into Christianity. We are playing the games from all sides and we own the opposition… Just as we are both democrat and republican ;) Notice bush and Kerry one democrat and one republican, BUT Both skull and bones members.. It’s a win win situation : ) It’s a big stage show and were all shaking hands behind the scenes the biblical “god” and satin are best of business partners.. We couldn’t do it without each other. We use religion ot keep you from true spirituality and away from the true divine.. the all

This is why we have attacked the native Americans so hard because they had a true spiritual connection without religion and we didn’t want them sharing their beliefs with other people, because it’s a direct threat to our control.. That is why we attacked other native tribes and the druids in Ireland.. This is why we murdered so many people of alternative beliefs .. We did pretty good using biological warfare and giving alcohol and drugs to the Indians and causing disturbances in other more spiritual cultures to eliminate the threat… Hate fear and superstition is the medium we need to keep our control. Now that you know now though it’s to late now Our new world order is pretty much about to be finalized very soon now weather you like it or not ;) ICLES&id=1177552527

The Secrets of the Christian Right's Recruiting Tactics rth

The Battle For Your Mind Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today

Get rich quick preaching and ministering to people using advanced brainwashing techniques found in the bible promoting Jesus and giving that money to support the new world order

Below are some example of the riches you can achieve and below that is HOW to program people to be your willing sheep.

Flamboyant lifestyles. Many televangelists have accumulated significant personal wealth from their ministries and own large properties, luxury cars, and even private jets

Crowd manipulation. Allegations have been made that many televangelists use psychological techniques, including mass hypnosis, to produce the desired response from people in what is a charged emotional atmosphere.

Marjoe Gortner self proclaimed false, faith healer
Marjoe Gortner the Pentecostal child preacher

Marjoe Gortner was the first Evangelical preacher to blow the whistle on his profession. In his documentary film, Marjoe, made in the late sixties, he revealed age-old tricks of the trade and exposed some of the entertainment aspects of the popular movement that have made it big business.


Peter Popoff

Jim Bakker, who served a prison sentence for financial improprieties associated with his ministry

Oral Roberts incident of 1987, in which the televised preacher demanded that his audience give him $8,000,000 or "God would kill him". They did.

televangelists have found success, and it isn't uncommon for them to become involved in scandals.

Jim Whittington spent 10 years in prison for money laundering, mail fraud, conspiracy, and interstate transportation of stolen property from his evangelist crusades and direct mail business

Popoff wrote several paperbacks in the early 1980s that were published by Faith Messenger Publications but are now out of print.[4] He is also known for collecting donations to send to the Soviet Union, which earned him a profit from a fraud scheme.[1]

The 700 Club

Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal sex_abuse_scandal

Religious scandals

Online Evangelism

'Jesus Camp' and the art of brainwashing children and-art-of-brainwashing.html

Evangelism & Conversion Methods ;task=section&id=21&Itemid=54

The Psychology of Religious Conversion

The Secrets of the Christian Right's Recruiting Tactics

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig. Posted April 24, 2007.

A look at the cult-like recruiting tactics of the Christian right, including the manipulative and highly successful practice of "love bombing."

Christian Fundamentalists. Way of The Master Episode 4 The Summary of Salvation &q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22

The Way of The Master Episode 24 Ice Breakers (Gospel tracts) amp;q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22

The Way of The Master Episode 25 The Greatest Gamble amp;q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22

The Way of The Master Episode 17 True & False Conversion amp;q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22

Street witnessing in Fort Worth, Texas. The Way of the Master Way! &q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22

The Way of The Master - The Summary of Salvation - Episode 4 mp;q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22Understanding Grace - Hell's Best Kept Secret &q=%22the+way+of+the+master%22

How is evangelism changing in the 21st Century? Rev Allan Beeber, PhD &q=Evangelism+duration%3Along

Making Cultural Connections in Internet Evangelism - Rev David Bruce &q=Evangelism+duration%3Along

Heart for the Lost Way of the Master is Biblical Evangelism amp;q=Evangelism+duration%3Along

Andrew: The Biblical Model of Evangelism amp;q=Evangelism+duration%3Along

SLAVERY promoted by the BIBLE: -----


Slavery was established by decree of Almighty God. It is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to Revelation - - Jefferson Davis1

Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty - - 2 Corinthians 3:17

Christianity, Islam and Slavery

Slavery in the Bible

[email protected]

My Interests

Control, domination and power. Eliminating threats to the new world order (terrorists) Taking out constitution huggers.

I'd like to meet:

Other people pushing for the new world order and to destroy operation of church and sate so we can take our divine right to rule or willign servants of the new world order.

Look to resources on the net to help romanticize and entice people into believe the new world order is in their best interest. First we will entice people into it then we will have to get firm latter with the rest of the people who refuse to follow. er_hgwells.htm

H. G. WELLS THE NEW WORLD ORDER Whether it is attainable, how it can be attained, and what sort of world a world at peace will have to be. First Published . . January 1940.

A message to you freedom fighters… Al resistance is futile

People like you are comedy to us.

FOOLS you think you can stop us the New world order! WE own the churches TV, MTV which breeds an army of our mindless zombies to do our bidding for us while we sit back and watch as the steeple unwittingly fund and puts money in our pockets.. We own wal-mart and other corporations that practice slave labor overseas which funds us and the new world order micoprchip.. you think you can keep the steeple from shopping their LOL THINK AGAIN we got the sheep seduced through short term benifits of greed that make us rich and keep the masses under our thumb.. We are the pendulum swingers. We control the far extreme right fundamentalists and the far extreme left.. One side promotes extreme extremist conservatism and one promotes playing to your desires and do whatever you want in the form of selfishness and consumerism and extravagance that puts you dummies in debt. Either extreme it is always off balance and we have both the democrats and republicans shaking hands behind the scenes.. You think you got us the master players figured out you better think against this rabbit hole is deeper then you can imagine.. and fake conspiracy theorist like David Icke work for us to associate anyone who questions the system with crazy conspiracy theorist.. Any ways we got you seduced and controlled by your own devices greed and ignorance.. It' s your blind spot so you will be helpless to see it because we perpetuate the lack of personal reasonability that will inevitably keep you under our thumbs. Our mind control is so powerful that we fear not People like Alex Jones and stuff, because the majority of the masses are true believers of whatever we put on the media. It is just a hopeless as trying to deprogram a person in a cult that believes in his cult soo strongly.

Your only choice it to bow to us now or to bow to us latter. I would suggest you make it easier on yourselves and quit talking about the New world order.. LOL but we are getting so close and one we have you all chipped you have all basically sold your souls and have you under FULL control.. The time is near : )

Look at the news we are openly declaring to you guys to shut up and submit.. The sheeple are cowering and not raising much of a noise we want to either push the extreme of compliance or push you into anarchy so our friends outside like the club of Rome and the British empire can close in once everything is in chaos and then we will out of that chaos forge our New world order or some kind of dictatorship like a monarchy.. WE are the chess players and we have the game figured out ten steps ahead : ) WE TRULLY ARE SOO SMOTH! ;)


The sweet sound of victory


Horror movies are great to keep people in a perpetual state of fear so they don’t' get in our way or think rationally ;)


The great opiate of the masses


The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany Paperback by Guenter Lewy

Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church Paperback by Thomas, S.J. Reese

Opus Dei: An Investigation into the Powerful Secretive Society within the Catholic Church Paperback by Michael Walsh


George bush and all his New world order associates 32287

My Blog

Roman Empire Recruitment Video ...
Posted by MorningStar on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 02:38:00 PST