Monique profile picture


There Is No Opponent Because The Word I Does Not Exist

About Me

..I'M THE GHOST WITH THE MOST BABE! haha ;)"I am not your emeny and surely not your friend, but share with me your morbid love WE ARE THE LIVING DEAD"OH YEAH!!! I work for a gastroenterologist,(I just do medical records) most of you guys have asked me what that is. My answer to you is ask again at age 50 by then you won't want to know-trust me. If by chance you are still intrigued I will leave you with this visual. Imagine if you will being abducted by Alien what's the WORST thing that could happen to you?! In all seriousness we mainly specialize in colonoscopy's. I'm just the medical records file person :) she is a badass artist! She painted me in a dojo how cool is that!!
what metal genre are you? Your Result: Black metal

You are the evil of the evil, you have pride in your home country (possibly norway) and you love to sing about killing christians, pagan gods and burning churches...oh and you love wearing make up...not that you're gay or anything

Death Metal
Thrash metal
Power Metal
Classic Metal
Nu metal
what metal genre are you?

My Interests

Nothing can be "better" than a glass of wine alone along with some great horror flicks by my side. Recently, I was accepted to The College of Santa Fe's Moving Images Program! This means I'll be able to get my Bachelor's in FILM! How friggin crazy is that...I'm still in shock and I'll be starting this Fall Semester yahoo! I f you couldn't guess it- I LOVE watching and collecting horror movies/paraphernalia. Also, I enjoy exercising and just got my Associates in Exercise Science as of Dec. 2007 HOOOORAY! I really like kickboxing Muay Thai, jogging/running, jumping rope-used to loathe it and now I love it, hula hoops-for I am the hula master and resistance training. No PAIN No GAIN...hmm those are Freddy's words not mine. And I love going to concerts, sewing and altering tops/skirts. I adore my family and friends and like spending time with them. Horror movie fests are the best! Along with haunted houses, freak shows, and scary rides! Hmmm also dark chocolate,and coffee YUM. Elvis impersonator's are the awesomest! Can't leave out my shopping obsession and shoes are delicious! The happiest place on earth, Vegas baby!!! VIVA LAS VEGAS Oh and did I mention I LOVE FREDDY!!!
"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayers By Night, May Become A Wolf When The Wolfbane Blooms And The Atumn Moon Is Bright""In darkness you will find me I dance among the the dead, but very soon I'll need to hunt the scent of blood instead"

I'd like to meet:

hahaha yeeeeeeeah baby ;)j/kMr. Perfect.RIP. ;) Friend good, Fire bad MORE BRAINS! No, the real question is who would "YOU" like to meet?!?! Because you've obviously entered my world now muahaha. So welcome and don't be frightened of the zombies! I won't let them hurt you much ;)...I also want to meet Vivian the red headed vixen from The Young Ones I WILL make him mine ... I want to meet Harold Kunkle AKA "The Ladies Man" Also I think Chainsaw and Dave from the flick Summer School are my dream guys, so I'm pretty sure we have to meet Is Nice


This video makes me happy You know sometimes all a girl needs is some LOUD, HARD, FAST, freakin' MEEEETAAAAAL! Ozzy Osbourne Pantera , Down, BILLY IDOL Generation XLita Ford Plasmatics-Wendy O Williams Dokken, Dethklok Chingon, Scarface soundtrack rocks! I highly reccomend it for driving music. La Bamba soundtrack Lost Boys soundtrack Sepultura, Slayer, Soulfly,Nailbomb, Brujeria, Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Grim Reaper, Death, Sex Pistols, The Who, Dead Boys, Hank Williams I,II,III, Mortician, Necrophagia, Tiger Army 45 Grave, Misfits, Samhain,-Glenn Danzig, Ramones, GG Allin , Nothing But Enemies SCFF Opie The Cramps, The Meteors, The Independents, Mad Sin, The Dickies, Nekromantix, 12 Step Rebels, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Shinedown AC/DC, KISS, Megadeth,Bathory, Helloween Rob Zombie, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Journey, Ozomatli, Elvis, Connie Francis Marilyn Monroe Helen Kane, Doris Day, The Cure, Jimmy Buffett Snoop Dogg, 2Pac, Eazy-E, Roy Orbison, Chuck Berry, Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, Chubby Checker, The Everly Brothers, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, The Supremes, Bobby Boris Pickett, Doris Day, The Coasters, Drifters, The Silhouettes, Little Anthony, Tiny Tim ;) haha, Lesley Gore, The Big Bopper, The Isley Brothers, The Kingsmen, The Platters, The Crew Cuts, Bobby Day,Bo Diddley, The Shirelles, Los Lobos, The Chordettes, ..Johnny Cash, Hank Williams-I, II, III, Crystal Gayle, Buck Owens, Jimmy Buffett, lots of eighties music. Oh yeah and I almost forgot the greatest band there ever was ALICE BOWIE Staying Alive-that's right the Staying Alive Soundtrack-WHAT!? Okay I admit it sometimes I get REALLY weird musical cravings. I just realized something...I seem to have a weakness for albums with John travolta on the cover because I LOVE the Urban Cowboy soundtrack This scares me! But this is by far my favorite soundtrack Bette Midler hahaha true story


Night of The Living Dead-Both Dawn of The Dead-Original, ..Day of The Dead Zombie Return of The Living Dead 1-3, .. A Nightmare on Elm Street 1,2,3,4,5,6, Wes Cravens New Nightmare, Freddy Vs. Jason, Halloween 1,2,4,5, .. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1-Original,2, and Leatherface The Saw is Family, Basket Case 1,2,3, Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks Hellraiser series, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects .. Spiderbaby Cemetery Man, Gnagi LIVES! Plan 9 From Outer Space, Bride of The Monster, Waxworks 1,2 80's,The Lost Boy's, .. The Exorcist, Dead Alive The Last Man on Earth The Brain That Wouldn't Die Evil Dead 1,2 , Army of Darkness, Re-Animator, Sleepaway Camp 1-3, Poltergeist , Leprechaun, Tromeo and Juliet Piranha Class of Nuke'em High, Phantasm Decampitated, Near Dark, Bram Stoker's Dracula Nosferatu The Vampyre-79, Dracula A.D. 1972, Dracula Has risen From The Grave, AlucardaNightbreed, Eraserhead, Cabin Fever, Predator, IT Cat's Eye, Carrie, They Live, Cujo, Maxium Overdrive Monkey Shines, Children of The Corn, From Dusk Till Dawn, Rock N Roll Frankenstein, Subspecies 1-4, Zombie Holocaust, Alien, Maniac Trilogy of Terror, Psycho, Rosemary's Baby, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane, Trick or Treat, Ichi The Killer Eaten Alive 976-EVIL Robert Englund rules! Willard, Puppet Master series, House On Haunted Hill-old, Hell of The Living Dead , Killer Klowns From Outer Space, The Serpent and The Rainbow, 28 Days Later, The Blob-both, Killer Nerd, Bride of Killer Nerd, Terror Firmer, The Toxic Avenger 1,2,3 and Citizen Toxie 4 Bloodsucking Freaks, Creepshow, An American Werewolf In London, The Stuff, Jaws 1,2, Pet Sematary 1,2, SSSSS, Prince of Darkness, Faces of Death series, Traces of Death Series, The Bride Childs Play 1,2,3 Bride of Chucky, Seed of Chucky, Shaun Of The Dead.. I Spit On Your Grave Suspiria Cannibal Holocaust .. Universal Horror-Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein Son of Frankenstein, The WolfMan Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman Dracula The Mummy Creature From The Black Lagoon Revenge of The Creature, The Creature Walks Among Us, The Phantom of The Opera, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, etc. Young Frankenstein American Psycho, Endless Love, Meatballs 1,2,3, American Me, Blood in Blood Out Urban Cowboy, Beavis and Butthead Do America, The Willies, South Park Bigger, Longer and Uncut, Dazed and Confused, Detroit Rock City, Almost anything with Jason Mewes Clerks, Clerks X, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, R.S.V.P., Up In Smoke, Lucas, The Goonies, Some Kind of Wonderful, Pretty Woman, Can't Buy Me Love, Spaceballs The Never Ending Story, Valley Girl Weird Science, The Princess Bride, Suburbia-old, Romper Stomper, The Birdcage, El Mariachi,Once Upon A Time In Mexico, Desperado, Napolean Dynomite, 16 Candles, Scarface, Rocky 4-Dolf Rules, River's Edge The Punisher-old- The Punisher-new, Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D. The Breakfast Club, Maxium Overdrive, Ed Wood, Glen or Glenda, The Monster Squad The Karate Kid 1,2,3 Pretty In Pink, Full Metal Jacket, Adventures in Babysitting Labyrinth, Saturday Night Fever, Stayin Alive, fast Times at Ridgemont High, Borat, The Jerk Grease, La Bamba The Outsiders, Sid and Nancy, One Crazy Summer, Revenge of The Nerds 1,2 Shag, Office Space WATCH IT! The Crow, Swingers, Wedding Crashers, Very Bad Things, Over The Top Selena, Summer of Sam, Summer School Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, Four Rooms, Kill Bill vol.1,2.Fists of Fury, The Chinese Connection, Return of The Dragon, Game of Death, Enter The Dragon, The Legend of Drunken Master Drunken Master...Snake In The Eagles Shadow all right I admit it I freakin' own Gummo FINE! Kids, Bully, Elvis and Me, The Seven Year Itch Summer of Sam, Requiem For A Dream, Go, Repo Man, Suburbia, Beaches, Stella, Black Snake Moan, Arthur American History X, Mommie Dearest ..


My new guilty pleasure: My Big Redneck Wedding ahahah that's good stuff right there ahhhh seriously how can one show be soooo entertaining hmmmoh my I can't stop laughing! Bruno rocks! Beavis and ButtHead Score
..8 Day Old Collard Greens

Add to My Profile | More VideosThe Standells-Do The Ringo+I Want To Hold Your Hand

Add to My Profile | More Videos Finally something that reigns up there with Beavis and Butthead...too bad it's showtimes are at an UNGODLY hour! As most of adult swim, so I finally got season 1! It's all about Metalocalypse marathons oooh yeah!My new found addiction Squidbillies...I know there is actually a show out there called friggin SQUIDBILLIES soooooo bad yet soooooo good and their from Georgia ahahahaha Can season 2 hurry up and get here pleaseL LOVE LUCY!! (the older episodes) I also, really like the cooking network Nigella is my favorite, but Rachel Ray is a close second! Oh yeah and Hell Date cause we all have had those moments where you're just waiting for the big bright light to gleam down and beam up your date back to their homeland...or maybe it's just me (nah)


FASTER THAN A BASTARD MANIAC, MORE POWERFUL THAN A LOCO MADMAN IT'S SUPER FREDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOPS and I can't leave out our Tromaville Hero NO, No, not Melvin you fools TOXIE

My Blog

What a Sick Bastard, Please Sign This Petetion To Stop Animal Cruelty

PLEASE REPOSTIn 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery, and starved him to death.For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors ...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:14:00 PST

Whats The Matter Bob cant I Get Your Ghost

All right I think Zombie should have left it as a prequel!   It's strange how in remakes they always try and empower the female characters like in the NOTLD remake they turned Barbara i...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 10:37:00 PST

Hey Lonnie!! Get Your Ass Away From There!!!

"I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 04:57:00 PST

Mr. Sandman Bring Me a Dream on Howl O Ween

It's about that time again folks for all us boils and ghouls come out and play.   I thought I'd post a little something for you maniacs who have actually subscribed to my gore-iffi...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 05:27:00 PST

Emergency Alert Broadcast System

It has been established that persons of the recently dead have been returning back to life...they get up and kill, the people they kill get up and kill!  NO not really BUT I had to lure you fools...
Posted by Monique on Fri, 12 May 2006 12:04:00 PST

The Evil Is Gone!!!!

  I ended up having to withdraw from my Anatomy and Physiology death class.  And replaced it with a less psychotic one, to not entirely lose my sanity.  Send Clarece after me next semes...
Posted by Monique on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 07:47:00 PST

@1.? Barbara Streisand! Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl with yellow feathers in her hair

AAAAHHHHH!  This sucks...does ANYONE have any idea how hard it is to be an internerd without a damn computer?!?!  So just an update my computer won't be back until either tomorrow or the fol...
Posted by Monique on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 01:47:00 PST

If You Get Caught Between The Moon and New York City, I Know It's Crazy But It's True

All right this is just pure EVIL!  My computer decided to venture off to the darkside last week!  As a result I have been forced to use my brother's super SLOWWWWW computer. &...
Posted by Monique on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 10:00:00 PST

Freaks! All of you! Mutations! You're freaks

I've decided to post my top five frequently asked questions on here.  If I've left any out then too frickin' bad! 1.  What's your favorite horror movie? Let me just say that I...
Posted by Monique on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 04:15:00 PST

My 21 Gun Salute

When I was a little girl my grandpa Pompo used to always ask me if I wanted to eat some ice cream and potatoes.  He was also always trying to convince me that two plus two equals twenty two and t...
Posted by Monique on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 09:45:00 PST