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Give Up America!


About Me

Give up America!
You've had hundreds of years to get it right and you still don't have universal healthcare. Canada is your only hope. Thanks to clean elections political corruption in Canada is at a dull wimper. Canada could easily remove the yoke of political corruption that hangs around your neck if you were to elect Canada as President. Hell, even Canada's conservatives are better than your liberals on the social and environmental issues.
Yup, just think you could be sitting on a Cuban beach right now smoking a Cuban cigar and sipping on some Cuban rum or if your not feeling so well you could be smoking some medical marijuana thanks to Canada's national medical marijuana program.
With Canada in the Whitehouse your cities would be clean and no one would have to file bankruptsy because someone in your family came down with cancer.
Yes, with Canada as your president even your Native Americans could look forward to getting some of their land back by finally honoring treaties and sovereign rights.
Let us not forget that there is an equal rights amendment in the Canadian constitution so women in America would finally be paid an equal wage for equal work. And with the language rights amendment in the Canadian constitution Americans would be able to learn a second language and could finaly understand what their house keeper was saying.
Then of course there is Canada's wonderful wide and splendid varieties of Cannabis grown by Canadians from every provence and sovreign native territory. Now that is the great Canadian adventure.
Face it America, you've out sourced your jobs to slave labor nations you might as well out source the management of your country too. Just think America, Canada would run your country like a Nation instead of a crooked business that has every politician you didn't actually really elect in its pocket.
With the money you'll save having Canada running things you'll be able to afford universal healthcare, a national medical marijuana program, a clean, sound and well built infrastructure, better quality foriegn aid and best of all, free condoms for your teenagers.
So give up America! Elect Canada as your President in 2008
Lots of love Lloyd Hart
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dave Chapelle, Miss High Times, Everyone who was ever put in jail for a small amount of pot,HIGH TIMES Potcast

My Blog

Are the Clinton’s Behind the Writers Strike?

By Lloyd HartDid the Clintons with their deep and sorted connection to the Hollywood Mafia get the Hollywood Mafia to create the Writers Strike? Just think about it for a minute. With the writers out ...
Posted by Give Up America! on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 11:54:00 PST

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are Inciting Terrorism!

By Lloyd HartBy honoring the writers's strike picket lines and not going to work at the Comedy Channel Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are inciting the American public to resort to acts of terrorism. ...
Posted by Give Up America! on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 04:55:00 PST