Everybody interested in the life and work of Wilhelm Reich, in psychology, body psychotherapy, new approaches to natural science, human sciences, in bio energy, sociology, mass psychology ... in the whole range of subjects that Reich dealed with and that are still relevant today. - Below, the video is a very good introduction: a 30 minutes documentary giving quite an idea of Reich's biography and his discoveries, and showing some rare and really surprising photo and film documents. Anybody who wants to see how Reich gets the legendary lost "Orgone engine" running? Really worthwhile to take the time and watch the video, if you want to know more!
"Cloudbusting", the song written and performed by Kate Bush, tells about Wilhelm Reich's successful "Cloudbusting" experiments in the desert of Arizona and around his home in Orgonon, Maine, and about Reich's conflict with U.S. authorities because of his orgonomic research. Scientific work that brought him to prison. The song tells this story through the eyes of Reich's little son Peter who witnessed those "Men in black" who took his father with them and ordered to burn his writings and destroy his laboratory equipment. Here is the vide clip of the song from 1985, with Donald Sutherland as Wilhelm Reich and Kate Bush as Peter. THE MUSIC VIDEO "CLOUDBUSTING":A VIDEO ON WILHELM REICH'S SUCCESSFUL CLOUDBUSTING OPERATION IN MAINE 1953:
Writings by Wilhelm Reich (a selection; those in capital letters I consider to be the most important ones): "DIE FUNKTION DES ORGASMUS" (1927); "Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung" (1929); "Geschlechtsreife - Enthaltsamkeit - Ehemoral" (1930); "Der sexuelle Kampf der Jugend" (1932); "DER EINBRUCH DER SEXUALMORAL" (1932); "CHARAKTERANALYSE" (1933); "DIE MASSENPSYCHOLOGIE DES FASCHISMUS" (1933); "Was ist Klassenbewußtsein?" (1934); "DIALEKTISCHER MATERIALISMUS UND PSYCHOANALYSE" (1934); "Masse und Staat" (1935); "DIE SEXUALITÄT IM KULTURKAMPF" (1936); "Die Bione. Zur Entstehung des vegetativen Lebens" (1938); "BION EXPERIMENTS ON THE CANCER PROBLEM" (1939); "THE DISCOVERY OF THE ORGONE, Vol.1: THE FUNCTION OF THE ORGASM" (1942); "CHARACTER ANALYSIS, 2nd Edition" (1945); "THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION" (1945); "THE MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF FASCISM, 3rd Edition" (1946); "THE DISCOVERY OF THE ORGONE, Vol.2: "THE CANCER BIOPATHY" (1948); "LISTEN LITTLE MAN" (1948); "ETHER, GOD AND DEVIL" (1949); "COSMIC SUPERIMPOSITION" (1951); "THE ORGONE ENERGY ACCUMULATOR" (1951); "The ORANUR Experiment, First Report" (1951); "THE MURDER OF CHRIST" (1953); "People in Trouble" (1953); "The Einstein Affair" (1953); "Conspiracy - An emotional Chain Reaction" (1954); "CONTACT WITH SPACE" (1957); "LEGAL WRITING" (1954-57)*************************************VIDEO ON WILHELM REICH AND "SEXPOL" (THE COMMUNIST YEARS):THE POLICEMAN INSIDE OUR HEADS:FREUDIAN SLIPS OF BUSH & CO (ALL OF THEM WORTH WATCHING):