too many ta mention. right nah eyem wurkin on a collaborative spoken wurd cd project. spoken wurd poetry. song writing. independent movies. eatin at a vegetarian spot eye ave yet ta discover. live jam sessions. browsin thru used book stores. buildin wif pepul. dancin. definateli dancin. (did eye say dancin) saunterin in tha city. window shoppin.
hmmm. seventeen year old me. whu understood that manhood wasnt a destination per se. that eye was still becumin. outside uv that. eyem not inta hero worship. but eye cud du fa sum good ole fashioned community. creatin. nurturin bonds wif folks spirits invested in makin positive change and avin a divine human experience. folks whu avent totalli bought inta a hardened pessimistic perspective uv tha wurld and wear negativity like a permenant dark cloud. thats it fa nah.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
right nah eyem stuck on lizz wright's salt. healin music. as uv late. mostli eyeve had this penchant fa neo-soul. afro-beat. & jazz. but afta venturin out ta cbgbs a few weeks back ta see sum live bands. eyem a bit ripe fa venturin out a lil more. eye honestli luv music. esp if eye can hear tha wurds. & they ave substance. & tha isht touches/moves me. in this regard mah tastes can be rather eclectic.
too many to name. but near the top. black orpheus. brother from another planet. kirkou & the sorceress. the dark crystal. monsoon wedding. city of god. screamers. sankofa. sia & the myth of the python. usual suspects. love jones. when harry met sally. total recall. good will hunting. as good as it gets. once a thief. 25th hour. bamboozled. did eye sey eye cud go on fa deys
first off. let me start by sayin. eye aint be gotten no cable! & wif mah commitments. eye spend so much tyme away frum home. tha onli thang eye watch wif any regularity is pbs programmin & tha nu star trek spinofof: enterprise. everythang else is up fa grabs. mostli dependent on if eye need a gud mind-numbin escape. in which case... csi. crossing jordan. half & half. girlfriends. sienfield. alias. tha practice. wud suffice.
just got finished readin the left hand of darkness. dark matter ii:reading the bones. & brown sugar 3. some otha recent reads: micheal datcher's raising fences. two thousand seasons. a history of god. richard dry's leaving. che gueverra's the african dream. a right to be hostile. invisible man. temple of my familar. possessing the secret of joy. the famished road. in short. eye eat books. any recommendations?