My interests are traveling across the country and abroad, writing scripts for future theatrical plays I will one day direct and get help in producing, dancing, going to the movies, preparing tasty, tranquil, and blissful food, Styling/Image consulting, studying color therapy and Feng Shue, designing clothes. honoring nature, and overall, honoring my self by loving I unconditionally/freely.
Most importantly my higher Self...the Ultimate Light Being... But on practical/mundane terms, Clients/Customers that will utilize and receive great benefits from my Image Consulting Business...Angel Donor's/Investor's...More People with Aloooooot of Money 2 spend!...Single mother's who need a support group 2 sustain their sanity when they're about 2 go ballistic @ 3/4 in the morning cuz the baby is hollering and screaming like U done stuck it with a sharp ass needle( L.O.L) I'm laughing but very serious...Folks who are ready 2 heal the African race instead of trying 2 unify with other nationalites on some "We're all one People Crap"...
Shit! I would Have Loved 2 have a real one on one with Ghandi and MLK...Zora Neal Hurston, Malcom, My Great Grandmother, Bob Marley, Haile Selassie, Jesus,...Che Guevera, Harriet Tubman,I'd love 2 meet now...Common again, Ahmir from the Roots, Oprah, Danny Glover, Nelson Mandela, and other Spirtualists, Nutrionists, Musicians and Healer's... div style="text-align: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width:450;"
The type of music I enjoy listening to is Afro beat, neo-soul, afro punk, undergound hip hop, jazz, Bjork ( whatever category she fits in) some other alternative rock, soulful house, blues, some modern day R&B artists, old school jams like disco, hip hop, classics, etc. Oh! and that back in the day soulful music like Al green, the Delphonics, Earth Wind and Fire, Roofus, Sly and the Family Stone, chaka Khan, Pattie Labelle, etc. Man! basically, I like any kind of music that has a rythmic pattern to it that I can goorve to.
I love Independent films the most recent one I saw was 'Boy's of Baraka' great documentary. I also just saw 'Memiors of a Geisha'. My favorite all time independent film was Badd Ass and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon before it really began blowing up in the movies. Oh I loved all 3 Matrix films, Lord of the Ring, and Harry Potter. I also like mystery movies and action packed films, as well as sentimental romance films.
I don't watch much television but of the shows I do catch, I love Top Model, starting Over, Project runway, 'What Not To Wear, Trading Spaces, and on cable I use to really enjoy watching Oz and Six feet under before the 2 series ended.
My favorite books are, 'Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting', 'Their Eye's Were Watching God', 'Stolen Legacy', 'Moses Man of the Mountain', 'Color Zone Therapy' 'Color Healing Home', 'The Mastery of Love', 'The Four Agreements' 'Of Water and the Spirit', 'The Famished Road', 'In The Meantime', 'Memoirs of a Geisha', ' Autobiography of Antwoine Fisher' 'Celestine Prophecy', 'Tenth Insight', and 'Assata'
Hereo's... soooo many and I can't think of all of them off the top of my head, Assata Shakur, Zora Neal Hurston, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, Malcom X, Patrice Lumumba, This African sister who was the first to start planting the baobob tree and other tree's in Africa, Lottie Paige my grandmother, Shaka Sankofa, and host of other folks that I can't remeber names for.
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