dynasty profile picture


.dy smith.

About Me

..i emcee, i write.... i'm silly, fun (serious when i need to be), independent...
i've obtained 2 degrees, but what's it really mean... i'm about self elevation, growth and discovery...i am a lover of life and good friends... jus' dee...

artists...please send your requests to the music page.


thx. = )

My Interests

music, theater, acting, writing, building (with my peoplez), television (say what you want, a lil bit of electro-magnetism never hurt anybody ;) ), caRz, real estate, business....

I'd like to meet:

lets see...well, ive already met the person that KEEPS the smile on my face damn...he's so consistent...its crazy.so... i guess random, cool , crazy, intellectual beings... = )

o, people... when you respond to a comment..check back because i often reply, but directly under your comment in the blog space. oh oh oh...and for the people that send requests.... please dont be offended if i havent added you. its just that you didnt say hi or anything...i dont know why you wanna be my friend....and well, i guess that is somewhat important to me. if you say hello and introduce yourself...maybe we can build. k......

thank you. and thanks for visiting! =)


a lil' bit of ALMOST everything.....from eminem to talib kweli to norah jones, missy to ella to three days grace, from mr. marley to pink to kanye west, from lauryn to chaka to the dixie chics to dead prez..... if it sounds good, i'm wit' it. :)


mmm. there are quite a few shows that i enjoy. i really like run's house...i like family guy, cosby reruns, antm... and a few others.


anything that captivates me...



My Blog


im a bit down....feeling a little isolated and missing my friends....
Posted by dynasty on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 02:53:00 PST

martin lee anderson...

just do me a favor and research this case...he was killed while in boot camp... you can youtube it and watch it for yourself....all parties involved were found not guilty today.what does this tell us ...
Posted by dynasty on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:15:00 PST

my new DASH!!! - UPDATE (we broke up)

okay....so I absolutely loved the phone.but there's a new sidekick coming out.... and I want it. so me and the dash had to break up.... off it goes to the lucky winner on Ebay!=)--------I got my new p...
Posted by dynasty on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 04:24:00 PST

Mychal Bell (jena 6) OUT of JAIL!

mychal bell has been released.... victory!but its not over.... there's still a fight to be fought and five others to come after him.they will never admit that the tens of thousands that poured into je...
Posted by dynasty on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:00:00 PST


im looking at my profile...listening to see if my new song choice has been successfully added....seeing what it looks like through your eyes...and what do i see in my "who i'd like to meet section"?le...
Posted by dynasty on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:46:00 PST

quickly approaching

our one year anniversary and i love him even more...::sings::"everyday i love him just a little bit more...little bit more...little bittle more...and he loves meeee the same"if you know that tune sing...
Posted by dynasty on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:33:00 PST

FREE THE JENA 6! No Half Steppin’

i will be on a plane to nyc on the 20th... but yes.. i will be rockin' my black "free the jena 6" shirt....something tells me i will be having a LOT of interesting discussions. i went to pick up my sh...
Posted by dynasty on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:58:00 PST

as we think of the jena 6...

dont forget Katrina.2 years ago today Louisiana and surrounding areas were hit HARD.the days after showed what Bush and the government thought about... well... you know.Remember Katrina!Continued pray...
Posted by dynasty on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 07:11:00 PST

i just saw this on

someone's page and i... i liked it...."when someone shows you who they are, believe them."= )
Posted by dynasty on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 06:50:00 PST

dont waste

my time.courtesy is key.that will get you removed from my space, quickly.im a recruiter... if i work hard to find you a job and you quit with no notice... youre done.if i am trying to conduct business...
Posted by dynasty on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:41:00 PST