MadRatz! collective profile picture

MadRatz! collective

Atlanta's Infoshop!!!!

About Me

We are the Mad Ratz! Infoshop based in Atlanta, GA and we were Atlanta's first Infoshop!!
We are Closed
We were expanding our library and loved tabling at shows and other local events.
We carried a number of periodicals; the Industrial Worker, Slingshot, The Indypendant, Fifth Estate, Anarchist Atlanta, to name a few . We also had Slingshot Organizers for sale and carried a number of titles from a variety of publishers, (ie. AKPress, Charles H Kerr, Microcosm, Ocean Press, South End Press etc.).
You can also find us here on our web page, we have a working calendar and forum where you can get up to date info on whats going on with this project. You have to register to post on the site, but you don't have to just to read.
Also don't for get to Check out our Blog as well as our myspace group Ratlanta so you can keep up to date with us. We will send out bulletins, but your safest bet is our Blog or our website.
If you have any questions about who we are and what we're doing, feel free to check out our website and make sure to read our FAQ .
The madratz also belonged to a network of infoshops across the country and canada. Which intends to develop a stronger community amongst the infoshop movement to facilitate sustainable development as well as aiding infoshops that are starting up or in financial or legal trouble. You can check out the website and Wiki of the North American Infoshop Network here.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Because without you and your help the MadRatz! infoshop wouldn't be able to function.

We're always in need of people to help with tabling shows, helping us organize events, as well as just giving us feedback.

We're always in need of donations of books, office supplies, cash, etc. So if you have old 'zines, books, flyers, computers, office supplies, furniture, etc... drop us a line and we'll come and pick it up or drop it by the infoshop between fri-sun between the hours of 12 noon and 8 PM

luv da Ratz!

My Blog

Madratz Closes it doors

After nearly a year open the madratz have decided to close it's doors. after looking into our financial, personal and social situations we found it just isn't feasible for us to remain takes t...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 02:51:00 PST

the madratz will be closed the week of the Sept 24 - 30 but...

so all the events of the week will be cancelled so no tuesday movie night or the bike in movieinstead the madratz will be working diligently on cleaning, re-arranging and getting some things done that...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:34:00 PST

the madratz needs your help

though we have come a long way since the conception of the MadRatz! infoshop, this last year has been hard on us. we have managed to overcome many challenges and learn from our mistakes, allowing us ...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:13:00 PST

PH:ACTS announcement for Iraq Moratorium event, Madratz Infoshop, 7 PM, Fri., 21 September 2007

Posted by MadRatz! collective on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:27:00 PST

this day in history September 11 1973

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The UnpromotedDate: 11 Sep 2007, 21:38----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: § Lori §Date: 11 Sep 2007, 21:32thanks: Consti...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:43:00 PST

Tuesday night movies at the MadRatz! Infoshop: Starts at 8 pm

okay we got a treat for yaTuesday September 11th Zeitgeist the Movie it's kinda conspiracyish documentary and you can get more info about it here S...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:42:00 PST

our website is fixed ...

... and up and running check it out @
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 04:26:00 PST

our website is fixed ...

... and up and running check it out @
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 04:26:00 PST

our website is down :(

and has so for about a weeksorry if this inconviences anyone but we're either having problems with our content managment system or with our web hostit'll be back up as soon as the problem gets reslove...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 10:14:00 PST

Chinese Anarchism - a presentation by Edward Krebs

From: Friends of Capital Terminus CollectiveDate: Sep 4, 2007 9:27 PMcomrades, On Friday, August 7th at 7:00 pm at the MadRatz! Infoshop in Atlanta, author Edward Krebs will be presenting an overview ...
Posted by MadRatz! collective on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:00:00 PST