traveling. making usable shit. biking. kissing. sewing. dancing. good food. nakedness. comfort. honesty. art. making noise. adventures. good conversation.
adventurers. lovers. musical companions. honest kids. new kissers. radical/ d.i.y. folk. People to do art, grow food, weld, ride bikes and do something meaningful with.
echo is your love, baroness. joe cocker.mothirder. pintskills.spike mott and the balckest knights of the darkest apocalypse. polar bears. the need. david bowie. slang. majority rule. lemuria. the breeders. des ark..
"the fucking maglab." the fucking movie
i'll be remodeling my house.
post office. shes not there. becoming madame mao. the random notes of d.k. DUNE! ALL OF THEM!!
ben straub.