sopo bicycle co-op profile picture

sopo bicycle co-op

we are creating equitable access to cycling!

About Me

get break your heart on this , our broken hearts glamor shots book!
sopo is YOUR bicycle shop. we belong to you.

we're a nonprofit community-based bicycle repair shop in east atlanta. come by and fix and build bicycles with new and old friends. no experience? no problem. come and learn. that's what we're here for.

we ask for modest donations in return for use of tools, materials, and parts. no one is turned away for lack of $$. work-trade is a-okay!

hours of operation:
tuesday 7 pm - 10 pm
***wednesday 7 pm - 10 pm***NEW HOURS***
thursday 7 pm - 10 pm
saturday 2 pm - 6 pm
sunday 2 pm - 6 pm

465-c flat shoals ave
(behind the shops)
need more info? READ OUR FAQ .

My Interests

love, peace, and bicycle grease.

I'd like to meet:



revolutionary youth, judi chicago, one hand loves the other, atlanta sedition orchestra, hope for agoldensummer, no brakes, ocha la rocha, the kiwis, full metal lyricist, the spooks, i would set myself on fire for you, noci the misfit, the almanac, blame game, snowden, variac, the talk, elevado, black sunshine, maieutic, light pupil dilate, withered, new street, stickfigure, and all the other atlanta bands, djs, and distros who show the love.


how to rock and roll, a people's history of the united states, zinn and the art of road bike maintenance, under the sign of the bicycle, and critical mass: bicycling's defiant celebration, and fancy cycling: trick riding for amateurs.


major taylor, isabel marks, and sheldon brown.

My Blog

Having a Good Time at Sopo? Tell Us About It!

The shop is busier than ever these days.  Gas prices might have something to do with it.  But we suspect that people are turning out more and more because the shop is a whole lot of fun.&nbs...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 01:02:00 PST

How to build a wheel and support Sopos youth the same time!!

True to Sopo-style, we managed to drum up the best kind of support for our youth programming. Our friends at Perros Libres, Inc., generously donated the cash we needed to get the parts (discounted for...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 01:17:00 PST

John Lewis--Representative, Freedom Rider, and Civil Rights Leader--Visits Sopo

What an honor. John Lewis, our U.S. Representative, turned a wrench with us on Saturday. He graciously shook everyone's bike greasy hands and thanked us for our spectacular community work. It was t...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 06:15:00 PST

Sopo Recognizes Youth Mentor; The Funding Search Begins

Jonathan G., a recent addition to our volunteer family, was recognized as Sopo's Youth Mentor at our last general meeting. All along, we've been challenged by the youngest members of our community to...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:56:00 PST

about the bicycle frame show

About The Bicycle Frame ShowSopo Bicycle Cooperative is your community bicycle repair shop. We make bicycle repair affordable by helping you do it yourself, and we believe in doing this in a safe comm...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:19:00 PST

Meet Our Future Chief Hex-wrench-utive

(Chief Executive...Hex-wrench-utive...Get it?) Longtime Sopo participant, ZaChristian (11 years old), announced that one day he'll be our shop manager AND the first black president of the USA. He ca...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 03:25:00 PST

Advocacy, Community Building, and Coffee Collide at Sopo

Crammed into what I like to call our "foyer" (that's foy-YAY) on Saturday afternoon were Rebecca Serna, Anna Cherry, a crate full of busted bicycle tubes, and myself. Who ARE these people, you ask? ...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 10:49:00 PST

Listen to Rachael’s Pecha Kucha Podcast

Laugh along with me as I talk shop.Enjoy!
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:26:00 PST

Bicycles Delivered to Somali-Bantu Family in Clarkston

On Saturday, December 15, 2007, our friends at Just Cause and World Relief delivered bicycles to a Somali-Bantu family living in Clarkston, GA. For some background: Sopo volunteers turned out 21 bik...
Posted by sopo bicycle co-op on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:17:00 PST