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About Me

Vagina Jenkins is Creative Loafing's Best Burlesque Dancer '08!

I am a burlesque performer, to put it simply. But putting it simply doesn't sum up the grandeur, grace, class and glitz I put into my act.

Think Vegas, think Faberge' eggs, think of Ms. America's tiara, think RuPaul as a Mac spokesperson, think Eartha Kitt, think showgirl, think sparkly, shiny things---now you're somewhere in the vacinity of Vagina Jenkins.

For 6 years I have been shocking, awing and creating memories for Atlanta/Southern audiences. Here's just a few things folks have to say about lil ol' moi:

"In burlesque, it’s less about what you take off and more about how you do it: the coy glances, the fluttering feather fans and, yes, the pasties. VAGINA JENKINS has been performing for five years, and is one of the city’s sexiest acts. She shimmies and struts on stages around town, and performs with such local musical acts as Noot ‘D Noot and burlesque troupes Blast-Off Burlesque and Syrens of the South. She spends most of her sultry show teasing the audience with playful glimpses of her voluptuous figure, smooth coffee-and-cream skin, and tattoos running along the curves of her hips. With a blend of old-school glamour and modern sensuality, Vagina Jenkins makes for a tempting dish."

-Creative Loafing magazine, Best Burlesque Dancer '08

"Vagina Jenkins makes the simple allure of burlesque into something far more sophisticated and complex. Her act transcends her peers, reaching a sublime balance of intoxicating sexiness and innovative art"

-James McConnell, Beep Beep Gallery

"A few numbers in and local performer Vagina Jenkins prances out like a red and black peacock. She doesn't say a word, and instead relies on her piercing gaze and tattooed hips to summon attention."

-Debbie Michaud, Creative Loafing Atlanta

"The classy plus-sized Vagina Jenkins was... a welcome shot of chocolate."

-Perry Tannenbaum, Creative Loafing Charlotte

"Vagina Jenkins has never failed to impress me. Vagina is one of the most creative, dynamic, and engaging performers in neo-burlesque today. Her stage presence and costuming talent combine for an act that draws and captures audience attention. She is unique, committed to the development and evolution of her craft, and sincerely invested in bringing the best she can to every audience. In addition to delivering the goods on stage, Vagina is an extremely well-organized, professional, and reliable member of the cast and can be counted on to meet, if not exceed, all of your expectations."

-Rachael Smith, The Femme Mafia Donna

"Vagina Jenkins has the crowd begging for of the top stars in Atlanta’s queer burlesque scene"

-Dyana Bagby, Southern Voice Magazine

If you want to support Vagina,
why not ?

To book Vagina Jenkins please send me a message here, or email me directly at Vagina.Jenkins.Burlesque at gmail dot com.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any New Venue!

Vagina Jenkins has performed at the following events/venues and is always looking to perform for new audiences:

    SXBLSQ at Emo's, Austin,TX Atlanta Pride Belissima The Velvet-- Oakland, CA Femme '08 Conference, Chicago Cenci Heavy Rebel Weekender, NC Toronto Pride GoodHandy's Club and Fetish Lounge,Toronto, ON Actor's Express The East Atlanta Icehouse The Center for Sex Positive Culture--Seattle, WA Atlanta Black Pride The Miss Exotic World Weekend, Las Vegas The New York Burlesque Festival The Relapse Theatre The Center for Sex & Culture--San Fransisco, CA The Jungle The Piano Bar, NYC Eye Candy Club The Southern Comfort Conference Ria's Bluebird EAV's Cenci Mary's Stillwater --Ashland, OR Smithe's Olde Bar Lenny's The Dirty30 Cabaret My Sister's Room The Bell House, NYC 1763 The Star Bar Seven Stages Theatre Spring4th Center The Highland Inn Ballroom The Wild Mustang Eyedrum Art Space Traxx Paris on Ponce/The Moulin Rouge Room Big Mama's House of Burlesque--Charlotte, NC 11:11 Teahouse Mondo Homo Queer Music Festival '07,'08,'09 Michigan Womyn's Music Festival--Hart, MI Moxie Cabaret Beep Beep Gallery The Doo Gallery The Cigar City Tattoo Convention--Tampa, FL The Earl The 5 Spot Frolicon Dr. Sketchy's Atlanta All three annual Femme Mafia Masquerade Balls The Sweaty Southern Radical Queer Convergence--Durham, NC and with my friends: MOXIE: A Queer Cabaret of Caliber Noot D' Noot Rising Appalachia Carnivores Arianna Sykes and the Lost/Found Objects of Desire The Syrens of the South Burlesque Art Amok Blast Off Burlesque The Dixie Pistols Queer Burlesque Revue Good N' Plenty Burlesque

My Blog

Vote for Vag! Help her get booked!

Hey folks, Your girl Vag here, plying you for your internet votes AGAIN! But this is HUGE! You know how it goes, more accolades, more recognition, more articles that feature the Vag=more BO...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Jul 2009 17:56:00 GMT

My BHof/MEW weekend Audition Video

Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 11:41:00 GMT

Black is Beautiful!

Every woman, whether she realizes it or not, looks to other women to help her self identify.(aren't generalizations fun?!)We define ourselves n relation to the women in our family, our foremothers, wo...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:09:00 GMT

R.I.P. Eartha Kitt

Another lost legend....South Carolina born actress, chantuese, pacifist and "the world's most exciting woman" (as christened by Orson Welles) has just passed on.Most of you may know Eartha Kitt by her...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 04:40:00 GMT

Vag and SOVO’s Best of Gay Atlanta

So Vagina Jenkins placed 2nd (in a 3 way tie) for Atlanta's Best Up and Coming Activist.  Thanks to the editors at SOVO for acknowledging me.  And thanks to all y'all out in the land of the ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 15:59:00 GMT

Vagina Jenkins October Newsletter

"No time to marry, no time to settle down; I'm a young woman, and I ain't done runnin' around." -Bessie Smith"With hair, heels and attitude, honey, I am through the roof!"-Ru Paul Hey y'all!...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 13:39:00 GMT

Vote for Vag--Best of Gay Atlanta!

Hey y'all!I know I'm always hitting you up for something......votes, gold lame' pant suits, your moms' phone numbers etc etc etc.BUT THIS TIME IT'S SERIOUS!So you know and I know that I'm the best que...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 04:26:00 GMT

Best Burlesque Dancer in Atlanta?!?! Moi?!?!?!

Between the bj's and your votes and buying your votes with bj's WE DID IT!The critics at Creative Loafing have named The Lady Ms. Vagina Jenkins, Best Burlesque Dancer!Y'all know how I get.  Like...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 15:37:00 GMT

Vag’s September 08 Newsletter

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."-Oprah WinfreyHey y'all! Greetings again from that lovely, lame'zing, meth-tastic piece of heaven I like to call...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 14:33:00 GMT

Help Vag Help Femme ’10

The Femme 2008 Conference may have changed my life.I met so many fabulous femmes, got an opportunity to observe firsthand how awesome femmes can be on their own and to eachother.I got the opportunity ...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 01:40:00 GMT