¡Photosynthesize Now! profile picture

¡Photosynthesize Now!


About Me

We formed in the fall/winter of 2007 in Greensboro, NC. We are a bunch of nerdy Guilford College students who are WQFS DJs. We write simple songs about our friends, gettinng blitzed. We finally have our demo up. The songs were recorded in June, 07, in Matt's basement (ATL)onto a Macbook's internal microphone. Let us know what you think, even if we know what the fuck we sound like.

"The laundry room. I just wrote to one of the bands on MySpace to ask if the flyers I saw were true. Apparently so. The motherfucking laundry room. That is teh avente-garde." -Chris Morrow
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests


Member Since: 2/10/2007
Band Website: en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand
Band Members: Baine(CA)- Bass, Vocals, Beard, West Coast Credibility
Ben(VA)- Guitar, Criminal Record
Matt(GA)- Drums, Voice of Reason
Will-(VA) Power, Friend, Yelps, Occasional Vicious Jams, ball breaker,
Influences: Devo, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Edward Scissorface, Vlad the Impaler

Sounds Like: Sex and Violence
Type of Label: None