Freedom, community, organisation, anarchism, socialism, communism, workers struggle, mutual aid
People who want to improve their lives, their jobs or their communities collectively across the world...[if !IE] ..[endif]
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The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control - The State and Counter-Revolution - Maurice Brinton , The Revolution of Everyday Life , Eclipse and Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement , Value, Price and Profit , The Conquest of Bread , Worker-Student Action Committees, France May '68 - Roger Gregoire and Fredy Perlman , The Strategy and Nature of Bolshevism , Collectives in the Spanish Revolution - Gaston Leval , What is Anarchism? , Reading Capital Politically , Workers Councils , Society of the Spectacle , News from Nowhere , The State: Its Historic Role , God and the State and lots lots more...
The Arditi del Popolo , Peter Kropotkin , the I WW , the Edelweiss Pirates , Karl Marx , the anti-war GIs in Vietnam , Noam Chomsky , the Diggers, the Levellers , Raya Dunayevskaya , the French Resistance , Murray Bookchin , the Spanish Resistance , the Golden Age pirates , Maurice Brinton , the workers of Spain 1936 , Hungary 1956 , Kwanju 1980 , Paris 1871 , Kronstadt 1921 , Wounded Knee 1973 , Iraq and Kurdistan 1991 and lots lots more...