Fighting for the rights of workers!MIWON's Immigrant Workers PlatformMIWON Immigrant Workers Platform -The city of Los Angeles has historically been a place of refuge for migrants escaping from political turmoil, natural disasters and economic hardship in their countries of origin. Immigrants from across the world have built this city and its economy continues to thrive through the major contributions of their labor. Nowhere is this clearer than in the low-wage industries, where wealth is created by garment, resturant, day labor, domestic, home care workers and other immigrants who receive poverty wages and endure exploitation.WHEREAS, Immigrants workers have endured deplorable working conditions such as long work hours without overtime pay, no access to workers' compensation, little regard for their health and safety, harassment, discrimination, blacklisting, and have little or no protection by government agencies in charge of enforcing labor laws.WHEREAS, Immigrant workers lack job security, a living wage and are trapped in these low-wage industries without the hope of improving their lives and that of their families.WHEREAS, Immigrant workers face higher levels of exploitation because most lack legal documentation, and they are subject to threats and harassment, incarceration and deportation, thereby creating a fearful working and living environment.WHEREAS, Immigrant workers and their families, because of their immigration status, are also systematically denied assess to a driver's license, decent healthcare, social sercices, and quality education.LET IT BE RESOLVED, That we, as leaders of a country built by immigrants hereby endorse the following principles as guidelines for building a broader legalization program. We urge all others in the community to uphold these principles as we work together to improve the conditions for low-wage immigrant workers and their families.
Everyono on May 1st 2007 International Workers Day 2:00pm Start:3rd Street & Vermont Ave. End: Exposition Park
Music made by the people and for the people
Documentaries and Political Movies
Any station that promotes and supports our work....there are very few.
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Those who stand up against injustice