Donations!!! Unused postage stamps from anywhere - especially the UK, Germany, Italy, Poland, the Spanish state, Russia and the US... of course, we can always use cash, cheques, postal orders or IMOs (but please leave the name blank, as we don't have a Leeds ABC bank account!)
E-mail us for a copy of our full distro list and to be put on our mailing list.
Our favourite sounds are the crash of walls falling down, the dying screams of our rulers and the triumphant roar of a rejoicing liberated proletariat
From The Belly Of The Beast! A Clandestine Communique From Arles PrisonNow available on DVD from Leeds ABC
Leeds ABC have published the following pamphlets. Please get in touch for prices for single copies or for wholesale/trade prices. ‘Down With the Prison Walls’ pamphlet ‘Women & Prison’ pamphlet ‘With A Smile & A Twinkle In My Eye’ pamphlet ‘Tear Down The Walls’ pamphlet ‘Prison Was Created For The Poor’ pamphlet We also do some very nice T-shirts!
Well, not quite 'Heroes' as such, but click on the following images for links to a couple of websites you might want to check out for further information about the prison struggle:Click the following for a link to the excellent 325 Collective…And the following is a link to Brighton ABC…