check me out at
This is my vid and its awesome. watch it and if you want one as good get onto the people that made it
7 Ages: Act 04 - A Soldier from Jamie Fraser on Vimeo .
I am an anarchist Hip Hop soldior, tearing through with a passion. I was raised from impoverished life to now challenge the world with the mic and I dont give a fuck who stands in the way. Oh yeah, there is a difference between anarchy and chaos and its more than some logo bourgoise metal kids attatch to their clothes untill they get a job in daddys bank. I was raised in the Hardcore Punk scene by the underdogs of the world, and they raised me well.
I decided to get rid of all my bio on here that was bigging me up, telling you my acomplishments and what the mags have said to instead let you decide for yourself, it seems the only right thing to do in a place where we are told what is good and what to buy, where I am trying to encourage people to think for themselves to only let you think for yourself
I am part of the BOS crew and a proud member of [Beats]tiality, go and scope to see the talent, and live in Castleward in Scarborough, my home, where I represent and where I try and improve
My EP is now deleted but dont pay for dumb prices on certain sites, as its shit anyway, just keep looking for the new stuff.
Part of my job lets me take Hip Hop and teach other people who are disadvantaged in society, from Prisons to Youth Clubs, to give them a voice that Hip Hop enables us working class people, and a weapon in the music to which people will listen
Anyway I dont need to big myself up in a bio as my skills speak for themselves ;0)
Thank you to those in the Hardcore and Hip Hop community that continue to support and to my people I call friends, Love spread to you all
I want to dedicate this site to my brother LAWRENCE CHARLES KOPPERT, 1981 - 2005, murdered by the Prison System, a system that repeatadly fails and targets only those that are working class or of non white skin colour, talking down to us when we need food to eat not laws. Murded by the Police system and their constant harrassment and dissempowerment. YOU SERVE US! Stop protecting middle class business and property and help those that need it traiters. There are others that caused it and things have been said. You have my acceptence of your grief of your deeds and peace is sworn but one step out of line and BOS will step up. I am proud of you Lawrence and miss you with every breath, wish you could see your nephew now kidda. Rest In Peace
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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