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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Started in music a long time ago, and still at it!
I'm a recording engineer, producer, studio designer, president of a record label, and manage some very interesting artists. Lots of good news to come soon on that front!
Built my own studio a couple of years ago, just to get to work in a place I love to be in, and have all the gear I like ready to go - instead of having to commute between London, LA and NY all the time. The studio is doing great, everyone seems to love it here. Inside the place looks a little like an African village, an environment ideal for just being creative.
I was very fortunate when I started, as it was in the most creative time in music, which allowed me to work with good artists, either live and / or in the studio.
Apart from being the "sound guy" behind the Dutch bands who suddenly came on the scene, like Golden Earring, Shocking Blue, Focus, I worked with The Who, Pink Floyd, ABBA, Janis Joplin, Frank Zappa, Beach Boys, Rory Gallaher, J.Geils, Doobie's, Lynnard Skinnard, Yes, Rod Stuart, The Faces, Art Blakey, Thelonious Monk, Stan Kenton, Lional Hampton, even Marlene Dietriech! And that was just sample.
If you have any questions about recording and such, feel free to ask.
Look at the pictures if you want to see some shot of the studio
Want to see / read more? go to my website

My Interests

Music, all kinds - but especially African Hip-Hop, sailing, horses

I'd like to meet:

Any good musician who's serious about his / her craft


Assert - If you've gotta do punk you might as well do it right!
Radiohead - Do it even better live
Skunk Anansy - Skin kicks a$$
The Who - Still miss my old friend Moony, and now John as well R.I.P.
Uru - Just simple god given talent
J.Geils - "Serves You Right to Suffer", my all time fav. song / anthem
My sons - Find them yourself! They have something to say
Aynsley Dunbar - Still the best!
Mel Brown - God on Bass


Magnolia's, Eve's Bayou


Boston Legal, Father Ted, BBC News


Messages from Michael


Everyone involved in those couple of "special" gigs that made my, and the whole audience's, hair stand on end. If you've been in the music bizz long enough, you'll know what I mean.

My Blog

Check out this video: Being Uru

Check out this video: Being Uru Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by sjoko on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:18:00 PST


Should I do? Or should I dont?? Time to blurb something on a topic that seems to occupy a lot of musical minds, one Ive heard some are even afraid to ask! (since when have musicians turned into ti...
Posted by sjoko on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 02:18:00 PST