Save the Enviroment, Protect Children, Humane treatment of Animals. I love saling, camping. Looking for lost treasure. Ham radio, playing Sims 2.
My hero Captain Paul Watson defender and protector of marine life in our Oceans. The Shepherd Conservation Society that left Melborne to defend the whales in Antartica against Japan's annual whale hunt. Hope you kickass.Steve Irwin [I will love him to the day I die. Crikey I still cry for you mate.] Bob Hunter, one of the most inspiring and visionary environmentalist of our time. Get Image Rollover Effects at
Joe Cocker [ONE WORD...AWESOME] I love him drunk, stoned, out of his head. No one like him. His music is a part of my best moments. The Who,too many to mention.
My favorite movie is Nine and a Half weeks. I love old movies.
Law and Order Criminal Intent (Vincent D'Onofrto) Discovery Channel
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