Support Antifa! profile picture

Support Antifa!

¡No Pasarán!

About Me

Please add (our main website) to your bookmarks - like all radical Myspace profiles, we may be deleted without warning!
Myspace is a very public place. Be careful about the information you reveal here - someone, somewhere, is probably watching. Don't be paranoid, but be safe.


Our recent appeal for funds to support anti-fascists in Eastern Europe has been a great success. Our comrades are now able to get full legal representation for their upcoming trial. We'll keep you informed of the outcome on our main website .

The following have generously donated to the fund:

Pumpkin Records
Punk Attack (organising benefit gigs)
Republica Internationale

There are also many donors who have chosen to remain anonymous, but we're no less grateful for their contributions.

Buy The T-Shirt


'Support Antifa!' has been set up to help provide financial assistance to anti-fascist groups and individuals in need. We are doing this by selling merchandise at cost price plus a donation. 100% of all donations made to 'Support Antifa!' will go directly to aid those who fight against fascism. We believe in mutual support and mutual solidarity and, more importantly, we believe in putting our money where our mouths are.

We are more than happy to hear from and link to like-minded groups and individuals on Myspace, but please don't be offended if we turn down your friend request or comment - there's no offence meant, we're just trying to keep things here focused on our message.

Please visit our website for more information.

Our Postion (adapted from Antifa UK)


Antifa is an international movement comprised of local groups of militant anti-fascists. We exist to confront fascist ideas, activities and organisations wherever and however they occur. We utilise a wide range of tactics and believe it is important to confront fascism physically as well as ideologically. We do not advocate the electoral process as the means of defeating fascism nor will we work with groups that do. Our structure is anti-authoritarian and non-hierarchical. We oppose discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, disability or age.


It is a mistake to see fascism solely in terms of extreme far-right nationalist political parties. While these are the most obvious target for an anti-fascist campaign, many policies promoted by other parties are equally fascist in nature, and demand an appropriate reaction. The media is also guilty of pushing far-right ideology (the tabloid treatment of the issues surrounding refugees for example) and their actions often fall within the remit of an anti-fascist group. We should oppose fascist ideology whatever its source. Equally, fascism is often used as a synonym for racism. Racism is a tool frequently employed by fascist movements, but it is important to be aware that fascists can be non-racist and that many racists are not fascists. While our major target is fascism, we must be aware that bigotry in all forms (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc) needs to be fought, whether it comes from the mouths of fascists or from elsewhere.


Fascism is a violent ideology. Throughout history, fascists have used violence against those who oppose them. Antifa is a continuation of the anti-fascist tradition of confronting fascism physically when it is necessary. Physical confrontation is only one of our tactics though, we do not aim to fetishise it as one tactic above all others, nor will we allow a hierarchy to develop based on the kudos of street-fighting. If an individual member feels unable to engage on this level they are no less worthy as an anti-fascist than any other member of the group. However, those with a moral problem regarding this issue should be advised that Antifa is not the movement for them.


In keeping with our anti-authoritarian ideas, we seek to challenge hierarchy within our own movement and elsewhere. We do not believe in fixed leadership or power structures. Within Antifa we make decisions on a consensus basis to ensure that the opinions of all within the group are represented as far as possible. Where an organising role needs to be taken on by one or more people (for example, acting as chief steward during an action), we accept that this is immediately revocable should the members of the group be dissatisfied, and that the appointment of any role that could be seen as leadership is temporary and based on group consensus. There are situations in militant anti-fascism where decisions have to be made quickly and it is vital that those involved trust the person who is making those decisions. It is also vital that appointing those decision-makers does not create any unspoken hierarchy, so we encourage the rotation of roles as far as possible. The structure of our own movement needs to reflect our political goals.


The success of fascist politics depends on a divided and unorganised working class. Antifa believes that the means to effect social change must mirror the ends we wish to achieve, and therefore, reflecting our wider beliefs, we will never exclude any individual on the basis of their sex, race, age, (dis)ability, sexuality or any similar grounds.


For decades some revolutionary left groups have opportunistically used the mobilisation against fascism as a way of trying to swell their membership numbers and the coffers of their party. We are not interested in working with these groups, nor with their front groups. Our experience is that these front groups exist merely to try and recruit members on behalf of the controlling party, to peddle their papers, and to manipulate and marginalize genuine anti-fascists. In the past we have seen the leadership of such fronts collaborate not only with the State, but also with the fascists themselves. We will not be fooled again, and advise genuine anti-fascists within these organisations to leave, after which we may be able to work with them.


Voting is something that allows the State to pretend we live in a democracy, and it is a tactic used by fascist parties to promote themselves and their policies. It is ridiculous to suggest that voting helps to stop fascism. This is the sort of insult to working class communities that has allowed fascist groups to grow. This is the case whether we are being told to vote for the old Statist parties or opportunist fronts. The problems that allow racism and fascism to flourish will not be solved simply by voting for parties which mask their fascism slightly more cleverly than openly fascist groups, nor for some middle-class tourist standing on a left-wing ticket.


Eliminating the threat of fascism will not magically correct all the wrongs of the world. The first stage of real lasting social improvement begins with the downfall of global capitalism and its replacement with an alternative that puts working class people in control of their own lives. Members of Antifa are involved in a wide variety of other anti-capitalist struggles, but Antifa itself remains focussed on the fight against fascism, which we believe is linked to the wider struggle. The State will employ fascist tactics if necessary in the cause of suppressing dissent, and the fight against openly fascist ideology, wherever it comes from, is a critical part of the fight against the ultimate enemy - capitalism itself.


Fascism can be suppressed by the use of street-level tactics against their attempts to publicly organise. The fascists' electoral ambitions can be defeated by the use of counter-propaganda. But a meaningful impact on fascism requires far more than this. We believe that involvement in local communities is critical (and this does not mean parachuting in as outsiders, but as people taking action in our own communities). Education and presenting workable solutions to the problems faced by communities are absolutely vital to the struggle. These may be outside the current remit of Antifa, but we will wholeheartedly support these tactics and, while we may not be able to initiate such activities, we strongly encourage Antifa supporters to involve themselves in this sort of grass-roots work.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Buenaventura Durruti


Working class resistance fighters everywhere

My Blog

1936 friends added!

We have just added our 1936th friend. As all anti-fascists know, 1936 was an important year in our struggle against the nazi menace. The heroism of working class men and women in the face of the masse...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:30:00 PST

Main website redesigned

We have moved our main website over to Wordpress, open-source web publishing software used for blogging and content management. This will allow us to easily update the site with current news, informat...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:44:00 PST

Update from The Love Park 4 - help needed.

Received from 'Support The Love Park 4':It's been awhile since we updated everyone on our case. First of all, we want to really thank all of our friends and comrades for their outpouring of support si...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:18:00 PST

Make A Donation And Get A Free CD!

M.A.D. (Mutual Assured Destruction) have kindly donated a box of their EP and full-length CDs to us. The EP is a 6 track CD-R, while the full-length CD comes in a jewel case with booklet and features ...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 04:26:00 PST

URGENT APPEAL - Donate A Dollar To Support The Morristown 3!

From The Morristown 3 Support Group:The Morristown 3 are Jonny, Andrew and Abe, members of Anti-Racist Action. They were arrested for justly defending themselves after they were attacked at a rally in...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 12:36:00 PST

Antifa t-shirts - price reduced

We have decided to sell our t-shirts at the cost price of £10 plus a donation to 'Support Antifa!' (instead of £15 including a 'donation'), as we feel more comfortable asking people to donate what the...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:21:00 PST

G8 Rostock

We stand in solidarity with our comrades in Rostock and beyond, and salute your courage as you take action against the forces of capitalism. Your struggle is ours....
Posted by Support Antifa! on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:51:00 PST

Antifa hack online nazi shop!

Last year, antifa activists hacked customer details from German neo-nazi website The full list contains names, addresses, telephone numbers and email details of hundreds of custome...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:54:00 PST

V-Punk - nazi band (no longer) attempting to tour UK - UPDATED

We have received information that V-Punk ( have close associations with fascists and WP bands. Members of the band mix with known neo-nazis, have played at Blood &...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:26:00 PST

Please be careful

Neo-nazis in Britain are keen to gather information on their opponents (i.e. anyone working class and proud of it). They run a website called Redwatch, where fascists are encouraged to post info abou...
Posted by Support Antifa! on Thu, 17 May 2007 06:50:00 PST